To watch and to fly

Ballooning makes a family event

Part 1

[JULY 21, 2001]  A hot-air balloon ride taken during a 1985 vacation to California changed Jim and Nancy Ireland’s life. "We took our first balloon ride that year in the Napa Valley and kind of got hooked on it," Nancy said.

Up Up And Away

by Jimmy Webb

Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?

Would you like to glide in my beautiful balloon?

We could flat among the stars together, you and I.

For we can fly.

We can fly!

Up, up and away, my beautiful, my beautiful balloon!

The world’s a nicer place in my beautiful balloon.

It wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon.

We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky.

Upon returning to their home in Lincoln, the couple began working on a crew for a hot-air balloonist in the area, but that wasn’t enough to fulfill their passion for their newly discovered sport. They soon purchased their first balloon, named Sunglow for its bright orange color, and Jim earned both his private and commercial pilot’s licenses. The couple now own their third balloon, which retains the same name but is drenched in a rainbow of colors.

But it’s not just the feeling of floating among the clouds or the fantastic views from above that keep the couple involved in the sport. "One of the greatest things about it is seeing people that come out and watch the balloons and take a ride and see how excited they are. Especially the children; they love it," she said


"I just enjoy the flying part of it. I like to fly. It’s just fun to be with the people and see the smile on the kids’ faces," her husband added.

The couple attend approximately 10 festivals a year, mostly in surrounding states, but have also flown several times in the Albuquerque Balloon Festival in New Mexico, which is one of the country’s largest events, with more than 500 participating balloons.

Ireland, 60, who is soon to retire from his job with the Illinois Department of Transportation, said he and his wife, who is already retired, plan to do a lot more traveling with their balloon in the future when time allows.


As with many hot-air balloon enthusiasts, the Irelands’ hobby is shared by their family. Their daughter Sherry, and her fiance are both hot-air balloon pilots, while their other daughter works on the crew.

For 41-year-old Aissa Frazier, the passion for the sport was sparked 13 years ago during her stint as chairman of the Logan County United Way. The organization sponsored one of the balloons at the Logan County Art and Balloon Festival, and her then 3-year-old son, Beau, was fascinated with the large, inflatable object. Over the years, they began
watching local events and assisting balloon crews.

"He wanted a balloon, and I told him when he was 16 he could get his license. We bought a balloon last May, and now we are both student pilots," she said. Her 14-year-old son, Luke, is already studying for the day he can be a student pilot, and her 6-year-old daughter lends a hand, while her two older children also join in the fun when visiting.

"It’s really a big family affair. We fell in love with that aspect of it. Groups of families crew together. For my family, it’s such a draw for us to be together," she said. "It’s fun the whole family can participate in together."


Frazier, vice-president of the Balloon Association of Greater Illinois, has named her balloon "Oh, Baby" because it signifies family ties.

While some pilots travel every weekend to some event across the country, Frazier, a principal at Heyworth Elementary School, said having a balloon has given her a way to help people. Although she does attend festivals and events in the Midwest, she has focused on events close to home and donated her skills to help raise money for a friend suffering from cancer, among other causes.



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"Some pilots travel every weekend and compete. It takes a fair amount of skill to make money competing, but some prize purses are much as $10,000. If you’re competitive, you can support your habit," she said. "We have given charity rides, and we use it for its fun.

"It’s amazing. I feel that God gives you some neat talents you can share with people, and this is my way. When you see people get so excited about something that’s positive and healthy, it’s such a good thing."

And, despite the fact that weather in the Midwest can be unpredictable, she says the view from above gives a new perspective to corn and beans. "I love the solitude. In the morning, the flying is unbelievably beautiful. In Illinois, to fly over a field of crops, it gives you such a good perspective of the beauty even here in the flatland. It gives you a different appreciation," she said.

Frazier also says the sport is something people of all ages can get involved in. "A member of our crew is in her late 60s and she loves it. Whether you’re 2 or 72, there’s something you can do, like drive the car, give weather reports, move the basket and a lot of things that allows everybody to feel like they are a part of it."


Hot-air balloon facts

*Hot-air balloons cost about the same as a car or boat. The most popular sport-size balloons cost between $18,000 and $25,000.

*There are more than 3,500 balloons and 5,000 licensed pilots in the United States.

*Hydrogen balloons were used by both armies for airborne observations during the Civil War.

*Two major causes of accidents involving hot-air balloons are landing in high winds and contact with power lines.

*Balloonists study all signs of air movement, such as flags, leaves and smoke. During very hot weather, pilots can judge surface wind direction by watching cows on the ground, who usually stand facing the breeze.


The communities of Champaign, Lincoln and Danville, which all host balloon festivals, also seem to have the most hot-air balloonists and balloon dealers. One reason for that, according to Frazier, is that the tradition and love of the sport is being passed on to the next generation. "We’re all grooming our children. Many people who first got involved are now getting their children involved," she said. "The Lincoln festival was small enough at the start that people could get involved. Now, it’s the second largest in central Illinois."

The best time for flying in central Illinois is during the months of August, September and October. "That’s prime ballooning season. The weather is more stable, and we have less rain and turbulence," Frazier said. "But flying in the winter is beautiful. You just have to dress warmer."

(To be continued)

[Penny Zimmerman-Wills]


Liquor commission deals with complaint

[JULY 20, 2001]  On Thursday evening the Lincoln Liquor Control Commission convened to hear a complaint registered against QWE, Inc., 201 Madigan Drive, doing business as "After Shock," owned by Gautam Patel. Sitting for the Liquor Control Commission were Les Plotner, city treasurer; Beth Davis, mayor; and Dave Story, former alderman. William Bates was the attorney for the liquor commission. Acting as attorney for the city was Nick Burgrabe. Presenting for Patel was his attorney, Phillip Montolvo.

On first glance this meeting appeared routine. As the meeting went on, though, the substance of the violation sparked more than mild interest of those in attendance. Not only did the issue at hand prove … interesting, but also the defendant readily agreed the complaint was valid.

The liquor code specifies that any establishment allowed to sell liquor shall not allow exposure of specific body parts nor unpermitted conduct. The complaint against After Shock is that said activities did occur.

The complaint stems from an incident that occurred at the dance club on the weekend of the April 27 or May 4. The incident took place on a weekend when the dance club was hosting one of its premiere "Extreme Fight Club" events. Extreme Fight Club began holding weekend events at the After Shock dance club early last spring. The fight club events are subcontracted by the dance club. A promoter for Extreme Fight Club handles all the event activities. Following the ring fights there is normally a segment called "ring girl competition." The Extreme Fight events are usually videotaped.


The activities that took place on one particular evening were extreme. Things got a little out of control. Evidence of that evening came into the hands of Lincoln Police Chief Richard Montcalm. One day in June he received a phone call offering a videotape from an event last spring. Chief Montcalm was not at liberty to say just who contacted him about the evidence.

In opening statements Patel’s lawyer said that his client did not dispute the allegations were true, offering that his client "had no prior knowledge of the activity, and that it occurred one time and one time alone." He also stated that they preferred not to call forward witnesses in order to avoid embarrassing them.

Those in attendance at last night’s hearing observed the video, which had about a 15-minute sequence that depicted four women fully disrobing, one at a time, and getting into the fight ring. This activity was a direct violation of the liquor code.


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Members of the commission asked a few clarifying questions about the awareness Patel had of the incident. He responded that he was not on the premises the evening this occurred and only learned for certain of it when he was served papers this last Friday. He had admitted earlier in the meeting, "I had heard rumors of it (after it occurred) but did not know it to be truth." He said that when he got the papers he asked the bartender in charge that night why he did not stop the behavior, and the bartender’s response was that he did not know what to do.

The commission evaluated other provisions of the liquor license. Patel was also questioned about the ratio of food-to-liquor sales he does. His license allows for 60 percent food and 40 percent alcohol sales. He said, "We sell a lot of hot dogs, chips and popcorn at these events." His kitchen is capable of catering.

In closing, Patel’s attorney, Montolvo, conceded the offense but pleaded that it be recognized that his client "had no prior knowledge of the event." He also requested that any penalty be deferred so that they be allowed to proceed with a long-scheduled wedding on Saturday, indicating that it would be undue hardship to the wedding family to find a new place to go.

Liquor Control Commission attorney William Bates then announced that the commission would adjourn to a closed session to discuss the matter.

The commission decided for the maximum penalty available without revocation under state law for a first offense. After Shock has been fined $1,000. In addition, beginning July 23 at 5 p.m. through midnight Aug. 22 their liquor license will be revoked for 30 days.

[Jan Youngquist]

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Looking for Lincoln

Director chosen for Lincoln documentary

[JULY 20, 2001]  Dean Williams, Still Photographer, from Springfield, has been chosen as the production company to direct the video of "Looking for Lincoln in Logan County." The video committee, chaired by Paul Beaver, recently chose this company after interviewing several.

The documentary will include the following: Middletown Stage Coach Inn, conversation with Mr. Lincoln and John D. Gillett in Elkhart, a courtroom scene in Mount Pulaski, the christening of the city of Lincoln at the Depot, and pictures by Lloyd Ostendorf. Other photographs and paintings will convey everyday scenes and events in the life of Abraham Lincoln.

Some extras dressed in period clothing (1840-1850) may be needed for scenes. Ron Keller, curator at Lincoln College Museum, can provide clothing information. You can reach him at 732-3155. If you would like to be added to the list of potential extras, call the Main Street Lincoln office at (217) 732-2929.

Beaver stated that the committee is still looking for the loan of any historical photographs or paintings that local residents have from that period. These will be used as background to lend authenticity to the video.

In other matters of discussion, it was announced that a meeting of volunteers of the Postville Courthouse is scheduled for Aug. 1 at 7 p.m. Volunteers are asked to bring suggestions and help determine what can be improved. Illinois FIRST has approved a grant to open the well at Deskin’s Tavern.


It was also mentioned that there has been a business request submitted to the city zoning committee for a lot to be rezoned near the Postville Courthouse. There are plans to put up a convenience store. This property is in the same area that is being planned as a historic district. People interested in this issue should either send a signed letter of objection to the zoning board of appeals or plan to attend the meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 16, at Lincoln City Hall.

City Hall

Attn.: Board of Appeals

Lincoln, IL 62656


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Jan Schumacher has prepared a brochure for a walking tour of the local Looking for Lincoln sites. It includes a map of the downtown area as well as one of the whole city. Ostendorf prints will be included, and the brochures will distributed in the area. The first printing will include 3,500 copies of the walking tour. It has been determined that most visitors to the Lincoln sites gain the information from travel writers and Main Street.

Ron Keller, director of the Lincoln College Museum, reported that the museum has a Madigan collection on temporary display until the new museum is built. The collection contains letters and other items which cover the work of Ed Madigan when he was in the House of Representatives as well as when he served as secretary of agriculture. The college expects that the Lincoln Center will be completed by commencement 2003.

Gillette Ransom announced that the Elkhart Homecoming is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday on Main Street in downtown Elkhart. The homecoming begins with a citywide yard sale at 8 a.m. There will be a parade at 3 p.m. Other attractions will include a cruise-in with all makes and models of cars, food, children's carnival games with prizes, and a kiddie tractor pull. Hypnotist Kent Sorrels and local talent will provide entertainment from 5:30 to 7 p.m. A street dance with music by UpFront will commence at 8 p.m., and there will be a cash drawing at 9 p.m. On Sunday, biscuits and gravy will be served from 7 to 11 a.m.

[Kathleen McCullough]

Local grandparents head back to school

[JULY 20, 2001]  As the first day of school approaches, local children, teachers and administrators won’t be the only ones packing their lunches and sharpening their pencils. Preparations are already under way for the Foster Grandparents of CIEDC to return to West Lincoln-Broadwell, Central, Adams, Jefferson, Northwest, Washington-Monroe and Chester-East Lincoln schools, where they will assist children with reading, writing and other special needs.

"As America goes back to school, our Foster Grandparents join thousands of Senior Corps volunteers who serve in school settings throughout the country," says Paula Poe, project director. Nationally, one-third of all Foster Grandparents serve in public and private schools, helping young children with special needs improve their literacy skills. Roughly the same number of Foster Grandparents address early childhood needs in Head Start programs and day-care centers.


"The Foster Grandparent program harnesses the time, talent and experience of one generation for the benefit of another," says Harris Wofford, CEO of the Corporation for National Service, which oversees the Foster Grandparent program. "The impact that a relatively small group of senior volunteers can have on students and an entire school is truly remarkable.

"The extra time and love that the Foster Grandparents can give individual children is worth it all."


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The CIEDC Foster Grandparent program has approximately 75 volunteers serving in eight counties in schools, Head Start and day-care centers. These volunteers also serve in Brenda Edgar’s "READS" program, Retirees Educating and Assisting in the Development of Students.

The National Service is a movement that engages Americans of all ages and backgrounds to help solve community problems. In addition to the Senior Corps — which involves a half million Americans age 60 and older as Foster Grandparents to troubled children and youth, Senior Companions to the homebound elderly, and RSVP volunteers in a myriad of community projects — the Corporation for National Service also oversees Ameri-Corps and Learn and Serve America.

[CIEDC news release]

Costs coming down for new
Central School construction

[JULY 19, 2001]  Ways to bridge the gap between the cost of the original design of the new Central School and the funds available to build it were the main subject of discussion at the July 18 meeting of the Lincoln Elementary District 27 school board.

That difference has now been pared down from about $800,000 to the $50,000 range, according to Fred Jaeckle of S.M. Wilson contractors and construction managers. Jaeckle and Bill Ahal, also of the Wilson firm, and architect Dave Leonatti explained details of the alternative construction methods and materials that will help to bring the costs down to the $5.4 million budget.

"The goal is to find alternatives to the original design without sacrificing the program," Ahal said. "Nothing in here [the revised plan] prohibits the school from functioning as intended."

One change under consideration is installing a two-pipe heating and cooling system rather than the more sophisticated four-pipe system. Although cheaper, the two-pipe system is less automatic and less flexible, but could still serve the needs of the school building, Ahal said. The district will still have the option of installing the four-pipe system if funds permit.


Another change already approved is an alternative structural system for the gymnasium, using a pre-engineered steel frame instead of concrete block bearing walls. Ahal said this would make no difference in the function of the building, and the metal roof on the gym would actually last longer than the shingle roof on the rest of the building. The metal roof could match the shingle roof in color and will last for 50 years. Also, a block wall will be constructed between the gym and the attached building, housing mechanical units to ensure safety and noise reduction.

Board member Leta Herrington questioned whether a metal roof would be noisier than the shingle roof originally planned. Ahal and Jaeckle noted that there were several layers of insulation between the roof and the gym ceiling but agreed to look at the Lincoln Park District Recreation Center, which also has a metal roof, and tell the board how the gym roof will compare with that one.


Another way to lower costs is to bid some items separately, such as bleachers, theater equipment, the gym divider, playground improvements and the projection screen.

"We can pull out pieces that can be bid as individual pieces for more competitive bidding," Leonatti said.

Ahal said the Wilson firm is still working on a plan for the electrical system to get the best value that will fit into the district’s budget.


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Herrington also questioned how inflation will affect the building of the new junior high school, which will be done after the Central School construction is completed and is not yet in the planning stage.

One factor that may work to lower building costs in the near future is the slowdown in the economy, Ahal said. "We may see prices drop by 1 1/2 percent."

"The building climate is better today," Leonatti added. "I am getting calls from suppliers, and there are contractors available looking for work."

Superintendent Robert Kidd also pointed out that the $4.1 received from the bond issue is out at interest and will add more money to the building fund.

Herrington and board member Stephen Rohrer expressed concerns over quality control during the bidding and also during the building process.

Jaeckle said the bidding would be broken in into "packages," such as excavation, concrete work, electrical, work, masonry, plumbing and drywall.


"It will be small and intimate enough that localism can come into play, if the local firm can handle the work," he said. The local firm of Eaton/Cutler-Hammer has already agreed to provide a discounted price for electrical switch boxes.

"We will have a full-time team on the project to watch the performance," he added. "They will be there every day to see things are done right."

The board voted to give the architect and construction management company authority to draw up documents, which includes specifications and blueprints, for further approval. After that, bids will be let for construction work and supplies.

Leonatti said this stage will take another two to three months, but he hopes to see ground broken for Central school by November or December of this year. The actual building process is estimated at 14 to 18 months.

As soon as the bids are let for Central School, work will begin with plans for the junior high school, Kidd said. Teachers will give the board and architect input on what they need, just as they did for Central, and the same process that went into the design of Central will be followed.

[Joan Crabb]

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Parking fines for 2-5 a.m. zones to go up

[JULY 19, 2001]  Motorists who park illegally in zones marked "No parking from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m." will soon see their fines go up from $3 per violation to $25. An ordinance raising the fine was passed July 16 by the Lincoln City Council.

The increase is an effort to keep the streets open so that street sweeping, snow removal, street striping and other work can be done downtown during those hours, according to Donnie Osborne, street superintendent. He said the street department got many complaints last year about snow remaining on downtown streets because of illegally parked cars.

The area in which parking fines will go up is between Logan Street on the west and McLean on the east, and between Pekin Street on the north and Clinton on the south. Some signs may also be posted around Scully and Latham Parks. The new signs informing motorists of the increase will be posted in about three weeks, Osborne said.

All parking fines not in marked areas will continue to be $3 if paid within 48 hours, $5 if paid thereafter, and $25 if not paid 30 days after the violation.

[Joan Crabb]


Board debates motion to pay deputy’s bill

[JULY 18, 2001]  At last night’s Logan County Board meeting, board member Jim Griffin made the motion to pay Deputy Bob Spickard’s legal fees. The deputy is faced with fees of $16,029.66, of which he has personally paid $8,000 to date. Spickard incurred the expenses from his defense against criminal charges initiated by Kevin Gleason of Hartsburg for a July 25, 1999, incident. The motion, immediately seconded by Sonny Sullivan, signaled the beginning of a strongly worded and lengthy debate.

Doug Dutz requested a last clarification of the law from State’s Attorney Tim Huyett. Huyett, seemingly impatient with another request, advised the board that Illinois law protects law enforcement officials against civil but not criminal charges. When Dutz asked Huyett if that meant the board could be sued for paying Spickard’s bill, Huyett stated that the county is required to expend funds for only legitimate public purposes. The question of whether an individual could sue the county for paying such bills was noted as a possibility by the state’s attorney. Huyett made it clear that his function at the meeting was to advise the board on the law and not to tell them which way they must vote.

Griffin, Sullivan and David Hepler all expressed their belief that the board should pay the deputy’s legal fees to show the board supports its employees.

Board members Roger Bock and Rod White both expressed concern about where the money to pay this expense would come from. Sullivan stated that the sheriff’s department had collected $400,000 this year in fines and fees but was advised by White that an expense such as the payment of the deputy’s fees was not part of any budget and must come out of the contingency fund.


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Board member Dale Voyles stated he had changed his mind based on the state’s attorney’s explanation of the law (and on roll call voted "no"). New member Gloria Luster stated she was concerned that this would create a precedent for future payments and also intended to vote "no."

Paul Gleason made a futile attempt to amend the motion to pay half of Spickard’s bill, but it fell on deaf ears. Before the vote, Spickard addressed the board, saying he believed that as his employer the board carried certain obligations, although unwritten or unsaid. He stated that he performed his duties as trained and did not believe his expenses should fall on himself and his family.

The vote, not taken until every board member except Chairman Dick Logan had spoken at least once, or in Griffin’s case six times, was quick and as decisive as a guillotine: seven votes against paying the deputy’s expenses, three in favor. Those voting against paying the deputy’s attorney fees were Logan, Voyles, Dutz, White, Bock, Luster and Gleason. Those voting to pay the bills were Griffin, Sullivan and Hepler. The meeting was adjourned.

[Mike Fak]

Healthy Communities Partnership receives national award

[JULY 18, 2001]  The Healthy Communities Partnership of Logan County received the Outstanding Rural Health Practice award of the National Rural Health Association. Julie Casper, of the Center for Rural Health of the Illinois Department of Public Health, presented an engraved glass plaque to Dayle Eldredge, coordinator of the local partnership, at the June 28 "Report to the Community."

The National Rural Health Association represents providers of health-care services, agricultural associations, government and industry. Their national convention in late May recognized leaders throughout the nation. The Outstanding Rural Health Practice award was given for innovative programs and strong community collaboration and support.

Healthy Communities Partnership Coordinator Dayle Eldredge said: "This award would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of many individuals. The community of Lincoln and all of Logan County has much to be proud of, and they can be especially proud of the Healthy Communities Partnership."

[HCP news release]

Take precautions in hot weather

[JULY 18, 2001]  During the summer months, heat waves can occur anywhere in Illinois and affect anyone. Young children, elderly people and people with health problems are most likely to be affected. This is a reminder to everyone.

  • Plan to check on the elderly and those with health problems at least once a day during hot weather.

  • Don’t leave children in a parked car.

  • Make sure you drink plenty of liquids during hot weather.

Doing small things can make a big difference.

This public service announcement is brought to you by Lincoln Daily News and the Logan County Health Department.

[News release]

Local bank provides funds
supporting high-risk police efforts

[JULY 17, 2001]  CEFCU is proud to be able to assist the Lincoln Police Department in purchasing bulletproof ballistic safety vests for their newly established Emergency Response Team. The Lincoln Police Department ERT was formed a little more than a year ago in proactive preparedness for potential situations that require immediate action. It was recognized that while there are state-trained teams that will come here should the need arise, a local, quick-acting response will have much better results.

Every shift there are always at least two officers on duty who are trained in certain types of emergency responses, such as a terrorism or hostage situations. They are familiar with the layouts of our schools and have courses of action worked out that could save lives when time counts. Of course it is hoped that this will never be needed, but planning for it will make any efforts more successful if anything ever should happen. Knowing that our police department has made plans should be a comfort to the community and a hope that we will never need to implement them.

These vests will assure that the increased dangers encountered by the Emergency Response Team will not be as life-threatening and will allow the officers to successfully complete their missions.

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[Presenting a check to the Lincoln Police Department are Mary Conrady, CEFCU Member Center manager, and Laura Ziegle, CEFCU vice president of branch operations, with Lincoln Police Chief Richard Montcalm and Community Policing Officer Tim Butterfield receiving it.]

Laura Ziegle, vice president of branch operations, and Mary E. Conrady, Member Center manager in Lincoln, stated in a press release that CEFCU is "privileged to be able to work with such a dedicated group of people and play a part in their life-changing work."

With thanks to CEFCU’s members and board of directors, the women presented a check for $2,500 to the Lincoln Police Department.

[LDN and
CEFCU news release]

East Park subdivision
gets council approval

[JULY 17, 2001]  The on-again, off-again status of the East Park subdivision was finally resolved Monday evening when the Lincoln City Council gave Rodney White unanimous approval for his 16-home development on North Sherman Street.

The approval requires that White put $25,641 in escrow to pay for installation of curbs and gutters on the east side of the street, fronting his subdivision, and also put in sewer taps before the street is upgraded.

White had agreed to both proposals a month ago, but the council added the requirement that he also pay the entire cost of upgrading North Sherman Street in front of the new development, estimated to be either $200,000 or $100,000, depending on the material used. White said that was not feasible and withdrew his request.

The sticking point for the council was the wording of the ordinance that said a developer must bring all streets within a subdivision up to city specifications. However, according to City Attorney Jonathan Wright, that is mandatory only for new streets built by a developer, not for already existing streets. The council may request that a developer help pay the costs of improving already existing streets and may negotiate those costs with the developer.

Under the new agreement, if the street is not upgraded within seven years or if White does not develop the subdivision, the escrow money will be refunded.

White’s original proposal called for "affordable housing," with lots to sell for about $10,000 and homes to cost $80,000 to $100,000. White has also donated one lot to Lincoln Community High School’s Technical Education Center for its building trades project, but he said it is now too late for the center to build on that lot this school year.

White said he will begin work on the new subdivision immediately.

Payment for Connolley Road repair

In other business, the council voted 7-2 to pay West Lincoln Township $16,000 for the costs of repairing Connolley Road, which was damaged when a sewer main break on Woodlawn last February required traffic to be rerouted along Connolley.

The city would like to recoup some or all of that cost because the Illinois Department of Transportation required all eastbound traffic, including heavy truck traffic, to be rerouted along Connolley to Fifth Street, causing the street damage. However, Wright did not believe the city’s insurance company would pay the costs.

"They said they would review the request again, but they didn’t hold out any hope," Wright told the council.



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Alderman Joe Stone asked if there was any chance of reimbursement from the state of Illinois. "It’s the state’s responsibility," he said. "They would not let us run traffic down Woodlawn Road."

"It’s a question of whether it’s worthwhile trying to collect," Wright answered.

Stone and Alderman Steve Fuhrer voted against the payment. Fuhrer said that while he did not want to cause West Lincoln Township financial hardship, he believed that once the city paid the cost, it would lose any chance of getting reimbursed.

Request for 10-year zone extension 

The council also heard a request from Philip Mahler, new Logan County Regional Planning director, to consider extending its enterprise zone. The enterprise zone allows new businesses 100 percent exemption from taxes for the first five years, and 50 percent for the next five years. Sales taxes for new businesses are also abated if the purchases are made locally.

The present enterprise zone began in 1987 and expires in 2007, Mahler said, but the state will allow an extension for another 10 years, to July 2017.

"If we are selling new businesses on coming to Lincoln, we are only selling a five-year plan, because our enterprise zone runs out in 2007," he said.

Bid approvals

The council also approved the bid of $15,986 by Ceres Environmental, a Minnesota firm, for waste grinding at the city landfill. Street Superintendent Donnie Osborne said the firm will probably be here in mid-August.

The council also approved a bid from Row Motor Sales of $20,952 for a Jeep Cherokee for the police department. Police Chief Rich Montcalm said $12,000 of that cost will come from the insurance on a wrecked squad car.

The bid from Merrill Contractors of Springfield for $296,090 for resurfacing work on Wyatt Avenue and Primm Road was also approved. Work may start as early as July 26 and will be completed before school begins, according to Osborne. The work will begin on Wyatt Avenue at McLean Street and continue on Primm Road past the Recreation Center, he said. Motorists may be delayed, but both streets will be open.

The council also passed the appropriations ordinance of $9,884,138 for 2001-2002.

[Joan Crabb]

Newly appointed senator
to be sworn in today

[JULY 16, 2001]  The swearing-in of Claude "Bud" Stone, Jr. to the 45th District Senate seat is scheduled for 4 p.m. today at Freedom Hall, 349 W. Birchwood in Morton. Third District Appellate Judge William E. Holdridge will administer the oath of office to the newly appointed senator. Stone, of Morton, was chosen July 12 to serve the remaining 17 months of Sen. Bob Madigan’s unexpired term. The public is invited to attend the ceremony.

House on the move


[JULY 16, 2001]  The house at 1208 N. Ottawa St., across from Lincoln College athletic fields, is moving today. It is being moved by Goodwin House Movers, Inc. of Washington, Iowa. The moving company owner, Rick Goodwin, says they have moved houses for six generations, since 1930.

The house was previously owned by Lincoln College and now is in the possession of S.M. Davis. It is not being moved too far. Its next location is 1302 N. Kankakee St.

Utility services involved with the move are CILCO, Insight and Verizon.


Elkhart Homecoming announcement

The Elkhart Homecoming this year will be Saturday, July 21. All events, food stands and entertainment will be downtown on the main street of Elkhart.

The day will kick off with the townwide yard sale starting at 8 a.m. There will be many first-timers this year, and the sale will include collectibles, crafts, antiques and much more.

From 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. there will be a cruise-in with all makes and models.

The St. Patrick's youth group will serve a rib-eye sandwich lunch from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m.

A parade at 3 p.m. will feature several exciting entrees.

From 4 till 7 p.m. the Elkhart Christian Church youth group will sponsor children’s carnival games with prizes.

The kiddie tractor pull is scheduled to begin competition at 5 p.m. Prizes will be awarded to all participants.




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A fried chicken dinner will be served from 5 till 8 p.m. The dinner includes potato salad, green beans, applesauce, marinated cucumber salad, dinner roll and drink.

Entertainment on stage from 5:30 till 7 p.m. will include the superb hypnotist Kent Sorrels and the merriment of several local talents.

A street dance featuring the band Up Front will begin at 8 p.m.

The winner of the 50/50 $1,000 drawing will be announced at 9 p.m. Only 200 chances will be sold.

Sunday morning from 7 till 11 a.m. biscuits and gravy will be served.

Mark your calendars for July 2l and 22, and come to enjoy the events and food at the annual Elkhart homecoming.

[News release]

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