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A new 'entertainment venue'?          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

I have had a ringside seat to the new Wal-Mart construction on Lincoln's west side. It has been a very interesting process.

Most Lincolnites may not realize that in addition to the store you can easily see from Route 10, we also have a new creation in our town: "Wal-Mart Hill"!!!

This new creation is a byproduct of and a fortunate result of a lot of excess soil and nowhere to take it.

I am not too tall, so when I climbed Wal-Mart Hill to get the lay of the land, I cannot be absolutely sure, but it would not surprise me if Wal-Mart Hill wasn't the tallest point of land around for a long way, maybe miles.

[to top of second column in this letter]

To my "entertainment venue" point: The layout seems perfectly designed for an entertainment group (band or whatever) to set up on the edge of the soon-to-be-completed parking lot (maybe on the city's portable stage), and the fans could be arrayed upon the grassy slope of Wal-Mart Hill enjoying the entertainment. Lots of free parking too!

BTW: The grass is planted, but I am told there are still 130 "buffer" trees to be planted along the west and north side of Wal-Mart Hill.

Dave Golwitzer

(Posted Sept. 13, 2006)

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