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Response to tribute          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

Thanks, Jeff, for a warm and heartfelt tribute to a man who truly loved this community. He didn't just sit and wait and wish (or complain) -- he thought of ways to make this a better community and gave his ideas hands and feet and turned them into actions.

I was always struck by his thoughtfulness and sincerity. A compliment from Bill Hull was just that -- a genuine, heartwarming compliment.

Bill attended Christmas in the Chapel at LCCS every year, and he was always certain to express his warm appreciation of this annual community event.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Yes, Jeff, he will most certainly be greatly missed
-- but aren't we the fortunate ones to have known him as a trusted neighbor, community leader and friend?

Pat Snyder

(Posted March 1, 2006)

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