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Downtown decline is our doing          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

Downtown was going strong for a long time. The big malls in other towns did not kill downtown either.

It was you and I and everyone else, not to forget the city leaders. We, the people of Lincoln, did not invest into the future of Lincoln. The prison was brought in, around late '70s. The old factories lost their spots in this world of work around the same time. Woolworth was a place us old farts should remember as well. Then we had a place called Avery and Comstock, a store designed for you.

When these stores shut down, why didn't the city step up to the plate? Most cities go looking for business to fill open spots to get more or better jobs in the city, but someone fell down on the job.

[to top of second column in this letter]

If you don't like me downing Wal-Mart, then don't blame the big malls either.

We had a lifestyle all our own in the city of Lincoln. Now… time and things do change if we do nothing. Once a very proud city… now, I just don't know.

Jann Allen Nash

(Posted Dec. 2, 2005)

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