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Headin’ south

Illini prepare for battle with Kansas

By Jeff Mayfield

[MARCH 21, 2001]  Not only are the Illini through the first weekend but part of their reward is a trip to a warmer climate. Since the players probably won’t be getting a spring break this year, maybe they can make up for it by having a swingin’ time in San Antonio, Texas.

On the other hand, maybe they shouldn’t even go to Texas. I mean basketball experts like Dick Vitale, Tim Brando, Rick Pitino and Digger Phelps say that Illinois will get upset and not make it to the Final Four.

Of course the LDN would like to point out that if we listened to those geniuses all season, we would’ve never won 20 games, won the Big Ten championship or received a No. 1 seed! I guess we here at the LDN will be content to play our role as the corn-fed team right off the farm.

You know, those high-IQ basketball personalities are surely right. To hear them talk, they’ve been right for years. They talk about how Kansas comes in with rich tradition and how they are due. And they seem to be in love with Arizona, the preseason No. 1.

The LDN would just like to say to these characters that the game won’t be decided in the ivory tower of their broadcasting booth. Illinois’ game with Kansas that is now scheduled for Friday night at approximately 9:15 p.m. will STILL have to be played.

Although no one seems to think that the Illini can win, the LDN is betting the farm that coach Self and his players will STILL show up sometime around game time.

[to top of second column in this article]

Kansas is a very good team. They are big, huge and gigantic...and any other words that describe larger-than-life players. They also possess excellent guard play and probably have two of the nation’s best players in Nick Collison and Kenny Gregory. They are extremely well-coached. Roy Williams is as fine a coach as there is in the business and is one of the true class acts in the entire coaching profession. The Big 12 conference has played some great ball the last few years, and we know how good their teams are just by having played Missouri every year.

So, maybe those know-it-alls are right. Perhaps the Illini don’t have a chance in the world...but just maybe, as they have done all year, they will fight...and claw...and come back...and defend...and execute...and somehow find a way to survive...and live on for another day.

The LDN says good luck to Brian Cook and to the Illini...WE BELIEVE!!!

(Stay tuned all week, as the LDN plans to be Illinois’ NCAA Tournament HEADQUARTERS! COMING SOON...LDN'S EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH BRIAN COOK.)

[Jeff Mayfield]

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