Thursday, December 27, 2007
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Clemens' Lawyers Probing Steroid Claims

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[December 27, 2007]  NEW YORK (AP) -- Roger Clemens' lawyers are investigating accusations in the Mitchell Report that say the star pitcher used steroids and human growth hormone.

Clemens was the biggest name in this month's report by former Senate majority leader George Mitchell that detailed widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs in baseball. The seven-time Cy Young Award winner has repeatedly denied using steroids or HGH.

"On Roger's behalf, we are investigating the allegations about him contained in the Mitchell Report," Clemens' attorney, Rusty Hardin, said Wednesday in a statement. "To our surprise, we have identified several people who logic dictates the Mitchell team should have talked to but did not. That's troubling. We are asking questions and we encourage the news media to do the same."

Clemens plans to be interviewed for an episode of CBS' "60 Minutes" that is scheduled to air Jan. 6. The pitcher will be available to answer questions from other reporters that day in Texas, said Hardin's spokesman, Joe Householder.

Hardin said the "60 Minutes" interview was slated to take place this week at Clemens' home in Texas, The New York Times reported on its Web site Wednesday.

"We are convinced the conclusions in Mitchell's report are wrong and are investigating the findings ourselves," Hardin told the newspaper.

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Many of the allegations against Clemens in the Mitchell Report came from his former trainer, Brian McNamee. According to the report, McNamee said he injected Clemens with steroids in 1998 while with the Toronto Blue Jays, and steroids and HGH in 2000 and 2001, while with the New York Yankees.

Clemens posted a video Sunday on the Internet repeating his denials of the allegations against him in the report. McNamee's attorney, Ed Ward, has said his client stands by the accuracy of the information he gave to Mitchell.

[Associated Press; By MIKE FITZPATRICK]

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