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Letters to the Editor


The Lincoln Daily News publishes letters to the editor as they are received.
 The letters are not edited in content and do not necessarily reflect 
the views of the Lincoln Daily News.

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Tourist attractions suggested


To the editor:

Build an Abe statue and drive to see what?  Lincoln, Ill., needs something like a racetrack that will entice tourists several times a season.  From
what I've seen of your town, and I've seen your town, there is ample space for a NASCAR racetrack and a drag strip.

Another thing that I enjoyed in your town a few years ago was the huge antiques and crafts show at the fairgrounds.  It was one of the best I've ever attended.  Why not have several of those a year?

Why not encourage medical facilities to come into your community?

Why not build a giant mall so that a 100-mile round trip isn't necessary for those that live around your community?

All of this takes money, and your mayor would have to lobby hard and long. But it could work if you want it to. Otherwise, Lincoln, Ill., is on the road to nowhere. 

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Eichelberger

Shreveport, La.

'Best idea'


To the editor:

I really think that this is the best idea that anyone has come up with for this town in a long time!

Thank you!

Brian E Sutton

Letters received in response to Mike Fak's Saturday commentary

[click here for commentary]

Amusement park may work


Dear Mike,

As wild as it may sound to put an amusement park in Lincoln, it just may work. People now have to drive three to four hours to reach the closest parks. If the rides were fast enough and scary enough, it could draw from long distances. I think this could be just the shot in the arm that Lincoln needs. The revenue could be incredible. At least it is worth checking into if not too costly.  

Mary Berry


Visitors should see the real thing downtown



I agree the statue is a positive dream. We'll see what becomes of it when it encounters reality. One thing I wanted to point out regarding your idea of having a replica of what the town looked like in the Abe Lincoln era. Instead of building facades, why not direct visitors to downtown for the real thing! Let's showcase the wonderful historically preserved buildings we already have, instead of building Disney-style facades!

By the way, I'm on the Looking for Lincoln committee, so you don't need to pass on this idea. I just wanted to mention it to you.

Jan Schumacher


We could learn from Branson



I always enjoy your articles and your comments on cable. This one was especially good.

I moved out here to the Midwest from California thinking I was moving to the armpit of America. Not so. I love it here now so much that I doubt that I will ever live in California again, even though I often miss the weather out there.

From the time I got out here, I have spent a lot of time in Branson. In fact, my sister was Roy Clark's office manager for several years. When I was in high school that town wasn't much. Now they call it "Little Vegas"!

I agree with you that Lincoln could replicate some of that, but it will take more positive and aggressive attitudes than this town has ever seen before. I recommend that a few leaders ought to visit Silver Dollar City and other Branson, Mo., and northern Arkansas attractions. We could do many similar things here and I think that we could do them a lot better. And the amusement park idea could be huge. After all, the Griswalds made it to Wally World "come hell or high water!"

What if some of our leaders contacted Disney or Six Flags or Cedar Point or even King's Island and said that we'd like to do a park with an historical theme?

But will those calls ever be made?...a future of bright economic prosperity looms in our future if we don't procrastinate.

Jeff Mayfield




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[to top of second column]















Tourism and Pastor Davis' idea


To the editor:

In the article "Davis presents Lincoln landmark ideas," I agree with Pastor Davis' idea on how to increase tourism.  Our family, on a trip to Minnesota a few years back, drove 60 miles out of our way to see the giant statue of Paul Bunyan and Babe. It was huge, and, of course, we all posed for pictures.  Also, where the statue was located was a visitor center (which we checked out), a small amusement park with kiddie rides, several gift shops and a very nice picnic area.  We would never have gone to this small town except for seeing the advertisements of the giant statue posted along the road and on the maps.

So, if it worked in Minnesota, I don't see why a giant statue of Lincoln wouldn't work in Lincoln. Good idea.


Barb Seggelke


'I applaud Larry. Children are far too important to ignore'


To the editor:

I agree with Larry 100 percent. Children are far too important to ignore!

I have been to many school functions where a child is just dropped off and the parents go who knows where. What kind of an example is that? For those of you who do that … your children are learning from you and will probably be the same way with their own children. It is very sad to see a child make the winning point in a ballgame and look to the crowd for his family and no one is there for them. Totally heartbreaking.

I realize following your children to every function is not always possible. I work a full-time job in Lincoln and still manage to make it to 99 percent of my daughter's cheerleading, basketball, track, chorus, band and church-related activities. I also make sure every uniform is clean and all of the homework is completed. My son is a violinist, which adds to my running with lessons and the occasional concert he performs before various groups. No, being a parent is not easy. We make many sacrifices for our children.

Remember, parents … your children are learning from you. Every minute of the day! Teach them well!

Suzie Maxheimer

(Note: The letter to which this one refers is below.)

Junior high schoolers need parents' support


Dear Lincolnites:

Something is troubling me, and I hope you can help. I had been watching part of a girls volleyball game at the junior high (while working), and I noticed there were not very many parents — or teachers, for that matter — there. It seemed very odd to me that the visiting team had more support — still not much. [I was] informed by a concerned teacher (who will remain nameless) that it has been that way all season. How are the children to learn encouragement if their own parents don't support them? They need that support! I also believe that more teachers should be there — not just at the volleyball games, but at all sporting and educational events. I know that it is impossible to attend every event, but we need to try.

Parents and teachers need to work together to encourage our children to be successful. Being successful does not always mean being a straight-A student, but it does mean that they do the best they possibly can. So, as parents we need to be involved with our children's education. If there is something you don't understand, get help, just like we tell our children.

We need to give our children more of our time. We should never be too busy. We weren't too busy when we conceived them, so why stop now? I believe that if we show support to them now while they are young, they will take a more caring attitude in all aspects of life.

There are some good words in Proverbs, and they are: Train a child in the way he/she should go and when they get older they will not stray for from it.

I urge you now as parents to start showing your love to your children from this day forward. Support them in all that they do that is right and good. Discipline them when they do wrong. You as parents should also be a good influence on your children, and when you are, we will all have a better world.


A concerned parent

Larry McMullen




Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

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