2018 Relay for life
2018 RELAY FOR LIFE MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JUNE 27, 2018 Page 79 In honor of David Schmidt -Violet Beck In memory of Joyce Seaman -- Fran Petersen In honor of Sue Seaman “Remembered by” -- Josh, Mary and Rita In memory of Jim Seaver -- Kris, Tim, Laura and Colin Centers In honor of Janet Seiler -- Donna Miles In memory of Kristi Sewing -- Eric and Angie Eskra In honor of Barb Shaffer -- Darrell and Lorrie Paige (Sponsor) In honor of Jack Shaffer -- Darrell and Lorrie Paige (Sponsor) In memory of Norma Shanle -- Anne Stoltzenburg In memory of Dayle Shay -- Ted and Judy Awe -- the Dayle Shay Family In honor of Sue Shay -- Joe and Kenda Jones In honor of Sandy Shehorn -- Kaggie In honor of Joyce Shirley -- Betty Gail Wagner In honor of Janice L. Sielaff “Remembered by” -- Ted and Judy Awe In honor of Jan Sielaff -Don and Anna Sielaff In honor of Phyllis Weingarz Simpson -- LCHS Class of 1955 In honor of Hermine Singleton -- Staci Lacefield In honor of Deb Skelton -- Bert Hildebrandt In honor of Mabel Skelton -- Rusty, Stacie, Rachel, Grace and Clayton In memory of James R. Sloan -- Fran Petersen In honor of Julie Sloan -- Fran Petersen In memory of Martha Sloan -- Fran Petersen In memory of Stephen “Bud” Sloan -- Fran Petersen In memory of William Sloan -- Fran Petersen In support of Andy Swanson Smith -- Jim and Teresa Phelan In honor of Bill Smith -- His Family In honor of Norma Smith -- Her Family In honor of Kay Snyder -- Richard and Kay Snyder In honor of Richard Snyder -- Richard and Kay Snyder In honor of Bill Sparks -- Tom and Ruth Anne Sparks In honor of Bob Sparks -- Tom and Ruth Anne Sparks Continued u
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