Redistricting pulls Elkhart and Lincoln into state Rep. Gwenn Klinger’s territory

[DEC. 8, 2001]  State Rep. Gwenn Klingler, R-Springfield, has announced her candidacy for re-election to the Illinois House of Representatives. Klingler was first elected to the House in 1994; she is seeking her fifth term as a lawmaker.

Under the newly drawn redistricting map, state Rep. Klingler’s district will include southwest Springfield, south of South Grand and the Lake Springfield area. She said she is also happy that she will retain all of the communities in south Sangamon County, which she currently represents. In addition, she adds the communities of Rochester and Pleasant Plains in Sangamon County, Menard County, and southwest Logan County, including Elkhart and Lincoln.

"As state representative, I have made it a goal of mine to provide responsive leadership in helping my communities and constituents solve problems, and to develop and support responsible legislation addressing both statewide and local concerns," said Klingler. "I feel I have done a good job and would like to continue serving as state representative."

Since being elected, Rep. Klingler has focused a great deal of attention on helping the University of Illinois at Springfield. "In my first year we passed the legislation to merge Sangamon State University with the University of Illinois. And later we were finally able to establish the four-year Capital Scholars program. Last year, I was successful in helping UIS to secure $30 million to build new classrooms and office space. I am excited about seeing the campus continue to grow and add new academic programs," said Klingler.


Rep. Klingler is widely known for her efforts on behalf of children. A mother of two and grandmother of one, Gwenn Klingler has stated repeatedly that safety for children has always been her highest priority. She sponsored the Child Sex Offender Notification Bill in 1995, and it has since become a national model for procedures established to track sex offenders. Rep. Klingler has been recognized by the Illinois Foster Parent Association for her work in passing the Foster Parent’s Bill of Rights, and in 2000 she began addressing needs of foster children for higher education by donating her legislative scholarships to DCFS for foster children. Last spring, Klingler addressed concerns of constituents about youth injured or killed in automobile accidents driven by underage drivers on learner’s permits by passing Heather’s Law. Klingler was also selected Child Care Advocate of the Year for the Day Care Association for her work in improving access to safe day care.


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Rep. Klingler understands that agriculture is vital to central Illinois and is the backbone of our economy in Illinois. She has worked closely with area farmers on issues relating to agriculture and has been recognized by the Illinois Farm Bureau for her efforts. "I am especially proud of the three Friend of Agriculture Awards that I have received from the Illinois Farm Bureau. I have worked very hard to understand the needs of our agriculture community and have responded to their needs," Klingler said.

Rep. Klingler has also made health care a priority throughout her tenure in the Illinois House. In her first term she worked on the problem of "drive-through deliveries" to allow new mothers to stay in the hospital beyond 24 hours. Two years ago the focus was on managed care reform to be certain that patients had the access to quality care promised them when they joined an HMO.


Finally, Klingler stated that she supported the Illinois FIRST program in an effort to secure millions of dollars in funding to help her communities pay for new sewers, water towers, roads, firehouses, village halls and public safety equipment.

"I look forward to forging new relationships in Logan and Menard counties and want everyone there to know that I will be as accessible to them as I am to my current constituency," she said.

[News release]

LDC update:  No decision yet!

[DEC. 8, 2001]  It was the 30-day decision mark on Friday.  He had the special report from Linda Renee Baker, secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services, with a recommendation about Lincoln Developmental Center's future, in his hands.  Yet, rather than make that decision, Gov. George Ryan came to Lincoln on Friday to tour the Lincoln Developmental Center.  He took an hour-long tour, seeing for himself the condition of the residents and buildings on the campus.

Repeatedly the governor has stated that his primary concern is for the residents.  If you wrote him with your support to keep the facility open, you received a letter back, and the opening of the second paragraph  said, “My first priority is to the residents of Lincoln Developmental Center and making sure their health and safety are not compromised."  Its closing said, “I am weighing all the options and will make a decision based on what is best for the people who live there.”

U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood said he would like to see the facility continue making the necessary changes that will keep it open: “Correct the things that are wrong.” LaHood committed that he is willing to work to help secure the federal funding that is needed if he is asked.

Residents, parents, employees and all of Lincoln and the surrounding area wait as the governor weighs all the issues regarding this valued home for our disabled children.  Many area residents have posted red "We Support LDC" signs in their shop windows and in their yards.

A decision by Gov. Ryan is expected sometime next week.

[Jan Youngquist]

Governor hears appeal by LDC parents

[DEC. 7, 2001]  Hard-hit Lincoln Developmental Center finds itself struggling to keep its century-old doors open in the wake of one pummeling blow after the next. What began as some needed corrections for the protection and safety of some of its most handicapped residents before recertification is awarded has led to mass disruption for residents and staff at the facility. Upper management was changed, new procedures were enacted, new training for employees began, and some residents were moved to other facilities to improve staff-to-resident ratios.

Things were looking up at the end of last week when they had just survived state budget cuts. But less than one week later everyone is holding their breath as more incident reports were filed against the facility by inspectors with the Illinois Department of Human Resources. Topping the negative charges came the announcement that federal funding has been cut.


[Photo by Bob Frank]

Thursday morning the Lincoln Parents Association called on Gov. George Ryan in an effort to express firsthand the quality of care and the importance of keeping this facility open. They began by meeting for a press conference to release their personal report, "Don’t Close Our Children’s Home." The report featured testimony from LDC residents’ parents. Following the press conference, the governor met privately with the Lincoln Parents Association and concerned persons; no press was allowed.

Following the meeting Linda Brown, president of the parents association, and Beth Davis, mayor of Lincoln, spoke to the press about what was said to the governor:


Linda Brown

When asked about her impression of the meeting with the governor:

"He’s hearing the bad things that have happened, and there are so many positives there and a dedicated staff. I’m very grateful that he met with us, and I am very happy that he took the time that he did. I’m just hoping that he will keep the facility open and they will give us more time and maybe change the 30-day period reports and give us six months, as some of the parents have said. Give us a chance, give the management a chance to get things back on track, because Lincoln is a quality facility."


[Photo by Bob Frank]

When asked by LDN reporter Bob Frank about how long Brown thought it will take to correct the problems at LDC, Brown responded as follows:

"I would say that within six months the facility can be back to where it was over two years ago. Two years ago we had bad management that was brought in. We had a warden from a prison that was brought in. She knew nothing about mental health or disabilities."

"They were understaffed, they were working double shifts. They were asked to do the impossible, but they came through."

Brown emphasized that "(bad) things are going to happen. They’re going to happen in your home, anywhere, any type of facility, whether it is a nursing home, a state-operated facility or in the community. Things are going to happen, and they are tragedies when they do. But you have to realize our children are severely developmentally disabled, and it takes special people to take care of them."


[to top of second column in this article]

What arguments were made to the governor by the parents association?

"We want more time for the new management to get things back together. There are so many changes in the last two months that no one could deal with them. They have moved residents from one building to another building. They have moved residents out. They have changed the staff. The parents are all devastated. The staff’s devastated."

"There have been 84 (residents) moved. Whenever a resident has been moved, the staff have been just as devastated. They’re like a parent to them. We have been told that the staff is not to be attached to our children. To us it is a comfort to have the staff that Lincoln has, and because they are a comfort to us, we feel that our child has had that."

"I would hope that he (the governor) will look at our testimonials and that he will listen to us and that we will weigh in on his judgment on what to do. We realize that he has a hard job to do and that he could be held accountable. But as a parent we just feel that LDC needs a chance to stay open."

Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis

When asked about her impression of the meeting with the governor:

"I felt like it was a compassionate hearing on his part. I think he will take all of this under advisement. I hope he will keep it open and (that he will) think about how it would be to have a child that is a developmental-disabled individual and how he would deal with it on a parent’s perspective. I’m hopeful!"


When asked what will happen if LDC closes:

"The city of Lincoln does not have a plan if the facility should be closed. I met with the governor and a few of the legislators last Thursday. I asked, if he was planning to close this, if he would put another state facility in its place. This would be a very big devastation on Lincoln and Logan County economy."

In speculating what might be a possible replacement for LDC if it should close, Mayor Davis suggested, "Anything that would be of service to help individuals that needed help. We have 700 jobs out there. We have to be realistic about it." She added, "I wouldn’t want another prison, but I would think that that might be a possibility. At least the land would be conducive to that."

The governor is expected to make a decision later today about LDC staying open.

[Jan Youngquist]


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LDC supporters now must wait

[DEC. 7, 2001]  A group of Lincoln Developmental Center employees and family members of the institution’s residents gathered in Springfield yesterday in a last-ditch effort to stave off closure of the beleaguered center.

The 125-year-old facility has been subject to extensive negative reports in regard to the well-being and care of residents in the past two years. In an effort to show their side of the institution, supporters painted a different picture of the developmental center, as being the best place for their children to live.


[Photo by Bob Frank]

In what must be considered rare, Gov. Ryan allowed 20 of the parents to meet with him to plead their case that the center stay open. In the governor’s own words the meeting was considered an emotional one.

Funding by both the state of Illinois and the federal Department of Health and Human Services will be required to allow the $35 million a year facility to remain open.


[to top of second column in this article]

Although state funding by itself will not be enough to maintain the facility, it has been widely assumed that federal dollars are following the lead of the state, and a reprieve by the governor could have a positive effect on federal officials changing their mind. Although federal funding was cut as of Nov. 21, the institution’s finances are adequate until March, according to Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield.

In the meantime, area leaders, employees of the center as well as residents, and local businesses must hold their breath to see if Lincoln loses its biggest employer. Illinois Department of Human Services chief Linda Renee Baker has reviewed the contents of a report about the care at the facility and will make a recommendation to the governor today about LDC’s future.

[Mike Fak]


LDC supporters speak out at City Hall

[DEC. 6, 2001]  With word that federal funding to support the Lincoln Developmental Center has been halted and the notification that the state Department of Health and Human Services will make their decision on funding this Friday, Mayor Beth Davis, in conjunction with LDC employees and the parents group, held a last-chance press conference at City Hall yesterday afternoon. The future of Lincoln Developmental Center has been uncertain since early fall, when federal investigators cited a number of problems that might endanger the health and safety of the residents. A new management team was installed to improve the staff-resident ratios.

The group of supporters jammed the mayor’s office, front hallway and spilled out onto the street in front.

With unusually warm temperatures, the mayor’s office soon took on the feel of a sauna as, one by one, employees and parents of residents pleaded their case to the governor to give LDC more time.


A common theme of speakers was that the state, by moving technicians into unfamiliar groups of residents, has set up the institution to fail the scrutiny of 27 appointed overseers.


An emotional mayor made a plea for all involved with the decision to hear fully the side of those fighting to keep the center open. State Rep. Jonathan Wright stated that the only advocacy group he held any stock in was the parents group of LDC, which unanimously has endorsed keeping the institution open.


[to top of second column in this article]

The issue has come to a boil due to write-ups by state officials last week that showed three incidents of residents placing indigestible items in their mouths. Rep. Wright asked if any family could hold up to the scrutiny imposed on the staff of Lincoln Developmental Center.


Bobbi Abbott, executive director of the Lincoln/Logan Chamber of Commerce, related how important the people and the jobs are to the economy of the area. She asked that state officials look at LDC visually rather than just reading reports on pieces of paper.


The group intends to gather again today at the governor’s office to try and plead their case directly. At this same time AFSCME officials are working in Washington to stay the initial decision by federal officials to halt their portion of the funding.

[Mike Fak]

Midwest November was
record-shattering warm

[DEC. 6, 2001]  With an average temperature of 46.5 F, the Midwest experienced its warmest November in the climate record, which dates back to 1895, shattering the 1931 record by 1.5 degrees, according to the Midwestern Regional Climate Center, located at the Illinois State Water Survey in Champaign.

Four states set records for highest monthly average temperatures: Iowa (47.3), Michigan (43.7), Wisconsin (42.9), and Minnesota (40.8).

It was also the third-warmest November in Illinois (49.4), Indiana (49.0), and Ohio (47.8); fourth-warmest in Missouri (50.7); and fifth-warmest in Kentucky (51.5).


"The remarkable thing about this warm November weather was its intensity and duration. The average temperature was 11.8 degrees above normal in Minnesota and 10.7 degrees above normal in Iowa, breaking the old records by more than 2.5 and 3 degrees, respectively," says Steve Hilberg, MRCC director.



[to top of second column in this article]

The warmest temperatures were in the western and northern Midwest for almost the entire month, while the eastern and southern Midwest were slightly cooler.

With the exception of a few weak, rapidly moving storm systems, high pressure dominated, which shifted the jet stream and cold air to the north. The pattern ended after an intense low pressure center and strong cold front moved through on Nov. 24 and 25.

The record temperature levels would have been even greater, but colder weather arrived during the last week of November. "The monthly departures from normal were actually running 2 to 3 degrees warmer until November 25, especially in the western portion of the region," says Hilberg.

[News release from 
Illinois State Water Survey]

Changes of address just got easier

Central Illinois residents among first to have new service

[DEC. 6, 2001]  Imagitas and the United States Postal Service launched, the nation’s first official online change of address service this fall. This service is now available in northern and central Illinois. The new site offers consumers the ability to change their address online as well as access a wide array of products and services needed to plan, move and settle in.

"At no cost to consumers or the Postal Service, takes the stress out of moving for the 41 million Americans who relocate each year by saving them valuable time and money," said Postmaster General John E. (Jack) Potter. " is a prime example of how the Postal Service is partnering with the private sector to offer customers secure, private, efficient services and decrease internal operational costs at the same time."

At, consumers can change their address online directly with the Postal Service, connect utility services, create a customized moving checklist, purchase online moving-related products, and obtain information about schools and local services as well as motor vehicle and voter registration.


" represents a tremendous convenience for the people of northern and central Illinois, whether they are relocating down the street or across the country" said Brett Matthews, CEO of Imagitas. "As a one-stop shop for many of the goods and services people need when they relocate, simplifies busy lives by helping American's plan, move and settle in. Imagitas is proud to partner with the United States Postal Service in the design and operation of this remarkable product."


[to top of second column in this article]

Northern and central Illinois were among the first areas in the country to receive this service, with Internet change of address planned to be available nationwide by mid-November. is fully compliant with the Workforce Investment Act, which requires federal electronic and information technology to be accessible to people with disabilities.

Imagitas first partnered with the United States Postal Service in 1993 to provide creative solutions to challenges involving mail forwarding. Since 1993 Imagitas and the Postal Service have created a trio of online and off-line products (Mover’s Guide™, Welcome Kit™ and that have improved customer satisfaction, reduced the stress of moving, and saved taxpayers $50 million.

[News release]

Military addresses sought

[DEC. 5, 2001]  It is a year like no other. Since Sept. 11 we are a changed nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and appreciative, first about those we love and see everyday. Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and property in our communities. We also now think more about our military men and women who are committed to serve and protect our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in defense of our freedom.

Lincoln Daily News is seeking the names and addresses, including e-mail addresses, of friends and relatives who are serving in the armed forces. They need not be from here in Logan County. If you know someone serving, please send the information to A complete list will be made available and kept updated through the site so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

Name of person in military:

Branch of service:

Current location of service:

Postal address:

E-mail address:

Relationship to LDN reader sending information (optional):


Anxieties are high following terrorist attacks and threats

How have we prepared in
Lincoln and Logan County?

It’s on the radio, TV, in all the media. You hear it in the office, on the street and maybe at home — threats of terrorism. America is on high alert. Here in central Illinois, away from any supposed practical target areas, perhaps we feel a little less threatened, but we are still concerned. So how concerned should we be, and how prepared are we for the types of situations that could occur?

Whether the threat is domestic or foreign, violent, biological or chemical, our public health and rescue agencies have been preparing to respond to the situations. Lincoln Daily News has been at meetings where all the agencies gather together as the Logan County Emergency Planning Committee to strategize for just such a time. Our reports have not even provided every detail that every agency has reported; i.e., a number of representatives from differing agencies such as the health and fire departments, CILCO and ESDA went to a bioterrorism and hazmat (hazardous materials) seminar this past August.

Here are some of the articles that LDN has posted pre- and post-Tuesday, Sept. 11. Hopefully you will see in them that WE ARE WELL PREPARED. At least as much as any area can be. Every agency has been planning, training, submitting for grants to buy equipment long before Sept. 11. We can be thankful for all of the dedicated, insightful leaders we have in this community.



[to top of second column in this section]

America strikes back

As promised, the United States led an attack on Afghanistan. The attack began Sunday, Oct. 7. American and British military forces made 30 hits on air defenses, military airfields and terrorist training camps, destroying aircraft and radar systems. The strike was made targeting only terrorists.

More than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have pledged their cooperation and support the U.S. initiative.

Online news links

Other countries









Saudi Arabia 


[to top of second column in this section]


United States


New York

Stars and Stripes
(serving the U.S. military community) 

Washington, D.C.


More newspaper links 


Landfill to be open seven days a week for leaf and brush disposal

[OCT. 12, 2001]  The city landfill on Broadwell Drive will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for leaf and brush disposal, beginning on Oct. 15, according to Donnie Osborne, street superintendent. Plans are to keep the new schedule in place until Dec. 15, he said. 

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