2021 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 21, 2021 Page 51 Most veterinarians recommend that kittens be spayed or neutered at some point between the age of eight weeks and six months. Of great importance, breast cancer is very aggressive in female cats. Spaying before the first heat cycle almost completely eliminates the risk of mammary or breast cancer. However, the balance is between risks. Surgery and anesthesia becomes safer for older animals. Spaying also eliminates the chances of Pyometra or uterine cancer in females, and for males, neutering reduces the chance of testicular cancer. Another benefit to both male and female cats is that it lowers chances at acquiring Feline AIDS and Leukemia. Biting, scratching and other aggressions during breeding or fights increases transmission of diseases. Dogs When considering whether or not to have your canine friend spayed or neutered, some factors vary from cats and need to be considered for your dog’s best health and well-being. PetMD X 2 (benefits and risks) Spaying or neutering can reduce the instances of particular cancers. Same as for cats, the cases of mammary cancer and pyometra are reduced in female dogs, and testicular cancer and prostate cancer are reduced in males. Continue p