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To the editor:The Logan County Relay for Life for the American
Cancer Society will take place on Saturday, May 17, and Sunday, May
18, 2008. Saturday's events will take place on the campus of Lincoln
Christian College and Seminary. This is the 11th annual Relay in
Logan County -- 11 years of celebrating hope, celebrating those who
have survived this disease called cancer, honoring those who have
been taken from us because of cancer and having a team event to
fight this terrible disease. We can't think of too many people who
have not in some way been affected by cancer, either by being
diagnosed with it or losing a loved one because of it.

Survivors are a very important part of our event. They either
have or are enduring this disease, and we honor them with special
activities as part of the Relay. Registration of survivors will
begin at 11 a.m., with a special lunch provided to survivors and
their families free of charge. At 1 p.m., the survivors will begin
the Relay with the walking of the first lap of the relay in honor of
their endurance. After the first lap, members of the teams relaying
will join in. At that time, we will draw for prizes to be given to
registered survivors. These prizes have been graciously donated by
other members of the county community.
[to top of second column in this letter]
 If you are a cancer survivor or if you know of someone who is a
survivor, we would like you to contact us so as to be included in
the day's events. Tonita can be reached at 732-9796. Melanie can
reached at 732-1689. Susan can be reached at 732-9281.
Tonita Reifsteck
Melanie Riggs
Susan Gehlbach
Survivor Committee
For Life of Logan County)
May 07, 2008]
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