United they share

[SEPT. 24, 2001]  We are the threads of the blanket of freedom. As Americans, we don’t have a choice; we have to do something." And so, with her words and through her devotion, Carrie Granito continues to weave her own thread of patriotism. Implementing and at the helm of the community relief efforts for the "Attack on America," Granito is busy rounding up manpower for a relief auction set for Sunday, Sept. 30. The auction will be at 2 p.m. in the Lincoln Rec Center, with all proceeds going to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Mayor Davis was on hand pitching in at the donation center, located at 616 Broadway St., to help add final details to the auction she will be guest hosting. Although almost 30 volunteers have already donated time and goods to be auctioned; more help is needed. Lincoln Land Communications lent a hand by donating a contact phone, 737-8868, which you can call for information on how to make a contribution. Or you can reach Mrs. Granito at 732-5659. She will remind you that "It's not about how much or how little you can give, it’s about each of us doing our part, and the time to do that is now."

[Colin Bird ]


Auction details

Date: Sunday, Sept. 30

Time: 2 p.m.

Place: Lincoln Rec. Center, 1400 Primm Road

Needed: Items for the auction

Donation center: 616 Broadway, Lincoln

Open: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Telephone: 737-8668

Please call donation center for items that need to be picked up.

Relief coordinators:

Carrie Granito, head coordinator, 732-5659

Linda Shaffer, entertainment, 735-2527

Judy Ramlow, baked goods for bake sale, 735-3290

Michelle Lamothe, local business donations, 735-4677




President Bush delivers a
message of American strength

[SEPT. 21, 2001]  President Bush addressed a joint session of Congress Thursday evening.  Speaking to the nation, he denounced recent acts of terrorism and demanded that the Taliban militia surrender suspected terrorists, saying, “They will hand over the terrorists or they will share in their fate.”  Continuing his speech in absolutes, the president called for nations to side with the United States or they would be considered with the terrorists.  He also revealed a new cabinet position, the Office of Homeland Security, to be headed by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge.

THE PRESIDENT:  Mr. Speaker, Mr. President Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fellow Americans:   

In the normal course of events, Presidents come to this chamber to report on the state of the Union.  Tonight, no such report is needed.  It has already been delivered by the American people. 

We have seen it in the courage of passengers, who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground -- passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer.  And would you please help me to welcome his wife, Lisa Beamer, here tonight. 

We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers, working past exhaustion.  We have seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers -- in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.  We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the grief of strangers their own. 

My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for itself the state of our Union -- and it is strong. 

Tonight we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom.  Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution.  Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done. 

I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time.  All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol, singing "God Bless America."  And you did more than sing; you acted, by delivering $40 billion to rebuild our communities and meet the needs of our military. 

Speaker Hastert, Minority Leader Gephardt, Majority Leader Daschle and Senator Lott, I thank you for your friendship, for your leadership and for your service to our country.   

And on behalf of the American people, I thank the world for its outpouring of support.  America will never forget the sounds of our National Anthem playing at Buckingham Palace, on the streets of Paris, and at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate.   

We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray outside our embassy in Seoul, or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque in Cairo.  We will not forget moments of silence and days of mourning in Australia and Africa and Latin America. 

Nor will we forget the citizens of 80 other nations who died with our own:  dozens of Pakistanis; more than 130 Israelis; more than 250 citizens of India; men and women from El Salvador, Iran, Mexico and Japan; and hundreds of British citizens.  America has no truer friend than Great Britain.   Once again, we are joined together in a great cause -- so honored the British Prime Minister has crossed an ocean to show his unity of purpose with America.  Thank you for coming, friend. 

On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country.  Americans have known wars -- but for the past 136 years, they have been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941.  Americans have known the casualties of war -- but not at the center of a great city on a peaceful morning.  Americans have known surprise attacks -- but never before on thousands of civilians.  All of this was brought upon us in a single day -- and night fell on a different world, a world where freedom itself is under attack. 

Americans have many questions tonight.  Americans are asking:  Who attacked our country?  The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations known as al Qaeda.  They are the same murderers indicted for bombing American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and responsible for bombing the USS Cole. 

Al Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to crime.  But its goal is not making money; its goal is remaking the world -- and imposing its radical beliefs on people everywhere. 

The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics -- a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam.  The terrorists' directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans, and make no distinction among military and civilians, including women and children. 

This group and its leader -- a person named Osama bin Laden -- are linked to many other organizations in different countries, including the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.  There are thousands of these terrorists in more than 60 countries.  They are recruited from their own nations and neighborhoods and brought to camps in places like Afghanistan, where they are trained in the tactics of terror.  They are sent back to their homes or sent to hide in countries around the world to plot evil and destruction. 

The leadership of al Qaeda has great influence in Afghanistan and supports the Taliban regime in controlling most of that country.  In Afghanistan, we see al Qaeda's vision for the world. 

Afghanistan's people have been brutalized -- many are starving and many have fled.  Women are not allowed to attend school.  You can be jailed for owning a television.  Religion can be practiced only as their leaders dictate.  A man can be jailed in Afghanistan if his beard is not long enough.   

The United States respects the people of Afghanistan -- after all, we are currently its largest source of humanitarian aid -- but we condemn the Taliban regime.  It is not only repressing its own people, it is threatening people everywhere by sponsoring and sheltering and supplying terrorists.  By aiding and abetting murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder.   

And tonight, the United States of America makes the following demands on the Taliban:  Deliver to United States authorities all the leaders of al Qaeda who hide in your land.  Release all foreign nationals, including American citizens, you have unjustly imprisoned.  Protect foreign journalists, diplomats and aid workers in your country.  Close immediately and permanently every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, and hand over every terrorist, and every person in their support structure, to appropriate authorities.  Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps, so we can make sure they are no longer operating.   

These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion.  The Taliban must act, and act immediately.  They will hand over the terrorists, or they will share in their fate.   

I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world.  We respect your faith.  It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans, and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends.  Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah.  The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself.  The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends; it is not our many Arab friends.  Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists, and every government that supports them. 

Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there.  It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. 

Americans are asking, why do they hate us?  They hate what we see right here in this chamber -- a democratically elected government.  Their leaders are self-appointed.  They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. 

They want to overthrow existing governments in many Muslim countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.  They want to drive Israel out of the Middle East.  They want to drive Christians and Jews out of vast regions of Asia and Africa. 

These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of life.  With every atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful, retreating from the world and forsaking our friends.  They stand against us, because we stand in their way. 

We are not deceived by their pretenses to piety.  We have seen their kind before.  They are the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of the 20th century.  By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions -- by abandoning every value except the will to power -- they follow in the path of fascism, and Nazism, and totalitarianism.  And they will follow that path all the way, to where it ends:  in history's unmarked grave of discarded lies.   

Americans are asking:  How will we fight and win this war?   We will direct every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war -- to the disruption and to the defeat of the global terror network. 



[to top of second column in this article]

This war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion.  It will not look like the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat. 

Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes.  Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen.  It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success.  We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest.  And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism.  Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.  From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime. 

Our nation has been put on notice:  We are not immune from attack.  We will take defensive measures against terrorism to protect Americans.  Today, dozens of federal departments and agencies, as well as state and local governments, have responsibilities affecting homeland security.  These efforts must be coordinated at the highest level.  So tonight I announce the creation of a Cabinet-level position reporting directly to me -- the Office of Homeland Security.   

And tonight I also announce a distinguished American to lead this effort, to strengthen American security: a military veteran, an effective governor, a true patriot, a trusted friend -- Pennsylvania's Tom Ridge.  He will lead, oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard our country against terrorism, and respond to any attacks that may come.   

These measures are essential.  But the only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it, and destroy it where it grows. 

Many will be involved in this effort, from FBI agents to intelligence operatives to the reservists we have called to active duty.  All deserve our thanks, and all have our prayers.  And tonight, a few miles from the damaged Pentagon, I have a message for our military:  Be ready.  I've called the Armed Forces to alert, and there is a reason.  The hour is coming when America will act, and you will make us proud. 

This is not, however, just America's fight.  And what is at stake is not just America's freedom.  This is the world's fight.  This is civilization's fight.  This is the fight of all who believe in progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom. 

We ask every nation to join us.  We will ask, and we will need, the help of police forces, intelligence services, and banking systems around the world.  The United States is grateful that many nations and many international organizations have already responded -- with sympathy and with support.  Nations from Latin America, to Asia, to Africa, to Europe, to the Islamic world.  Perhaps the NATO Charter reflects best the attitude of the world:  An attack on one is an attack on all. 

The civilized world is rallying to America's side.  They understand that if this terror goes unpunished, their own cities, their own citizens may be next.  Terror, unanswered, can not only bring down buildings, it can threaten the stability of legitimate governments.  And you know what -- we're not going to allow it. 

Americans are asking:  What is expected of us?  I ask you to live your lives, and hug your children.  I know many citizens have fears tonight, and I ask you to be calm and resolute, even in the face of a continuing threat. 

I ask you to uphold the values of America, and remember why so many have come here.  We are in a fight for our principles, and our first responsibility is to live by them.  No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith. 

I ask you to continue to support the victims of this tragedy with your contributions.  Those who want to give can go to a central source of information, libertyunites.org, to find the names of groups providing direct help in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. 

The thousands of FBI agents who are now at work in this investigation may need your cooperation, and I ask you to give it. 

I ask for your patience, with the delays and inconveniences that may accompany tighter security; and for your patience in what will be a long struggle. 

I ask your continued participation and confidence in the American economy.  Terrorists attacked a symbol of American prosperity.  They did not touch its source.  America is successful because of the hard work, and creativity, and enterprise of our people.  These were the true strengths of our economy before September 11th, and they are our strengths today. 

And, finally, please continue praying for the victims of terror and their families, for those in uniform, and for our great country.  Prayer has comforted us in sorrow, and will help strengthen us for the journey ahead. 

Tonight I thank my fellow Americans for what you have already done and for what you will do.  And ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, I thank you, their representatives, for what you have already done and for what we will do together. 

Tonight, we face new and sudden national challenges.  We will come together to improve air safety, to dramatically expand the number of air marshals on domestic flights, and take new measures to prevent hijacking.  We will come together to promote stability and keep our airlines flying, with direct assistance during this emergency. 

We will come together to give law enforcement the additional tools it needs to track down terror here at home.  We will come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities to know the plans of terrorists before they act, and find them before they strike. 

We will come together to take active steps that strengthen America's economy, and put our people back to work. 

Tonight we welcome two leaders who embody the extraordinary spirit of all New Yorkers:  Governor George Pataki, and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.  As a symbol of America's resolve, my administration will work with Congress, and these two leaders, to show the world that we will rebuild New York City.    

After all that has just passed -- all the lives taken, and all the possibilities and hopes that died with them -- it is natural to wonder if America's future is one of fear.  Some speak of an age of terror.  I know there are struggles ahead, and dangers to face.  But this country will define our times, not be defined by them.  As long as the United States of America is determined and strong, this will not be an age of terror; this will be an age of liberty, here and across the world. 

Great harm has been done to us.  We have suffered great loss.  And in our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment.  Freedom and fear are at war.  The advance of human freedom -- the great achievement of our time, and the great hope of every time -- now depends on us.  Our nation -- this generation -- will lift a dark threat of violence from our people and our future.  We will rally the world to this cause by our efforts, by our courage.  We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. 

It is my hope that in the months and years ahead, life will return almost to normal.  We'll go back to our lives and routines, and that is good.  Even grief recedes with time and grace.  But our resolve must not pass.  Each of us will remember what happened that day, and to whom it happened.  We'll remember the moment the news came -- where we were and what we were doing.  Some will remember an image of a fire, or a story of rescue.  Some will carry memories of a face and a voice gone forever. 

And I will carry this:  It is the police shield of a man named George Howard, who died at the World Trade Center trying to save others.  It was given to me by his mom, Arlene, as a proud memorial to her son.  This is my reminder of lives that ended, and a task that does not end. 

I will not forget this wound to our country or those who inflicted it.  I will not yield; I will not rest; I will not relent in waging this struggle for freedom and security for the American people. 

The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain.  Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them. 

Fellow citizens, we'll meet violence with patient justice -- assured of the rightness of our cause, and confident of the victories to come.  In all that lies before us, may God grant us wisdom, and may He watch over the United States of America. 

Thank you.

[Office of the Press Secretary,
The White House]

Colleges report building projects
and student programs

[SEPT. 21, 2001]  Representatives of Lincoln Christian College and Seminary, Lincoln College, and Heartland Community College described new student programs and major building projects either planned, completed or in progress. They spoke at a breakfast meeting on Sept. 29 sponsored by the Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce Government/Education Committee at Al’s Main Event in Lincoln.

Gary Edwards, vice president of stewardship development at LCC, said his campus has $5 million in new construction, including a new maintenance center, renovated dormitories and classrooms, and a new gymnasium scheduled for completion in December. The school has allocated $500,000 to return a teacher education program to the campus and has 80 students currently enrolled in its weekend cohort degree-completion program.

Ron Schilling, executive vice president at LC, said that three residence halls have been built in Lincoln in the last three years and four in Normal, and a 48,000-square-foot field house and museum is planned, with construction possibly starting in the spring. The school’s bachelor of arts program in liberal arts began in Normal this fall, with the bachelor of science in business management scheduled to start in the spring.

Jon Astroth, president of Heartland, announced plans for an 80,000-square-foot building to be constructed in three to four years to move vocational-technical and industry training courses onto the permanent campus. Both the Normal and Lincoln enrollments have increased this fall, with the Lincoln growth in online courses.


Edwards said Lincoln Christian College and Seminary enrollment is relatively unchanged at about 1,200 students, 80 percent of whom are full-time. There are currently four cohorts of 20 students each in the weekend cohort program for degree completion, and the program has a waiting list. Education majors now enroll in a 3-plus-2 program, three years at LCC and two at another institution. Returning a teacher education program to campus would reduce these students’ college load from five to four years.

Dormitories on the LCC campus have been gutted and renovated, with new ceilings, computer access in each room and modular, stackable furniture. The flat roofs have been transformed into hip roofs, and the two oldest dorms have new windows. Married student housing has also been remodeled. Edwards said dormitories are full, with some students living in apartments in town as well.

All yellow-brick buildings at LCC have been stained to a sand color. Many classrooms, including those in Restoration Hall, have also been renovated. A new maintenance facility has been constructed on the edge of campus, and the centrally located former maintenance building has been turned into a student center, dubbed "The Warehouse." The center offers a 54-inch television and a stage that can be rolled outside for outdoor as well as indoor concerts.

Vocational-technical courses and business and industry training are currently conducted at Towanda Plaza in Bloomington. Astroth said a building on the permanent campus to house these programs is planned for three to four years from now. He said Heartland worked with 55 businesses during the past year to design and offer classes customized for their employees. Some of these classes are offered at the firm’s workplace.


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The LCC gymnasium is expected to be completed the first part of December, despite the fact that more and deeper pylons were needed than originally planned. Edwards said proposals are also being made to potential donors for a new library costing $5 million to $7 million.

Schilling reported a Lincoln College enrollment slightly over 1,100 on the three campuses, including Lincoln, Normal and the Midwest College of Cosmetology. He said full-time enrollment is up but part-time is down. Sixty are enrolled in the new 2-plus-2 program in Normal, which offers two-year-college graduates the opportunity to complete their baccalaureate degree. The current students are working toward a bachelor of arts in liberal arts. Applications are also being taken for a bachelor of science program in business management, tentatively scheduled to begin in the spring 2002 semester.

Schilling said the business management program will require six credit hours of internship in a business or industry, with most or all being located in Bloomington-Normal. In addition, the Lincoln campus places a number of teacher assistants in local schools.

Both Lincoln and Normal campuses of Lincoln College have multiple new residence halls. Heritage North, West and South dorms in Lincoln have been built in the last three years, and one previous dormitory was razed. Rooms are laid out in pairs, with each two student bedrooms joined by a common bathroom. In Normal four dormitories have been built since 1998, laid out in four-bedroom apartments with two full baths and kitchens, since there is no dining hall. A 3,000-square-foot activity building is complete or virtually so, and a fifth 48-bed dormitory will be begun in the spring.


Schilling said that, in addition to a larger gymnasium, the planned Lincoln Center has 7,000 square feet allotted for a museum, 3,000 for a physical fitness center and 4,000 for a wrestling room. The fund drive for the Lincoln Center is not yet in its public phase but has already received several significant donations.

Astroth said Heartland Community College has 4,233 credit students this fall, representing an 8 percent increase. Additional students are enrolled in workshops and corporate-specific courses. The Lincoln extension has 200 students, with 50 in online courses. Kristi Kasper is site supervisor at the Lincoln extension. Astroth said it is Heartland’s philosophy to offer most general education requirements at its Lincoln and Pontiac sites as well as in Normal, with more specialized classes concentrated at the permanent campus in Normal.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]

Checks payable to NYC Disaster Funds

[SEPT. 20, 2001]  Firefighters and others throughout Logan County will participate in the fund drive to help the families of the New York City fire, rescue and police personnel who died trying to save the lives of others in the World Trade Center disaster.

All fire stations in the county, even two outside Logan County that serve only parts of the county, will be open so that those who want to contribute can bring checks or cash and give them to local fire, police or emergency service personnel, according to Dan Fulscher, director of the Logan County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency.

"We have 100 percent participation," Fulscher said. "And even though the drive is being held at the fire stations, other emergency personnel, police and emergency services will be working with the firefighters."

In Lincoln, two collection sites will be set up: the Safety Complex at 911 Pekin St. and Wal-Mart.

On Friday, Sept. 21, the Safety Complex will be manned by Lincoln City Fire and Police personnel and the Logan County Paramedics from noon to 8 p.m. Contributors who do not want to get out of their cars may drop off donations by driving by the south door and handing their cash or checks out the car window to fire or police personnel who will be waiting.


At Wal-Mart, also from noon to 8 p.m., Lincoln Rural Fire Department members, the Logan County Sheriff’s Department and Auxiliary members and also Logan County Paramedics will be on hand to take contributions.

On Saturday, Sept. 22, the two Lincoln posts will be manned by the same groups from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In Mount Pulaski, emergency service personnel from the fire, rescue and police departments will be taking contributions Friday at the Fire Department from noon to 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



[to top of second column in this article]

In other Logan County locations, contributions on Friday will be taken from 5 to 8 p.m. at local fire departments. These communities are Armington (which serves part of Logan County), Atlanta, Beason, Broadwell, Chestnut, Cornland, Elkhart, Emden, Hartsburg, Latham, Middletown, New Holland, San Jose and Williamsville (which also serves part of Logan County).

On Saturday the following communities will be taking contributions, again at their local fire departments, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Armington, Atlanta, Beason, Broadwell, Chestnut, Elkhart, Emden, Hartsburg, Latham, Middletown, Mount Pulaski, New Holland, San Jose and Williamsville.

Anyone who can’t get to a fire department and wants to mail in a contribution may send it to Logan County ESDA, 911 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL 62656. All checks should be made payable to NYC Disaster Funds.

"I am amazed at the response from the community for these fire and police department members," Fulscher said. He said contributions have been coming in even before the fund drive officially starts.

The first major contribution, $868, came from the Abraham Lincoln Quarter Midget Club, which has a membership of 75 to 80 boys ages 5 to 16 and holds races every Saturday night April through early October at their track west of Broadwell.

Laszlo Pozsgai, president of the local club and also regional director over five tracks, said the club decided they wanted to do something to help firefighters "who risk their lives every day."

"Last Saturday, instead of choosing to cancel, we went ahead to race at our track," he said. "All of the sign-in money and money from the concession stand was donated to the fund. Those families are going to need the money."

[Joan Crabb]

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Great family fun Saturday at Latham Park

[SEPT. 20, 2001]  The Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drug Task Force of the Health Communities Partnership will host its second annual Family Fun Day at Latham Park in Lincoln on Saturday, Sept. 22, from 3 to 8 p.m.

Approximately 250 to 300 people attended the cost-free and substance-free event last year.

The Lincoln Area YMCA is coordinating Wacky Olympics. The Lincoln City Police Department is providing hot dogs and brats. The Lincoln City Fire Department will have its "Stay Alive House." The Lincoln Public Library and Lincoln Parent Center will have craft activities. A dunk tank (with Mayor Davis in it the first hour), face painting, a "bouncy" spaceship and other activities will round out the activities. Rock Us will provide music from 5 to 7 p.m.

Donations will be collected for the relief efforts in New York City and Washington, D.C. The money collected will be given to the Lincoln City Fire Department, Lincoln Police Department and Logan County ESDA to accompany the donations they receive.

If anyone would like more information about the ATOD Task Force or the Healthy Communities Partnership, contact Dayle Eldredge at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 409, or Kristi Simpson at 735-2272.

[News release]

Libraries receive $3,500 grant
for online encyclopedia

[SEPT. 20, 2001]  Four area libraries — the Jessie C. Eury Library of Lincoln Christian College and Seminary, in conjunction with the McKinstry Memorial Library of Lincoln College, Lincoln Community High School Library and Lincoln Public Library District — have been awarded a $3,506.74 grant from the Rolling Prairie Library System. The grant will be used to purchase a two-year group subscription to Britannica Online.

The library collaboration, called "Lighting the Fire in Lincoln," will use the group subscription to provide all patrons of these libraries access to the online encyclopedia. This will be the first shared online database among these four libraries. This group subscription will serve thousands of community patrons, high school and college students.

Britannica Online offers the full text of the world-renowned Encyclopaedia Britannica in addition to color graphics, sound and multi-media illustrations. This quality online encyclopedia will be useful to any community member with a question to answer, regardless of the topic. For over 230 years, Britannica’s mission statement has been that nothing can "be more useful to the cause of civilization than a determination to serve mankind’s need to know."

"Lighting the Fire in Lincoln" members include June Burke, library director for Lincoln College; Marilyn Maffett, Instructional Materials Center director for Lincoln Community High School; Nancy Olson, library director for Lincoln Christian College and Seminary; and Richard Sumrall, library director for Lincoln Public Library District.

The official start date for the subscription is Sept. 1.

[News release]

Brainard Landing development
back on council agenda

[SEPT. 19, 2001]  Brainard Landing, a 56-unit apartment complex to be developed on property at 21st and State streets, will be on the agenda at the next Lincoln City Council work session, on Tuesday, Sept. 25.

Thomas E. Koontz, senior vice president, and Kitty Campbell, development assistant, of Pedcor Investments of Indianapolis, Ind., will appear before the council to give an update on plans for the project.

The special use permit to build the apartment complex was approved 7-3 by the previous city council on March 6, 2000, after being approved earlier 5-3 by the planning commission.

Campbell told the Lincoln Daily News that Pedcor has no definite date yet to start construction, but the firm hopes to break ground at the beginning of next year. She said the planning commission and the council must still approve building plans for the complex. The site is a 7.85 acre tract of land between North Monroe and North State streets, just north of 21st Street.


The 56-unit apartment complex will offer median income housing within strict income limits, Campbell said, but it is not public housing.

According to a handout presented at Monday’s council meeting, Pedcor will finance the apartment community with tax credits issued though the Illinois Housing Development Authority. The Federal Income Reform Tax Act of 1986-87 established income tax credits for building affordable housing projects, and Pedcor has specialized in taking advantage of these credits to build apartments that can be rented below market rates.

Campbell said the tax credits allow for financing at a lower interest rate, which makes it possible to build affordable housing. The proposed development is also within an enterprise zone, but she said Pedcor was not seeking a tax abatement and will pay its fair share of property taxes.

A one-bedroom, one-bath apartment with 574 to 676 square feet of space will rent for $350 to $395, according to the handout. A two-bedroom, one-bath unit, with 817-839 square feet, will rent for $445-$450. A three-bedroom, two-bath unit, with 1066-1115 square feet, will rent for $500 to $505.



[to top of second column in this article]

Income guidelines are $18,550 to $22,260 for one occupant, $21,200 to $25,440 for two people; $23,850 to $28,620 for three, $26,500 to $31,800, family of four; $28,600 to $34,320, family of 5; and $30,750 to $36,900, family of six. All 56 units will be targeted to the above income groups.

The eight-unit development will also have a clubhouse with fitness facilities, a computer center, a playground and an on-site laundry facility. Units themselves will have washer-dryer hookups, storage, window blinds, gas heat, central air conditioning, carpeting, stove, dishwasher, disposal and refrigerator.

"This will make it possible for a divorced mother with a couple of kids to live in a quality community and not pay as much as the going market rate in the area," Campbell said.

Pedcor expects the apartments to be rented by young professionals and families, service and blue-collar workers, senior citizens on fixed incomes, and beginning wage earners. She said the company saw a need for this type of housing in Lincoln.

Pedcor has on-site management at all units and does not turn the management over to outside agents. The company manages at least 6,000 units in the Midwest, in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri and Nebraska, Campbell said.

Although approved by the planning commission and council, the proposed development has been controversial. Opponents cite increased traffic flow, the lowering of property values of homes in the neighborhood, increased competition for local apartment owners, possible deterioration of the units and in general negative impact for the neighborhood.

Those in favor cite the need for more affordable rental units, the opportunity to develop land that has been idle for many years, attractive housing to bring more people to the community, temporary construction jobs as well as permanent jobs managing and providing services for the development, and long-term growth and economic development.

Prior to the committee-as-a-whole meeting at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25, there will be a public hearing at 7 p.m. on the community development loan of $100,000 requested by Integrity Data of Lincoln.

[Joan Crabb]


County debates policy on
restaurant health inspections

[SEPT. 19, 2001]  Rejecting a proposal to offer translators as an option, the Logan County Board voted 9-4 Tuesday night to require restaurants to have someone who can communicate in English present when inspections are made. Since inspections are not announced, this amendment to the food service policy of the county’s health board appears to require employment of an English-speaking person at all times.

Health Committee chair David Hepler moved to add this provision to the food service policy amendment under discussion: "If the Logan County Health Department Inspector has reason to believe bilateral communication does not exist, the LCHD shall have the right to make such an inspection with an appropriate translator, whose fees for professional services shall be paid to the LCHD by the food establishment."

Board member Terry Werth said that Lincoln Christian College has people able to translate in many languages, and Clifford Sullivan added that two potential translators told him the fee would be low or nothing. Paul Gleason said the Health Department should pay for translators since it is responsible for making inspections. Hepler’s amendment failed 3-10, with Hepler, Sullivan and Werth voting in favor.

Health Department administrator Lloyd Evans stated, "The question is the timeliness." He said translators could be employed for regular inspections, which are primarily educational, but would be more difficult to find in time to respond to a complaint of food-borne illness or a product recall. Both emergencies have occurred during the past year at a restaurant where language differences make communication between inspector and employees impossible, according to Evans.

Hepler, Sullivan, Werth and Jim Griffin voted against the four-part amendment to Health Department food service policy, which passed 9-4. Besides the requirement for an English-speaking person, it specifies that inspections must occur at least as often as state law requires; the department can issue a temporary operating license; and the Board of Health has 10 working days to hold a requested hearing regarding a suspension.

In other business the board voted 12-1 to add the mayor of Elkhart to the ex officio members of the Regional Planning Commission. Other ex officio members include the chairman of the Logan County Board, the superintendent of highways, and the mayors of Lincoln, Atlanta and Mount Pulaski. In addition there are 10 appointed members, making 16 voting members. Rod White, the sole dissenter, asked whether there would be a vote to amend the ordinance every time a new community decided to participate. Dale Voyles said such future votes are possible because the ordinance must be amended every time the board chooses to add a voting member to the commission.

Voyles read a resolution, written by Paul Gleason, condemning the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon as threats to the basic freedoms America stands for and supporting President Bush and Congress in their efforts to retaliate. The board unanimously adopted the resolution. All 13 members also voted to send $1,000 to the American Red Cross to aid in disaster relief.


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Also unanimous was the decision to expand the Board of Appeals from five to six members, effective in December. At that time two appointments will be needed, one for the new member and one to fill an expired term. The goal is to coordinate the appeals board with the new county districts, so that each district will have one representative on the appeals body. To reach this goal, the new appointments will be from districts not represented by current appeals board members, and as terms expire or members retire, the board will eventually come to represent the six districts.

Finance Committee chair Rod White distributed a list of departmental budget requests for fiscal year 2002 showing an increase of $220,200 over this year’s allotments. Some of the budget requests have been adjusted by the board committees that oversee them, and all may be further modified. White said revenue projections following the first nine months of this year show a potential $21,000 shortfall in sales tax receipts. He anticipated that the $70,000 currently in the contingency fund will be transferred to Building and Grounds. "We do have healthy balances," White said. "We hope we don’t have to go into them too deep."

The board let bids to Stewart’s Carpet Center in Mount Pulaski for replacement carpet in the county clerk’s and Judge Coogan’s offices at a cost of $8,320 and to R. L. High for bird repellent for the courthouse at $8,900. Four bids were let for the Dr. John Logan Building: to Gossett’s Decorator Studio, $2,937 for vertical blinds and $5,460 for carpet and installation; to Lincoln Office Products, $2,982 for 10 tables and 24 chairs; and to Ushman Communications, $6,350 for a telephone system. The votes for courthouse items were unanimous; those for the Logan Building were 12-1, with Jim Griffin dissenting.

By a vote of 12-1 the board authorized $29,400 to employ Hanson Engineering for continued work on the right of way of the westernmost five miles of Fifth Street Road. Jim Griffin dissented.

Dick Logan, board chairman, announced that all county fire departments will participate in a drive on Sept. 21-22 to collect money for New York City firefighters and possibly for police as well.

Board members unanimously reappointed Cynthia Bowns and Dr. Malou Laya to new terms on the Logan County Board of Health.

Law Enforcement Committee chair Doug Dutz said negotiations for deputies’ salaries and benefits will begin Oct. 17.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]

Hartsburg-Emden FFA
sponsors patriotic assembly

[SEPT. 19, 2001]  The Hartsburg-Emden FFA chapter will sponsor a patriotic assembly this Friday, Sept. 21, at 2 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. Rep. Jonathan Wright and ESDA Director Dan Fulscher will participate, plus the color guards from the Hartsburg and Emden American Legion, as well as the fire and rescue units from Hartsburg and Emden. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

Anyone attending is asked to bring pictures of family members or friends who are veterans or currently serving in the military. If a picture is not available, names of these people may be written on a "Remembrance" display.

Monetary donations will be accepted to aid the victims in this time of national tragedy.

Further questions may be directed to Betsy Pech at Hartsburg-Emden High School, 642-5244.

[News release]

Spotlighting homes of the past
to promote town’s future

[SEPT. 19, 2001]  The mayor’s office was full of inspiring ideas during the Lincoln Historical Homes and Buildings Committee meeting on Monday, Sept. 17. The focus was on networking current goals.

Mayor Davis served as a valuable voice of leadership in directing attention to Lincoln’s many historical homes as a source of future tourism popularity.

"It’s like a treasure hunt exploring these homes — an actual gold mine for the city," said Betty York, the committee chairperson.

In this, just the third meeting of the committee, a workshop and a website were already in the works for the coming months.

The next meeting will be in the mayor’s office at 5 p.m. on Oct. 15.

[Colin Bird]

Lincoln Fire, Police Department members volunteer to help New York

[SEPT. 18, 2001]  Members of Lincoln’s fire and police departments have volunteered to go to New York City to help rescue workers with the task of cleanup and recovery, Alderman Verl Prather told the council Tuesday night.

So far, Police Chief Rich Montcalm said, there is not a need for more help at the site of World Trade Center, but there might be in a week or two.

So that fire or police personnel would continue to get their salaries and have help with expenses, the council passed a resolution to provide these funds if the need arises.

Fire Chief Bucky Washam said he has six volunteers willing to go and could send two of them if needed.

"We’re going to stay in touch and do whatever we can to help," he said.

Montcalm said he could spare one officer if there is a need but also noted that another officer is in the military reserves and might be called to active duty.

He said it is possible a member of each Lincoln department might attend a Sept. 23 memorial service in New York City’s Central Park to honor the fire and police personnel who died in the collapse of the second World Trade Center building.

In other business concerning the fire and police departments, City Treasurer Les Plotner gave the council a long look ahead at the fire and police pension funds.

The financial services firm of Larry F. Mosier of Chicago has made a study of the funds, projecting them for the next 30 years, until 2030, and showing revenue expectations versus expenditures.


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"If there is not enough interest on the money, revenue will drop as expenditures are going up, and we will be dipping into the principal," he said.

"Interest rates are miserable," he told the council, and the pension funds need a 7 percent return to keep up with projected expenses. He quoted current rates on CDs at under 4 percent.

At this time, the policy for investing pension funds allows investments only in treasury bills and notes. The pension boards may have to look for some other types of investments, such as carefully chosen equities or bonds, he said.

Another suggestion would be the state-run Illinois Public Treasurer’s Investment Pool, which invests funds for municipalities in the state.

Plotner emphasized that the funds are not in any immediate trouble, with almost $8 million in each one.

He noted that other sources of funds for the city are lower as well, including sales tax receipts. At the end of June 2000, receipts were $835,119, but at the end of June this year they had dropped to $781,394, a loss factor of 6.3 percent. Projected income tax revenue also shows a decrease from last year.

"It’s not a bright picture, and when you look at the stock market, it’s not bright at all." he said.

[Joan Crabb]

Word from local military
man serving overseas

From Sgt. Brad Boss

CH-47D Flight Engineer

U.S. Army in Macedonia

[SEPT. 18, 2001]  Before going out to do preflight on his assigned aircraft this morning, Sgt. Boss took a few moments to answer the following questions for Lincoln Daily News.

Q: How are the troops dealing with this (the attack on America) there? Are they worried, saddened, feeling strong?

A: All the people I work with are saddened, but I think it gave us a new resolve to try and do our jobs better. I think that it has strengthened not only our unit, but our military as a whole, as the whole country rallies in support.

Q: Is there a chance you will be sent elsewhere?

A: There is always a chance we could be sent, but we (my unit) will be redeploying home prior to going anywhere else.


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After looking at the pictures from Friday afternoon’s expression of patriotism on the square, Sgt. Boss wrote home saying how much he appreciated seeing his community’s support: "It's so great to see the community gather together in support of our nation. It really gives me a sense of pride to sit here and show my friends and co-workers those pictures, and be able to point out people I know, and to know that we have their support, as we get ready for whatever the future brings."



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