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Wal-Mart not competitive in prices and doesn't support community like other businesses          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

Dec. 5 revote on Super Wal-Mart:

Please, please encourage your aldermen-women to vote "NO" Monday night at 7 to bringing Super Wal-Mart to Lincoln. I will be unable to attend but really hope our representatives make the right decision.

While our Lincoln Wal-Mart has a few very good, kind and caring employees... for the most part, the service received is horrible! I boycott shopping there for months at a time because of it. The prices are sky-high compared to other Wal-Mart stores because they have very little competition here in Lincoln. And when is the last time your youngster played on a Wal-Mart-sponsored team? They don't because Wal-Mart doesn't care about this community.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Let's spend our tax money wisely, not for more of the same.

Why not try to bring Target or Shopko here? We wouldn't need to shop out of town because we'd have more choices and price competition.

We need to encourage businesses to Lincoln to provide jobs, benefits and invest in our community. Wal-Mart just doesn't deserve it.

[Last name withheld on request]

(Posted Dec. 5, 2005)

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