2020 pet magazine

Page 8 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 can be costly, but again with pet lovers, you don’t hear any complaints. Taking care of pets just comes naturally. So what if you don’t have a pet anymore? You just borrow the neighbor’s pet and that solves everything. For Sharon McCain of Lincoln, the owner of a now 15-year-old deaf Yorkie named Brandy, she got the best of both worlds when she moved next to Sandy Wilham and Jennie Brosman, two retirees who no longer have pets. McCain was initially a little concerned when she got a six-week- old Brandy. “I thought these women next door keep their yard so nice so I am going to have to keep a leash on my little dog, and they ended up being the grandparents to my little dog,” McCain said with a smile. “Sandy walked over one day and she just melted when she seen my dog and then she held my little dog. After that we ended up like family. That little dog brought us together.” Wilham, an animal lover her whole life, said pets are the ones that help their owners become more social. “Pets get you out and about so you come in contact with people and become friendly,” said Wilham. And on the subject of out and about, it is the neighbors, Wilham and Brosman, who spoil Brandy every day with a ride around town in a little pickup truck. On warm days, Brandy sticks her nose out the window and into the wind, loving every minute of it. Brandy knows as soon as she gets in the truck, Brosman will pass out treats, while Wilham gets the pillow situated for comfort. Talk about riding in style. Literally Brandy fell into the lap of luxury with these neighbors. And these ladies already have their eyes on a new dog in the neighborhood. He’s a Parti Yorkie weighing in at about a pound-and-a- half so far and goes by the name of Moose. If Moose plays his cards right, he just might get the opportunity to call “shotgun” in that little pickup once in a while. Animals certainly bring people together among other things. “They keep people company in their house too,” said Wilham. “You never need to be lonely.” “Dogs just wait for you to get home,” added McCain. “They are a big part of your family.” Family. That seems to be the common theme here with pets at the center of it all - right where they deserve to be. [Teena Lowery] In the truck pictures are Jennie Brosman in the driver’s seat and Sandy Wilham in the passenger seat with Brandy on her lap pillow.