Saturday, April 23


Heads up, drivers: Handicapped parking violation fees going up          Send a link to a friend

New volunteers sought for enforcement training program (Training on Monday)

[APRIL 23, 2005]  It won't be long and it will cost handicapped parking violators much more. An Illinois statute could raise the fee up to $250.  Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis is hoping to curb the number of local violations before that happens. 

Mayor Davis announced that monitoring -- and thereby ticketing -- is going to be stepped up. She hopes that by doing this now it will let people know that Lincoln takes protecting these parking spaces seriously before they have a bigger fine to pay.

Violations for parking in a handicapped space currently carry a $100 fine.

The city of Lincoln is looking for volunteers for the Accessible Parking Program for Persons with Disabilities. Volunteers should be 18 years of age and older. Previous volunteers need to update their training.

Volunteers will be trained to write tickets for vehicles parked in accessible parking spaces. They will look for no placard or no disabled plate.

Tickets will also be written for any vehicle parked in the access lane. The access lane is the striped area next to the parking-accessible parking space.

Training will take place this Monday, April 25, at 2 p.m. in City Hall chambers. Starla Norris from the Springfield Center for Independent Living will conduct the training. There is no cost for training.

Parking enforcers must be approved by the Lincoln Police Department.

If you are interested in attending this training program, contact commissioner Fern Pinkley, (217) 735-3914.

[News release and LDN]

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