Wednesday, Feb. 1

Statement from Gov. Blagojevich in response to President Bush's State of the Union address          Send a link to a friend

[FEB. 1, 2006]  CHICAGO -- "The president seems to recognize that American families can't afford the rising cost of health coverage, but his approach to fixing the problem falls far short," Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich said following the State of the Union address Tuesday evening. "His proposals will do nothing to help people -- especially children -- get the routine, preventative care they need to stay healthy. Instead, the president's plan will push more people toward catastrophic coverage that only helps in expensive, emergency situations. And ultimately, if families can't afford the cost of private coverage now, giving them a tax-free savings account is not likely to make comprehensive private coverage any more affordable.

"If the president really wants to help people get health care coverage, he should look to what we're doing in Illinois through All Kids. As opposed to the $1,300 a year per child that private coverage costs, here in Illinois parents can pay as little as $480 annually for comprehensive coverage.

"We're helping adults get affordable health care too. We're pushing forward with a plan called Veterans Care that would give Illinois veterans the health care they deserve but are not receiving from Washington. And, as Governor Kaine pointed out in tonight's Democratic response, we're leading the nation in giving people access to significant savings on common name-brand prescription drugs from approved pharmacies in other industrialized countries.

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"We have a health care crisis in this country. And I welcome any idea that will solve that problem here in Illinois. But I do not believe that the president offered that idea tonight."

[News release from the governor's office]

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