Friday, February 03, 2006
posted daily OVER THE NOON HOUR
What percent of the Logan County poll respondents say they have used
the local recycling facilities and how often?
Find the answer under "Survey Results," question 6.
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Week of Jan. 30, 2006
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Friday, Feb. 3:
Reorganization in Logan County Regional Planning Commission's future -
Midterm grade? A-OK
Illini halfway home to another Big Ten title
By Greg
Taylor -
Havana Eagle Days Festival this
weekend -
Mitchell urges area students to
apply for scholarships -
National High School Rodeo in search of volunteers for July finals
in Springfield -
Learning column: Son lacks confidence -
Lincoln College Chorale to
perform at Decatur's Black History Month celebration -
Dee Brown named finalist
for Cousy Award
Lincoln College vs.
Class 7A Boys State
Basketball Tournament pairings
Class 7AA Boys State
Basketball Tournament pairings
Thursday, Feb. 2
Wednesday, Feb. 1
Tuesday, Jan. 31
Monday, Jan. 30