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In honor of firefighters          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

This year our nation's firefighters will respond to well over 2 million fires and over 9 million additional emergencies. They will, as they do every year, save thousands of lives and millions of dollars worth of property through their dedicated efforts. Their job is, by far, one of the nation's most dangerous, and their sacrifices are many.

In an average year, over 100 firefighters are killed in the line of duty. Nearly 50 percent of all firefighters are injured in valiant service each year.

A National Firefighter's Day would be a day to remember the men and women who protect us now and for those who have given their lives in the line of duty. They all are heroes. By honoring them, we pay special tribute to the spirit of community and unselfishness that is such an integral part of their character. Firefighters are inspirational examples for all of us and are worthy of our highest praise for their tireless devotion to fulfilling their sacred responsibilities to society.

Let us also thank all of the first responders and the many organizations that constantly work toward the mutual goals of health and safety.

To enhance public awareness of the courage and supreme devotion of our nation's firefighters, it is my hope that the Congress of the United States of America will set aside a National Firefighter's Day so that we may recognize these brave men and women who serve this country.

[to top of second column in this letter]

If you think the National Firefighters Day is a good idea, please write your representatives in Congress.

In Illinois send to:

Use http://www.house.gov/writerep/ to find your U.S. representative if you do not know who it is.

For U.S. Senators: http://senate.gov/general/

I don't know that online petitions are any more effective than those that are e-mailed in chain letters. Still, the online one for a National Firefigher's Day is at http://www.petitiononline.com/91101/petition.html


Brian Dukes

(Posted Sept. 13, 2006)

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