You can be an LDN sponsor

Personal SponsorDay SponsorLDN sponsorship form,  
LDN sponsors

LDN sponsorship program

Do you enjoy Lincoln Daily News?  Do you appreciate LDN's positive role in the community?  Do you like the convenience of seeing Logan County news, commentary and pictures right here on your screen wherever you are?  We hope you do. And if you do, you also have an opportunity to help. You can be a personal sponsor of LDN. All readers are welcome to participate. There is no minimum commitment. You can find details and a form below.

LDN is a free service to the community. There are no subscription fees. There never have been.

 To fund this publication from the community, we depend on advertising revenue and personal contributions.

You can help support the work with a one-time gift or a regular commitment. You can choose to make a weekly, monthly or annual contribution. Your gifts will be receipted, and sponsors will be listed on a sponsor page in LDN.

You can also be a day sponsor and celebrate a special event by underwriting the production of LDN for a day of your choice. This gives you an opportunity to supply your own material for publication on a special page. Click here for details.

LDN and its readers are interdependent. We're here to present local news, your news. In turn, your sponsorship is important to LDN.

We appreciate your support!


Personal Sponsor program

Personal Sponsorship of LDN:

LDN is distributed daily on the web free to our readers.  There is no subscription rate, no paper boys (or girls), no carriers, and the readers never get a bill.

Lincoln Daily News derives all of its funds from two sources –

Ø   Advertising Revenue

Ø   Sponsorships


Personal Sponsors are people who believe in Lincoln Daily News and are committed to supporting LDN.

Personal Sponsors give money to LDN in lieu of a subscription to receive our publication:

q       a one-time payment

q       a weekly, monthly or annual commitment


What personal sponsors receive in return:

1.  A receipt for their “subscription.”

2.  A personal listing of sponsorship on the LDN sponsor page.

3.  Our heartfelt thanks.

4.  The knowledge that you are helping LDN to continue telling the stories of our community.

Note: Lincoln Daily News is a for-profit corporation.  Gifts to LDN will be receipted as subscriptions and may be deductible on your income taxes as such.  Consult your tax-preparer for more information.

Click here for sponsorship form

LDN sponsors

LDN thanks these readers for their gifts:

Kathleen McCullough

Robert Wood

Lloyd L. Evans

Bill Horn
Fort Myers, Fla.

Paul Meints

Wendy Bell

Debra S. Cook

Penny Zimmerman-Wills


Donald Weindorf
Weeping Water, Neb.

Jerry Shockey
Sahuarita, Ariz.

Jan Gleason


Day Sponsor program

Becoming a DAY SPONSOR:

A DAY SPONSOR underwrites the production of LDN on a particular day in order to:

v Honor a family member, remember an anniversary or a birthday, or bring attention to a friendship or someone who has meant a great deal in your life.

v Bring attention to a product or a service your business offers.

v Help the community remember a specific event.

v Celebrate life in our community.


DAY SPONSORS will receive:

1. Notable mention of their DAY SPONSORSHIP on the front page of LDN on the day of their choosing.

2.   A page devoted to their DAY SPONSORSHIP in LDN complete with pictures they supply complete with captions, dedications, and descriptions that they want to include.


All DAY SPONSORSHIPS should be paid for and arranged at least one week in advance.  Please supply all pictures (which will be returned), dedications, and descriptions at that time.


To arrange for day sponsorships call (217) 732-7443, send a fax to (217) 732-9630 or click right here:

LDN sponsorship form

I would like to be a personal sponsor for LDN!

Note: Lincoln Daily News is a for-profit corporation. Sponsorships to LDN will be receipted as subscriptions or sponsorships and may be deductible on your income taxes as such. Consult your tax-preparer for more information.

Return completed forms with your sponsorship gifts to:

Lincoln Daily, 601 Keokuk St., Lincoln, IL 62656

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