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Experts speak on supplementing cattle feed with co-products          Send a link to a friend

[September 12, 2007]  URBANA -- As grain prices rise and hay is in short supply, beef cattle producers may look at co-products to fill the void in their cow-calf and feeding operations, said a University of Illinois Extension animal systems educator.

"To answer some of the questions such producers might have, a conference will be held Nov. 28 at the U of I Extension building on the Illinois State Fairgrounds," said Dave Seibert. "A wide range of topics related to feeding co-products will be covered by expert speakers from three states." The conference begins with registration at 8:45 a.m. and concludes at 4:45 p.m.

Those topics include storage, handling issues and timely buying of co-products; using co-products in growing and backgrounding diets; cow and heifer rations using co-products; using co-products in finishing diets; early weaning and feeding co-products; and new co-products from corn dry-grind ethanol production.

Presenters are Rick Rasby of the University of Nebraska, Daryl Strohbehn of Iowa State, Paul Walker of Illinois State University, Ken Nimrick of Western Illinois University and four University of Illinois experts -- Larry Berger, Dan Faulkner, Vijay Singh and Seibert.

In addition of U of I Extension, sponsors are the Illinois Corn Marketing Board, the Illinois Beef Association and the Sen. Simon E. Lantz Memorial Lecture fund.

Registration is $18 and covers the meal along with a bound copy of the proceedings. Late and at-door registration is $25. Deadline for reservations is Nov. 21 and can be made by contacting Seibert at 309-694-7501 or He is also the contact for further information.

[Text from file received from the University of Illinois Extension]

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