Logan County Trees
How well do you know the trees of this fair county?


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1. Tilia: largemouth or smallmouth
3. cling or freestone
5. Gleditsia: Honey and Sunburst are varieties
7. Betula: known for its peeling white bark
11. Malus coronaria: a grumpy fruit tree
12. Juglans nigra: you get walnuts from one of these
14. Sorbus: besides smoke, what you get when you burn wood
16. Populus: flying white fuzz comes from this giant
17. Juniperus: aromatic wood that resists rotting
19. Ginko: strange leafed tree known for its medicinal purposes
20. Gymnocladus dioicus: giant American coffee trees
22. Liriodendron tulipfera: named for flowers from Holland
24. Prunus americana: flowering and fruiting tree; purple fruit.
26. Asimina triloba: wild fruiting tree two syllables which are the same; grow in patches
28. Acer saccharinum: most common tree around; silvery undersides to leaves
31. Liquidambar styraciflua: aromatic star-shaped leaves with hard, pointy fruit
32. Acer negundo: attracts a reddish beetle of the same name
34. Ulmus: Chinese and slippery are among the varieties of this Illinois native
36. Carya: shagbark
37. copious grayish leaves; showy cousin of the fruiting variety which you eat with pimentos
41. Cornus florida: woof woof
42. Pyrus: Bradford is the flowering variety; Bosc, and Anjou are the fruiting varieties
43. Aesculus glabra: this is Ohio's state tree


2. Pinus strobus: long, fine green needles on this sticky-barked tree
3. Populus: Lombardi is one of the varieties
4. Castanea dentata: ________ roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose....
6. Platanus occidentalis: pale gray bark, wide lobed leaves; stands very tall; asymmetrical shape.
8. Crataegus: white flowers which smell sickingly sweet in May and June; later, red berries; long thorns
9. Salix: weeping, black and swamp are varieties of this tree
10. Quercus macrocarpa: fruits with acorns with little furry fringes
13. Acer sacharum: syrup comes from these trees
15. Picea: make neat, smart, or trim; needled tree Colorado, Norwegian and blue are varieties
16. Catalpa speciosa: cigar tree also known as Indian bean
18. Acer rubrum: five-lobed tree with red leaves in summer and yellow leaves in fall.
21. Acer platanoides: five-lobed leaves on this popularly cultivated tree known for its color, shape and shade
23. Tilia americana: heart-shaped leaves with fragrant yellow flowers; also known as American Basswood
25. Abies: balsam is one of these; often sold as Christmas trees
27. Magnolia: large, pink tuliplike flowers, blooming in early spring.
29. Morus rubra: fast growing, fast spreading berry tree that the birds love
30. Prunus: known for its red fruit with a pit
33. Cercis canadensis: heart-shaped leaves with early purplish blossoms
35. Quercus palustris: tall, strong tree with narrow lobed leaves, small acorns.
38. Rhus typhina: staghorn is one of its varieties; milky juice in leaves; often short and crooked, not treelike.
39. Malus sylvestris: as American as _______ pie.
40. Ilex opaca: besides the pine, another foliage used as a Christmas decoration; stickery leaves.

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