[DEC. 27, 2005] WASHINGTON -- The Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency released new enforcement actions taken against national
banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with
national banks and terminations of existing enforcement actions.
The following individuals were assessed fines on Nov. 4 under civil
money penalties:
Kenneth R. Brooker, The First National Bank of Mount
Pulaski, Mount Pulaski, fined $1,000
Joseph W. Lucas, The First National Bank of Mount Pulaski,
Mount Pulaski, fined $1,000
J. Gene Schmidt, The First National Bank of Mount Pulaski,
Mount Pulaski, fined $3,000
Julian Wubben, The First National Bank of Mount Pulaski,
Mount Pulaski, fined $1,000
First National Bank of Mount Pulaski President Curt Faber was
unaware of the action taken against the above individuals when
Lincoln Daily News contacted him last week. He said, "It goes
against the person, not the bank." Faber said he planned to look
into the matter.
The punitive fine is imposed on an entity or individual --
individuals in this case -- that profited from illegal or unethical
activity. Civil money penalties are usually equal to the gains made
from whatever activity was deemed to be illegal or unethical.
A list of enforcement actions previously disclosed and copies of
the actual documents are available from the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency's Communications Division by writing to
Comptroller of the Currency, Public Information Room (1-5),
Washington, DC 20219. Requests made by facsimile transmission should
be sent to (202) 874-4448. Please include the identifying
enforcement action number when placing an order. Enforcement actions
are also listed monthly in OCC Interpretations and Actions.
Subscriptions to that publication are available from the OCC's
Communications Division.