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Saturday, Aug. 17

Articles from the past week


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  • Melton transfers from Illinois basketball team


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  • Bears slated for three Monday night appearances in 2002

  • Bianchi joins development staff at ISU

Quick mutterings

By Jeff Mayfield

[JULY 29, 2002]  I have to admit that I turned the TV off long before the Cardinals stunned the Cubs 10-9 last night on Edgar Renteria’s three-run walk-off bomb! The Redbirds scored six times in the bottom of the ninth to finish off a near-perfect day! Cards are now five games in front of the Reds and six ahead of the Astros.

Ozzie Smith was the only player inducted to the Hall of Fame on Sunday as well. I didn’t get to catch his acceptance speech, but friends said it was hilarious and a wonderful moment… and some of those guys are Cubs fans!

Lance Armstrong won his fourth Tour de France. He just must be the biggest stud in that sport.

Didn’t see much of the men’s golf tourneys this weekend, but the women’s play was outstanding. I believe Park won in a sudden death playoff. Kelli Kuhene fizzled the last two days, and Annika almost came back to win again. I really recommend that you go out and see these ladies play when they come to Springfield. It’s worth the price of admission!

[Jeff Mayfield]

[July 22 Mutterings:  "Summer ramblings..."]


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