Early morning rural Mount Pulaski fire claims life

[MARCH 7, 2002]  A house fire claimed the life of a Mount Pulaski resident in the early morning of Thursday, March 7. Brad S. Follis, 29, of 504 1842nd Ave., Mount Pulaski, was pronounced dead at 1:17 a.m. by Logan County Coroner Chuck Fricke.

Follis’ mother, Nancy Monroe, awoke to the fire in the house and tried to put it out. She was taken to Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, where she was treated and released.

Latham, Mount Pulaski, Warrensburg-Latham and Chestnut fire departments responded to the call. It took over four hours to bring the blaze under control. Mount Pulaski and Latham were still at the scene at mid-morning. The home’s interior was gutted by the fire, leaving only the framework of the house still standing.

The state fire marshal, local fire chief and the coroner’s office are investigating the nature of the fire. An autopsy was conducted this morning.



Four City Fire Department
members promoted

[MARCH 7, 2002]  At the March 4 meeting of the Lincoln City Council, Fire Chief Bucky Washam announced the promotion of four members of the Lincoln City Fire Department.

Tom Martin has been promoted to assistant chief on the C shift, Bob Dunovsky has been promoted to captain on the C shift, and Ken Ebelherr has been promoted to lieutenant on the C shift. After serving one year of probation, James Reed has been promoted to firefighter. These promotions fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Assistant Chief Don Fulk.

The council’s insurance committee also met March 4 to hear a presentation on options for health insurance coverage for city workers for the next fiscal year.


Sharon Heidbreder of the R.W. Garrett Insurance Agency suggested that the city give workers two options next year, an HMO and a PPO. The city’s current health plan will probably be discontinued in the next year or so, she said, and its cost will rise this year from $401.89 per month for an individual policy to $462.63 per month.

The new HMO would cost $318.28 per month for coverage for an individual and $954.86 for family coverage. It would have a life maximum of $5 million, up from the present plan’s life maximum of $2 million.


[to top of second column in this article]


The new PPO would cost $414.32 for an individual policy and $1,242.96 for family coverage. It would also offer a $5 million life maximum. Both plans have a higher lifetime limit for physical therapy than the present plan. Both plans also have a $10 co-pay for doctors’ office visits and a $50 co-pay for emergency sickness, as well as co-pays for prescriptions. The PPO requires individual co-pays of $250 in network and $500 out of network, with a maximum out-of-pocket expense of $250 in network and $1,500 out of network.

The HMO, which is more restrictive, does not offer any out-of-network coverage. Family Medical and Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital are in the HMO network but the Springfield Clinic is not, according to Heidbreder.

Both plans are Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Alderman Joe Stone asked Roger Garrett if he had explored any other insurance carriers. Garrett answered that the insurance committee had not directed him to do that. However, he said, there are now only a "handful" of insurance carriers writing group health insurance in Illinois.

"At one time I could have brought 12 options to the city," he said. "I couldn’t find that now. The field has narrowed down."

City Clerk Juanita Josserand reminded the council that if they are going to change health insurance plans, which are paid by the city, the unions must be notified 60 days ahead of time.

[Joan Crabb]

From Sen. Stone

Senior prescription drug plan proposed

[MARCH 7, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — Republican members of the Illinois Senate unveiled a prescription drug plan March 6 that will help senior citizens at all levels of income, according to Sen. Claude Stone. The lawmakers were joined by AARP, which lent their support.

"In the past few years the Legislature has broaden eligibility for the state’s Circuit Breaker program and Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled. While these programs generally target low-income seniors, there are many others seniors who don’t qualify, yet still need help of some kind," said Stone, R-Morton. "These senior citizens may still spend 10 to 15 percent of their annual retirement income on prescription drugs. Clearly there is need for assistance across all income levels."

The GOP proposal starts with the creation of a toll-free informational hotline, a central clearinghouse, where seniors can get information on how to access public and private discount programs already in existence. The hotline will become more important later this year when Illinois begins administering a $110 million federal pilot program called SeniorCare. SeniorCare will cover the cost of all prescription drugs. The Republican plan also authorizes a study to determine whether there is a need for catastrophic pharmaceutical assistance coverage options for those seniors who do not qualify for public discount programs but have a higher percentage of prescription drug costs. Finally, the proposal will require legislative and public oversight of the state’s various prescription drug discount programs.


"As a senior citizen myself, I am pleased our Republican caucus is taking a leadership role in addressing a critical public health issue," said Stone. Like education, welfare reform, economic development and battling crime in years past, Republicans in the Illinois Senate have stepped up to provide leadership in crafting realistic approaches to the problems facing our state."

AARP, one of the nation’s largest senior citizen organizations, lent its support for the plan.

"Meeting the prescription drug assistance needs of Illinois seniors is a building-block process. We are fortunate in Illinois to have a strong foundation for our efforts," said Amy Paschedag, AARP’s incoming state legislative chairman. "We want to commend the Senate Republican caucus for formally establishing a prescription information, referral and assistance clearinghouse at the Department on Aging. This will provide the critical road map for seniors and their families who would benefit from the help that is already out there."


Senate Republicans proposal on prescription drug plan for seniors 

Toll-free hot line and clearinghouse

•  The Illinois Department on Aging would operate a toll-free hot line that would be a clearinghouse for pertinent prescription drug discount information for Illinois senior citizens.

•  Information would also be available from local Area Agencies on Aging.

•  The goal is a "one-stop shop," where senior citizens could receive information on public and private services and discounts available to senior citizens, including state programs, drug company discounts, and retailer-sponsored specials. All entities offering a special service or discount for senior citizens would report their program guidelines to the Department on Aging.


[to top of second column in this article]

CHIP study

•  The Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Program will complete a study of the need, cost and operation of a catastrophic pharmaceutical benefit for senior citizens who spend a significant portion of their income on prescriptions.

•  The study also would examine what could be done for senior citizens who have incomes above 250 percent of the poverty level and who are ineligible for current prescription assistance programs.

Legislative and public oversight committee

•  A new legislative and public oversight committee will make certain the programs operate smoothly. The committee will advise appropriate state agencies regarding the establishment of proposed programs or changes to existing programs.

•  The committee will be composed of 17 members — two legislators and one public member appointed by each of the four legislative leaders; as well as the directors of the state Departments of Aging, Revenue, Public Aid, Human Services and Public Health.

•  Senate Republicans have already pledged their public appointment will be a representative of AARP, giving Illinois senior citizens a voice on future prescription drug decisions.


Existing state assistance programs

•  Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled: AABD, a Medicaid-based program, was expanded in 2000. The third and final phase of the expansion is effective July 1 and will allow senior citizens with income levels up to 100 percent of the federal poverty level to participate in the program, which is administered by the Department of Human Services.

•  Circuit Breaker: The income requirements for this program were expanded in 2000 to include senior citizens and disabled individuals at or below 250 percent of the federal poverty level ($28,480 for a family of two). The state pays the first $2,000 (with a $25 card fee and co-pay for each prescription) and then pays 80 percent above the threshold. The program covers medications for the following conditions: Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, glaucoma, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, and lung diseases or smoking-related illnesses. This program is administered by the Department of Revenue.


•  SeniorCare: SeniorCare will be funded by a federal grant and will provide prescription drug coverage to an estimated 368,000 lower-income citizens through the state Medicaid program, starting in June. The state’s newest program will serve senior citizens at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level ($23,200 for a family of two). The program will cover the cost of all prescriptions (with a co-pay for each prescription) up to $1,750 each year and then pay 80 percent above the threshold.

[News release]

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New CILAs proposed
to house LDC residents

[MARCH 5, 2002]  A privately operated company is proposing to build eight living units, eight beds each, in Lincoln to house 64 of the residents who, according to Gov. George Ryan’s plan, are to be moved out of the Lincoln Developmental Center by the end of June.

Dave Krchak, attorney for the Alan G. Ryle companies of Champaign and the Charleston Transition Facilities of Charleston, appeared before the Lincoln City Council Monday evening to ask for a change in the city ordinance that would pave the way for the two community-integrated living arrangements, or CILAs, that the firms want to have built and operating by July.

Krchak also told the council that the city’s zoning ordinance, which prohibits group homes in R-1 areas, is no longer legal, because of the recent passage of the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act.

"I believe that your zoning ordinance is illegal," he told the council. "The federal act clearly establishes that you must allow these facilities in an R-1 district."

At present, the city does not allow group homes in R-1 districts even under special or conditional use permits.

Krchak said the city "could not have foreseen this back when you passed your ordinance," in the early 1900s. City Attorney Bill Bates agreed that the city may be in violation of the federal law, although he is still researching the question.

Krchak said one site for a CILA is in "a developing subdivision within the city limits with plenty of lots for sale." The firms he represents are considering at least one site in an area presently zoned R-1, he added.

Krchak and other company representatives met with Mayor Beth Davis and City Attorney Bill Bates last Friday to discuss building new CILAs here.

Asked by Alderman Verl Prather if the new group homes were part of the governor’s plan for downsizing LDC, Krchak replied they were not directly part of his plan but "part of the response to what we think is going to happen."

He said the funding to build the homes would come from the private sector, but funding to operate the homes would come from the state. The two firms, Alan G. Ryle, a for-profit company, and Charleston Transition Facilities, a not-for-profit company, presently operate other CILAs in Lincoln.

He also said this plan has nothing to do with the proposal announced by Gov. Ryan to build 10 new group homes housing 10 residents each on the present LDC campus.

Davis said Lincoln was given the first chance at getting the eight group homes, which would cost about $275,000 each to build.

"If we don’t accept them, some other community will," she added.

She said the group homes might offer jobs to some of the LDC employees who are scheduled to be laid off under the governor’s plan and asked if the employees would be earning "prevailing wages" for care of the developmentally disabled.

"It would be nice if they could get prevailing wages, and it would be nice if we could use local contractors," Davis said.

Krchak said he did not have a wage structure, but it was "unlikely" that wages would be the same as those the state employees are being paid at LDC.

Alderman Steve Fuhrer noted that though new jobs might be created, they would not be the same kind of jobs presently held by LDC employees, who are members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. "We’ve been told it’s not going to be $15 or $16 an hour," he said. Many jobs in community group homes are paid at the rate of $7, $8 or $9 an hour.

Alderman George Mitchell asked if the firms would use local contractors to build the new group homes.

"If the prices seem reasonable, it makes sense to go with that," Krchak answered. He said he did not believe there had been discussion with any but local contractors. Bates, however, said he understood there had been some discussion with contractors from Springfield.


[to top of second column in this article]

Bates will draft an ordinance amending the zoning code so that it can be discussed at the next council meeting, a committee-of-the-whole meeting March 12. He noted that group homes are already permitted in the city in all areas except those zoned R-1, so if the zoning ordinance is changed, group homes will be permitted anywhere in the city.

Davis said she would ask for the vote on the ordinance on March 18. The CILA firms want to begin construction by April 1, she said.

Alderman Bill Melton urged the council to consider the issue carefully. "Don’t get in a real big hurry. Make sure what we do is correct. The people in the neighborhoods also have rights," he said.

Bates reminded the council that they were not voting on whether they wanted the group homes in Lincoln but on changing an ordinance that might be illegal.

"If the city attorney gets the rest of the information [about the federal law] and we are not in compliance, we don’t have much choice," Fuhrer said.

Krchak said the homes would be one-story, built on a slab, with 15-foot-high garage doors to accommodate vans needed to transport the residents. He said the houses needed to be built on flat terrain.

The group homes will be built to look like other homes in the neighborhood whenever possible. "To the extent possible we will make it look compatible," he said.

Early in February Gov. Ryan announced his plan to downsize LDC from its former nearly 375 residents to 100, who would live in group homes to be built on the present campus, and to cut the number of employees from a high of 700 to about 210.

Ryan has already moved about 130 LDC residents to other facilities, most of them other state institutions. His latest plan calls for moving another 159 out by June 30, the end of the state’s fiscal year.

The Department of Human Services has announced that about 70 of these residents are eligible for placement in groups homes such as those proposed at Monday’s city council meeting, and directed DHS to work with the private sector to build new CILAs in Logan and perhaps Mason counties.

AFSCME and other plaintiffs, including some parents of LDC residents and Illinois Sen. Larry Bomke of Springfield have filed a lawsuit to prevent Ryan from moving any more residents from LDC at least until the end of the fiscal year. That suit is being heard in Logan County Circuit Court before Judge Don Behle. No date for the next hearing has yet been set.

Gov. Ryan’s announcement that he would either close or downsize LDC came after months of charges and countercharges about abuse and neglect at the 124-year-old facility. Ryan has said he is moving residents out of LDC only because of concern for their safety and general welfare. Opponents of the plan, including AFSCME, say they believe the downsizing of LDC is a cost-cutting move to help balance the state budget.

[Joan Crabb]

Teen drinking and smoking
Who’s gonna stop ’em?

[MARCH 4, 2002]  Well, the Lincoln Police and area businesses have something to say to that. They are saying, "We are doing our part." Businesses selling alcohol and tobacco products voluntarily came to an annual "We Card" training program hosted by Lincoln Police Department Community Policing. Thirty-eight owners and managers, mostly from Lincoln, representing nearly all of the vendors selling these products, were in attendance at the optional meeting.

Participants were reminded of Illinois laws and updated on changes, as well as picking up a bit more information pertaining to tobacco and alcohol sales. According to Illinois state law, one must be 18 years old to purchase tobacco products and 21 years of age to purchase or consume alcohol. Members of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission and secretary of state officials spoke and handed out oodles of materials provided by the We Card program.

Opening the evening was Special Agent David Copeland, Illinois Liquor Control Commission, Investigative Division, speaking on alcohol laws and regulations. Addressing the vendors about how they can regulate tobacco sales was Tobacco Compliance Specialist Jim Blackburn of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission. Each of the speakers not only reviewed rules, regulations and penalties, but also encouraged practical procedures including the display of signage and checking IDs.

Investigator Randy L. Railey, Secretary of State Police, took the podium to talk about how to regulate sales to minors. Now the real fun began. Investigator Railey quizzed the audience on checking for false identifications. Besides the obvious, looking at the picture, checking the birth date, then using your super brain for some quick math calculations, did you know that there are sometimes quicker and easier ways to spot a false ID?

Did you know that there are codes on a drivers license or ID card that indicate that the holder is:

•  Male or female?

•  Over or under 21?

•  That there is a certain series of numbers on a card that if too high instantly determines a card to be false?

There certainly are, and there are a number of other details on those cards that Investigator Railey trained the vendors to spot.

Illico/Apollo Mart manager Sandy Weakly later said that she has enjoyed training her employees to look for these anomalies.

Lincoln Community Policing Officer Tim Butterfield credits the Apollo Mart manager for helping develop a number of its programs. "Sandy is great to work with. She’s often a guinea pig for new ideas."


[to top of second column in this article]

Officer Tim Butterfield says that they are promoting zero tolerance. The "no bending these rules" attitude in our community is promoted by performing regular stings on businesses that sell alcohol and tobacco products and if needed and by arresting minors for possession.

"We are trying as a whole to take care of our youth. We’re also supporting this by providing businesses with classes such as this and literature," he stated. Each of the businesses at the meeting received piles of literature and posters for use in their establishments.

Officer Butterfield thinks the stings are beneficial. It provides a little motivation and keeps businesses on their toes. It becomes a collaborative participation in protecting our youth. He has enjoyed working with one particular business in town. He cites the manager of Illico/Apollo Mart, Sandy Weakly, as especially good to work with on this sort of thing.

Apollo Mart is known for rewarding its employees after successfully passing an alcohol or tobacco sting. Illico District Supervisor George Mullen instituted a rather nice perk for the employee on duty passing a sting. They are rewarded $100. If they fail an alcohol sting, they are immediately terminated. Failing a tobacco sting warrants a reprimand the first time and termination the second time.

It is under consideration by the community policing task force to require local bartenders to be certified annually. The measure is intended to undergird responsible alcohol sales. Bartenders would need a license, and classes would be offered monthly to attain that license.

Businesses participating in this years meeting were the Alley-Bi Saloon, Blue Dog Inn, Eagles Lodge, Eckerts, Capones, Flounders, Glass House, Idle Hour, OK Tavern, Ya-Ya’z, Aftershock, Apollo, Ayerco, Bruns, Burwells, Clark, Qik-N-EZ, Quickway Foods and JC’s Pour House.

[Jan Youngquist]

Illinois Senate week in review

[MARCH 2, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — A proposed constitutional amendment to automatically review all death penalty appeals and legislation to retain the state’s fair share of tobacco money topped legislation action this week, according to state Sen. Claude Stone, R-Morton.

SJRCA 18, should address concerns over the integrity of Illinois’ death penalty process by ensuring experienced judges and attorneys are involved in the capital litigation process. Specifically, the constitutional amendment asks voters to approve the creation of a State Supreme Court of Criminal Appeals to automatically review all death penalty cases and all criminal cases appealed from the state Appellate Court level.

SJRCA 18 must be read in full once more before a vote is taken in the Senate. If approved by both chambers of the General Assembly, SJRCA18 would appear on the statewide ballot in 2002 and would take effect on the first Monday in December if approved by a majority of voters.

The Senate Executive Committee approved legislation to retain a larger portion of the state’s share of the Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement. Private attorneys representing the state in the lawsuit were awarded $121 million from the fund. These attorneys contend they are entitled to $910 million of the state’s share of the tobacco moneys.

Senate Bill 2303 asserts the state’s right to the funds, nullifying the lien the attorneys have declared against the receipt of future tobacco money. With this legislation, Illinois would be able to use the $910 million for critical state programs.

In other committee action, the Senate Executive Committee again approved legislation (SB 1634) requiring public high schools to set aside time to say the pledge of allegiance each school day. This legislation would require high schools to set aside time but would not require students to participate.

In Illinois, elementary school students are already required to say the pledge, but high schools are not. Of the 20 states with this requirement, Illinois is the only one to distinguish between elementary and high schools.

The Senate Insurance and Pensions Committee passed Senate Bill 1840, making the "30 and out" retirement provision permanent for the State University Retirement System. Previous law gradually lowered the service requirements to retire at any age from 35 years in 1997 to 30 years in 2002. Without this legislation, the service requirement will again become 35 years in 2003, possibly prompting a mass exodus this year.


 [to top of second column in this article]

Next week is the deadline for Senate bills to gain approval in committee. The following bills were among the legislation approved in Senate committees this week:

Elections (SB 1733) — Calls for election of precinct committeeman in Cook County.

Special education (SB 1777) — Creates seven new designations for certified special education teachers.

Body piercing (SB 1658) — Requires parental consent forms for oral piercing to state that the piercing will be oral and to describe the health risks involved.

Alcohol and teens (SB 1527) — Increases penalties for selling or providing alcohol to minors in exchange for money.

MAP grants (SB 406) — Increases the maximum Monetary Award Program grants for undergraduate students to $5,166 for full-time students and to $2,583 for part-time students.

Police powers (SB 1704) — Expands the questioning and arrest powers of a police officer outside his or her jurisdiction, if law enforcement officials request the officer’s assistance.

Teens and tobacco (SB 1926) — Requires distinct drivers’ licenses for those younger than 21 and 18 years old, specifically stating the date they may legally purchase alcohol or tobacco.

Drinking water (SB 2072) — Requires public notification within 60 days of drinking water contamination.

Senior tax deferral (SB 1606) — Increases the annual income limit for the Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Deferral Act from $25,000 to $40,000.

Private detectives (SB 1951) — Allows police officers to work as private detectives without meeting the licensing standards, as their law enforcement training is sufficient.

Tobacco (SB 2017) — Prohibits the sale of cigarettes if the manufacturer has failed to participate in the master settlement agreement and creates an escrow account as required by the settlement and state law.

[News release]

Weather watch

Alerts posted for central Illinois

Winter storm slows as it takes aim on the northern half of Illinois

Updated information: 4:25 p.m. Friday, March 1

[MARCH 1, 2002]  A potent winter storm continues to move across the plains into the mid- and upper-Mississippi valleys. Snow will push eastward ahead of the system and reach western and central Illinois this evening. Snow will become heavy at times, especially late tonight and Saturday. In addition to the heavy snow, strong north winds late Saturday through Sunday will produce considerable blowing and drifting snow.

The storm will push east of the area late Saturday night, leaving a few flurries in its wake on Sunday. Cold air moving south behind the storm system will push temperatures into the single digits over many areas Sunday night.

A winter storm warning is issued when severe winter weather is expected to occur. Heavy snow or snow and ice are forecast to accumulate in the affected areas, causing hazardous driving conditions. People with travel plans in the warning area are advised to choose an alternate route or should use extreme caution if travel is unavoidable.

Winter storm watch for Saturday afternoon and Saturday night

For Cass, Christian, DeWitt, Logan, Macon, Mason, McLean, Menard, Morgan, Sangamon, Scott and Shelby counties, including the cities of Beardstown, Bloomington, Clinton, Decatur, Havana, Jacksonville, Lincoln, Mason City, Shelbyville, Springfield, Taylorville, Virginia and Winchester:

A mixture of rain and snow tonight will change to all snow Saturday afternoon. An inch or so of snow will be possible tonight before the snow changes to rain. Once the rain changes back to snow Saturday afternoon, an additional 2 or 3 inches will be possible by Saturday night. Strong north winds of 20 to 30 mph will cause blowing and drifting snow Saturday night and Sunday.



[to top of second column in this article]

Winter storm warning tonight through Saturday night

For Fulton, Knox, Marshall, Peoria, Schuyler, Stark, Tazewell and Woodford counties, including the cities of Canton, Eureka, Galesburg and Lacon:

Snow will develop early this evening and become heavy at times. Snow accumulations by daybreak will range from around 6 inches near Galesburg to around 4 inches near Peoria. The snow may briefly mix with sleet or freezing rain near the Illinois River tonight. The snow will continue through Saturday evening, with storm total accumulations from 6 inches to around a foot in some areas. Strong north winds Saturday afternoon through Sunday will cause considerable blowing and drifting snow.

Winter storm watch for Saturday night

For Champaign, Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie Piatt, and Vermilion counties, including the cities of Champaign, Charleston, Danville, Marshall, Mattoon, Monticello, Paris, Rantoul, Sullivan, Toledo and Tuscola:

A mixture of rain and snow tonight will change to all snow late Saturday. An inch or so of snow will be possible tonight before the snow changes to rain. Once the rain changes back to snow late Saturday, an additional 2 or 3 inches will be possible by Saturday night. Strong north winds of 20 to 30 mph will cause blowing and drifting snow Saturday night and Sunday.

[News release
forwarded by Logan County ESDA]

Military addresses sought

It is a year like no other. Since Sept. 11 we are a changed nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and appreciative, first about those we love and see everyday. Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and property in our communities. We also now think more about our military men and women who are committed to serve and protect our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in defense of our freedom.

Lincoln Daily News is seeking the names and addresses, including e-mail addresses, of friends and relatives who are serving in the armed forces. They need not be from here in Logan County. If you know someone serving, please send the information to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com. A complete list will be made available and kept updated through the site so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

[Click here for names available now.]

Name of person in military:

Branch of service:

Current location of service:

Postal address:

E-mail address:

Relationship to LDN reader sending information (optional):


Are we prepared for terrorism
in Logan County?

It’s on the radio, TV, in all the media. You hear it in the office, on the street and maybe at home — threats of terrorism. America is on high alert. Here in central Illinois, away from any supposed practical target areas, perhaps we feel a little less threatened, but we are still concerned. So how concerned should we be, and how prepared are we for the types of situations that could occur?

Whether the threat is domestic or foreign, violent, biological or chemical, our public health and rescue agencies have been preparing to respond to the situations. Lincoln Daily News has been at meetings where all the agencies gather together as the Logan County Emergency Planning Committee to strategize for just such a time. Our reports have not even provided every detail that every agency has reported; i.e., a number of representatives from differing agencies such as the health and fire departments, CILCO and ESDA went to a bioterrorism and hazmat (hazardous materials) seminar this past August.

Here are some of the articles that LDN has posted pre- and post-Tuesday, Sept. 11. Hopefully you will see in them that WE ARE WELL PREPARED. At least as much as any area can be. Every agency has been planning, training, submitting for grants to buy equipment long before Sept. 11. We can be thankful for all of the dedicated, insightful leaders we have in this community.


[to top of second column in this section]

America strikes back

As promised, the United States led an attack on Afghanistan. The attack began Sunday, Oct. 7. American and British military forces made 30 hits on air defenses, military airfields and terrorist training camps, destroying aircraft and radar systems. The strike was made targeting only terrorists.

More than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have pledged their cooperation and support the U.S. initiative.

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[to top of second column in this section]


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