While reviewing the current plans for
the business transfer, the council cited two procedures that the new
owners will need to modify to be operating legally within the city
It was only recently that another
family business came before the council to appeal a city ordinance
violation charge. City Attorney Bill Bates recalled that that issue
became somewhat heated. That business was denied their appeal, and
this business is a similar situation.
The Rankins were asked where they plan
to operate their taxi business from, specifically where the business
phone is located and where the vehicles are parked.
Malisa said that they have a land-based
phone set up to ring in at their home but that the calls are
automatically relayed to their cell phones for answering.
The Rankins also said that the vehicles
will be parked in their garage and parking area in back of their
home at night until 6 a.m., when drivers pick them up. The vehicles
do not return again until end of day.
The city ordinance states that people
cannot operate a business in a residential area. Part of defining
what constitutes running a business, Bates explained, is, “If you
have your vehicles at your home, you are operating out of your
Bates determined that the relay phone
system was marginal but probably acceptable. It falls in a gray
area. But the vehicles would definitely need to be parked somewhere
else during the night, as the Rankins live in a residential area.
The Rankins said they preferred parking
at their home so that they could watch the vehicles better. They
have had some theft of radios in the past. But they will look for a
business area that may be secure enough and allow them to park the
vehicles overnight.
A “yes” vote that the service the
business provides is needed in the city was unanimous from the six
council members present. This included Marty Neitzel, Benny Huskins,
Patrick Madigan, Jonie Tibbs, Buzz Busby and Derrick Crane.
The council moved to issue the license,
pointing out that that the business is subject to all details in
compliance with the city ordinances.
In other business the council addressed
the request from Lincoln District 27's contractors for the closing
of Kankakee Street from Broadway to the alley behind the current
junior high building site and to close one-third of North Broadway
Street between Kankakee and Ottawa streets.
Councilman Buzz Busby read the
requirements for the proposed traffic plan:
1. A sidewalk closure on the north and
south side of Broadway Street from Ottawa to Kankakee Street.
2. A sidewalk closure on the east side
of Ottawa Street from Broadway Street to the alley.
3. A sidewalk closure on the west side
of Kankakee Street from Broadway Street to the alley.
4. An alley closure from Kankakee
Street to Ottawa Street.
5. A lane closure on the west side of
Kankakee Street from Broadway to the alley.
[to top of second column
in this article]

6. A lane closure on Ottawa Street from
the alley to Broadway Street.
7. The removal and replacement of three
existing trees on Broadway Street. The trees will be removed to the
city nursery for storage and future replanting.
8. The removal of two trees at Ottawa
Street and Broadway Street.
9. Parking signs within the
construction limits on Broadway Street will be removed or covered.
10. The proposed closure date will be
from Sept. 1, 2003, through July 21, 2004.
Busby moved that the city council
approve the S.M. Wilson construction company's request. The request
was approved unanimously with the understanding that a certificate
of insurance be provided.
The council approved a request to close
Main Street from 5 to 9:45 p.m. on Aug. 23. The request was
presented by Steve Vinyard for the purpose of having a fireworks
display behind the old Carnival Video store.
A request was also approved to remove a
sidewalk at 311 Second St. submitted by John Carter. The sidewalk
would be removed at the city's expense, but a new sidewalk would not
be put in.
The city council voted to give Lincoln
Police Chief Richard Montcalm and City Attorney Bill Bates
permission to approach the union representing the city's police
officers to see if they would enter into discussion about changing
to nine-hour work shifts.

Councilman Derrick Crane showed the
council a replica of the plaque that will be presented to qualifying
Lincoln historic homes or buildings. Crane said the plaque and the
criteria for having a historical home would be available at City
Hall for people to see. People interested in qualifying must meet
two of the four criteria in order to be eligible. The cost of the
plaque for those who qualify is $75. Mayor Beth Davis said she hoped
there would be an interest in having a historic home designation,
since Lincoln is trying to establish and preserve its history.
Mayor Davis reported to the council
that a $500,000 grant has been tentatively approved. U.S. Rep. Ray
LaHood was instrumental in helping the city receive this grant,
which has to be formally approved by the U.S. Senate before it is
The grant appears to be the result of a
trip made to Washington, D.C., by a newly formed city legislative
task force.
Mayor Davis formally appointed a
legislative and grant writing committee at last night's meeting. She
said she hopes that they will be able to pursue more grants
The new
committee consists of Ward 1 Alderman Benny Huskins, Ward 2 Alderman
Verl Prather, Ward 3 Alderman David Armburst, Ward 4 Alderman Buzz
Busby and Ward 5 Alderman Derrick Crane. Crane was asked to chair
the committee and take charge of grant writing.
[Don Todd,
Youngquist] |