Reduces energy use.
Cuts down on
greenhouse gases.
Eases traffic.
Reduces America's
dependence on foreign oil.
Increases worker
Saves taxpayer
Helps persuade
talented individuals to build long careers in public service.
Makes the country
better prepared in times of emergency.
The answer is telework, or telecommuting, a phenomenon possible
thanks to technology that enables nearly any employee with access to
a computer, high-speed telecommunications links and a phone to work
from home or a telework center just as if he or she were sitting in
the office.
Given the benefits listed above, you'd probably be surprised to
learn that less than 5 percent of the federal work force teleworks.
The U.S. General Services Administration and Office of Personnel
Management are working to reverse the trend by providing telework
opportunities to as many federal and private-sector employees as

The Office of Personnel Management has the lead in implementing a
2000 law that requires each agency to set a telework policy under
which eligible employees may participate so long as they maintain
high performance. The law requires that the policy be applied to 25
percent of the federal work force each year until every eligible
employee is offered the chance to telework.
The role of the General Services Administration is to provide the
necessary guidance, assistance and oversight, and to acquire space
for, establish and equip telecommuting centers. We also like to lead
by example. Currently, 10 percent of GSA's nationwide work force
teleworks, compared with 4.2 percent for the entire government.
Though we comfortably beat the average, I think we can do better, so
I recently issued a challenge. I told our managers to bring me a
plan that would raise GSA's total to 20 percent by the end of 2008,
to 40 percent by the end of 2009 and to 50 percent by 2010.
[to top of second column]

Studies have shown that GSA's 14 telework centers in the D.C.
metropolitan region saved commuters from traveling nearly 2.8
million miles a year, which, in turn, saved almost 115 thousand
gallons of fuel and avoided 2.3 million pounds of emissions. That's
a pretty good return on our investment.
Issuing the GSA Telework Challenge was the easy part. But I have
great confidence that our excellent team at GSA will hit the target.
I also believe our work will inspire other agencies, to the great
benefit of their workers, the taxpayers and our nation.
Lurita Doan is the administrator of
General Services Administration, founded in 1949 as a
centralized procurement and property management agency for the
federal government. GSA manages more than one-fourth of the
government's total procurement dollars and influences the management
of $500 billion in federal assets, including 8,300 government-owned
or leased buildings and 205,000 vehicles. As a steward of more than
420 historic properties and as manager of USA.gov, the official
portal to federal government information and services, GSA helps
preserve our past and define our future. GSA's mission to provide
superior workplaces, expert technology solutions, acquisition
services, purchasing and eGov Travel solutions and management
policies, at best value, allows federal agencies to focus on their
core missions.
[Lurita Doan; text from file
received from the
GSA Office of Citizen Services & Communications]