2019 Relay for Life
2019 RELAY FOR LIFE MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JUNE 19, 2019 Page 41 Auction brings excitement to the evening hours Photos and story by Nila Smith This year, the annual Relay for Life Auction was conducted by Dan Naughton of Atlanta with the assistance of Dennis, Debbie and Samantha Cooley. Each year the Cooley’s serve as the coordinators of the auction, keeping all the items organized and making sure that the winning bidder gets their product, and of course, pays their bill. This year there were a number of very nice items. Some of the more notable pieces were the lap and child-sized quilted comforters made by Ruth Gordon. Ruth is a cancer survivor and one of this year’s honorary co-chairs at the Relay. She’s had two bouts with cancer, one quite recently, but she has come out on the other side and is doing well. Ruth included a note with her donated comforters saying that she had made the items during the period of time when she was going through her cancer treatments. There was a large collection of the Gordon pieces and all together they brought in a nice chunk of change for the American Cancer So- ciety and Relay for Life. Another big seller was a Knock Out rose bush that became the subject of one bidding war, bringing the price of the lovely flower up to around $100 before Naughton called it sold. Other items that brought in good money for relay in- cluded a large recliner donated by Jake’s in Lincoln and a gas fire pit. The most fun of the night was once again courtesy of Tabitha Weidhuner who was bound that no matter what she was going to own the nicely decorated Relay for Life corn hole boards, even if it meant bidding against one of her own team members. In the end, the boards brought in the vicinity of $300 and Tabitha celebrated the win. There were a lot of good offerings including a large number of flower plants and hangers, collectible toys, gift cards, cookware, home décor, and much more.
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