2021 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 21, 2021 Page 23 4. Leslie Wilson’s story In December 2006, Leslie and her husband were talking about getting a dog. Her husband was fond of Miniature Pinschers. They got a call that LCAR had received 14 dogs that were Miniature Pinschers and Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua mix. They went and saw a tiny skittish male dog hiding in the corner and immediately fell in love with him. They adopted him, naming him Frazier. They were also asked if they could foster a female named Minnie, and so they went home with 2 dogs. Minnie was being held for a man in Taylorville, and after a few weeks was transported to Taylorville, but that relationship did not work out because Mini apparently didn’t like men. So she came back to the Wilson household, and ended up being Leslie’s close companion. Minnie was a “velcro” dog and ultimately warmed to Leslie’s husband. Frazier Minnie passed away five years ago on Valentine’s day. Frazier survives to this day and is now 14-15 years old. The experience with animal adoption has been so positive for the Wilsons that they now have 3 dogs, including Buddy, a lab mix. Minnie Buddy Continue p