Tuesday, Feb. 14

Gov. Blagojevich introduces plan to address nursing shortage, ensure adequate level of front-line health care providers as baby boomers age  Send a link to a friend

At current pace, shortage expected to reach 21,000 by 2020

Plan would boost number of nursing educators, provide financial relief to nurses in training and improve working conditions

[FEB. 14, 2006]  SPRINGFIELD -- To head off an anticipated severe shortage of nurses resulting from an aging nursing work force and increased demand for nurses due to aging baby boomers, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich unveiled a plan Tuesday that will increase the number of faculty available to train nurses, make it more affordable for nursing students to attend school and improve working conditions for nurses through a new Illinois Center for Nursing. The initiative will be highlighted by the governor in next week's budget address and is partially contained in House Bill 4279, sponsored by Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie, and Sen. Carol Ronen, D-Chicago.

"As the baby boomers grow older, Illinois faces the challenge of providing for their growing demands on the health care system while also making up for the retirement of a generation of nurses," Blagojevich said. "Nurses play an essential role. They're on the front lines and have the most direct and continuing contact with patients. We have to find ways to fill the nursing shortage, and this new legislation will help us get there."

The number of potential caregivers, including nurses, is projected to decrease 4.2 percent between 2000 and 2020, while the number of those who need care is projected to increase by 31 percent. All told, by 2020 Illinois could be facing a shortage of over 21,000 nurses. According to region-by-region numbers put together by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the state currently has a nursing shortage of 7 percent -- vacancies versus jobs filled -- and that shortage is projected to grow to almost 8,000 registered nurses and 1,200 licensed practical nurses (per year, projected through 2010).

"We've heard a lot in recent years about getting doctors to come to or stay in Illinois, but we haven't talked enough or done enough to encourage the nursing field," said Lang, sponsor of House Bill 4279. "I look forward to working with the governor and nursing organizations to establish a plan that anticipates and prepares for the future health care needs of our state."

"This bill is critical because it acknowledges that one of the causes of the nursing shortage is the lack of nursing faculty," said Ronen, sponsor in the Senate. "By providing grants to nursing schools, we can ensure that quality nurses are produced for the state of Illinois."

The governor's plan will address the shortage in a number of ways:

  • Development of the Center for Nursing: The Illinois Center for Nursing would be established within the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, charged with goals such as developing a strategic plan for nursing manpower in Illinois, maintaining a database on nursing supply and demand, and creating nursing retention and recruitment initiatives.

  • Nursing educator scholarships: Since every additional faculty member in nursing can add 10 more nurses to the work force, the Center for Nursing would also be charged with the creation of a nursing education scholarship that will make pursuing a career in nursing education more attractive and more affordable in the state of Illinois. This year's budget includes $1.3 million for these scholarships.

  • Grants to nursing schools: Capacity in nursing colleges around the country is reaching the breaking point. In fact, over 26,000 qualified applicants were turned away from baccalaureate-granting nursing programs in the United States because of faculty shortages, crowded clinical facilities and funding shortfalls. In Illinois, over 1,100 qualified applicants were not admitted. In order to increase the number of faculty, and the number of graduating nurses as a result, Illinois would make competitive grants available to nursing schools. These could be used to hire more faculty members or create evening or weekend training programs, among other options. In fiscal 2007, a $1.5 million grant would be available to nursing schools to increase the number of graduating nurses, as well as $150,000 for 15 nurse educator fellowships that would supplement faculty salaries.

  • Changes to existing nursing scholarship program: The legislation would amend the existing nursing education scholarship law to allow merit, in addition to financial need, to be taken into consideration when determining recipients of the nursing scholarship. Merit is to be shown through measures such as grade-point average, class rank, academic and extracurricular activities. Taking merit into account in awarding these scholarships will improve the successful completion rate of nursing education programs as well as helping Illinois produce high-quality nurses.

  • Student loan repayment for nurse educators: The legislation contains provisions for a future loan forgiveness program for those who choose to become nursing faculty. The Illinois Nurse Educator Loan Repayment Program, through the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, would be an incentive for nurses to become educators. The program will allow current nurse educators, or those in a master's level or Ph.D. program to become nurse educators, to receive $5,000 in student loan forgiveness a year for up to four years. For every year of student loan forgiveness they receive, they must work for one year as a nurse educator in Illinois. The program will be up and running by fiscal 2008.

In order to eliminate the nursing shortage, approximately $3 million to $5 million a year would be spent on these programs through 2020, for a total of about $50 million.

"The Illinois Nurses Association is keenly aware of the magnitude of the nursing shortage in Illinois and applauds the governor's vision in investing in nursing and health care in the state," said Kathleen Perry, R.N., Ph.D., president of the Illinois Nurses Association. "The governor's proposal will address the immediate need to increase nurse educators in the state, but it goes even further. In creating an Illinois Center for Nursing, the governor's proposal shows his commitment to health care by addressing the issues of supply and demand in the nursing profession."

[to top of second column]

"The Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing is delighted with the governor's proposal," said Gail Van Kanegan, A.P.N., N.P., president of the Illinois Society of Advanced Practice Nurses. "We in nursing have recognized the shortage of nurse educators. With the creation of a Nurse Educator Scholarship, opportunities will be provided for those pursing a graduate degree to enter the nurse educator profession."

"The nursing shortage is endangering the safety of patients and driving up the costs of health care -- making creative solutions an imperative," said Joan L. Shaver, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., dean of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing. "The governor is to be commended for a 'multipronged approach.' Capacity-building for nursing schools, accelerating success of students through strengthened scholarships and investing in a strategic future through a Center for Nursing stand to produce synergistic and critically needed outcomes."

"The governor's proposal recognizes the need to address critical issues in nursing for the state of Illinois," said Nancy Ridenour, Ph.D., R.N., A.P.R.N., B.C., F.A.A.N., dean of the Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University. "It is very difficult to project nursing work force needs when there is no central data bank in the state. The Center for Nursing will provide opportunities to centralize work force-related issues and assist colleges of nursing in coordinating and collaborating with each other to provide comprehensive nursing education throughout the state. In addition, the Nurse Educator Scholarship and the addition of merit to the nursing scholarship criteria both support the need to increase the numbers of nursing faculty."

The governor has initiated several other steps to both retain nurses who are already practicing and bring more nurses to Illinois. These include:

  • Critical Skills Shortage Initiative: The governor made a commitment in his 2005 State of the State speech to address the shortage of health care workers through his Critical Skills Shortage Initiative. A total of $18 million is being invested statewide to ensure that every region of the state has a well-trained and equipped work force in the health care industry. Through an innovative approach that is currently being replicated by Indiana, local work force investment boards, area employers, economic development professionals, educators and service providers are developing individualized strategies to address local employment needs and to get more health care professionals into the work force.

  • Establishing the Nursing Education Scholarship Program: The Nursing Education Scholarship Program has increased its effectiveness with additional funding included in the reauthorization of the Nursing Practice Act, signed by Blagojevich in 2004. The act increased the percentage of license fees that is transferred into the scholarship program. In 2006, there will be $1.2 million -- an increase of $450,000 -- to provide approximately 150 students with financial assistance to pursue an associate degree in nursing, an associate degree in applied sciences in nursing, a hospital-based diploma in nursing, a baccalaureate degree in nursing, a graduate degree in nursing or a certificate in practical nursing.

  • Streamlining the license process: Through a coordinated effort by the governor's office, the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, and the Illinois State Police, 800 nurse-licensing applications were reviewed and approved since the governor's announcement in the State of the State address. Since 2001, Illinois has required nursing professionals to submit to a background check as part of the application process. A backlog of more than 1,800 applications had built up since the law was enacted. Both the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and the Illinois State Police have developed comprehensive guidelines for dealing with licensed fingerprint vendors to ensure that backlogs do not recur in the future.

  • Keeping nurses in Illinois: A new law enables advanced practice nurses to be licensed in more than one specialty without having multiple graduate degrees as long as they have the educational and clinical experience to be nationally certified. This encourages highly trained advanced practice nurses to stay in Illinois by making it easier for them to advance in their careers.

  • Establishing a first-in-the-nation externship program: Nurses who are licensed under the laws of another state or territory of the U.S., primarily from Puerto Rico, who wish to practice in Illinois and are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination, are now allowed to work under the direct supervision of a registered professional nurse licensed in Illinois while they are enrolled in a course that prepares them for the licensure exam and acclimates them to nursing and health care delivery in our state. This increases diversity within the nursing profession and prepares nurses educated in a U.S. territory for practice in Illinois.

[News release from the governor's office]

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