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Letters to the Editor


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Writers [click here]


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[to top of second column]









Worried parent


To the editor:

In light of what happened at LCHS, I felt compelled to share an experience that I had a couple of months ago.

My children and I went to a drive-through window at an establishment in town, and a lady who worked there recognized my daughter. She said she sometimes volunteers in her class and that my daughter was really sweet. But she continued and said that her son didn’t like my daughter because she was black.

I stared at her for a moment, not really knowing what to say.

She continued and said that she teaches her son to love everyone and that everyone is the same.

I couldn’t understand why one mother would have shared this information with another. It was an indigestible meal for me. Even now it just sits in the pit of my stomach.

I was injured for my child. I would have hoped that things would have been a bit different for my child than it had been for me growing up in a small town in Iowa.

But it brings to light the importance of parents teaching their children to love and not to hate people who are different; to teach tolerance. You can’t control hate. Teaching children to hate anyone only teaches them to hate themselves.


This instance shows the damage that can be done when parents make off-the-cuff negative comments to their children about others. It shows how children listen and learn.

Parents, be mindful! Your children are directly and indirectly learning from you. Although your intent may not have been to teach intolerance to your children, it evidently comes from us. In the words of Lincoln’s own Langston Hughes in his poem "A Dream Deferred," "It (hatred) festers like a sore."

These children that I am referring to are in kindergarten. The majority of what they know today they learned at home. In light of what is happening in schools throughout the country and even at our own high school, I’m already afraid because the seed has now been sowed. In a few years from now both of our children are in danger of being the ones at either end of a gun.

So for all of you who say, how does this happen, now you know.

Kym C. Ammons-Scott

Worried parent

Stats wanted on political affiliation


To the editor:

I have been searching for this information and cannot find any. I would like to know the ratio of Republicans to Democrats in Logan County. Exact numbers preferable to percents.

If anyone knows this, please e-mail the editor with a response. I will be watching for a reply.

Thank you.

Joyce Gleason

Appreciates Mike Fak's articles


To the editor:

It is good to read the different articles Mr. Fak writes. Very factual and timely.

Eva Dahmm



Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

Letters must include the writer's name, telephone number, mailing address and/or e-mail address (we will not publish address or phone number information). Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors. Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows. 


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