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To the editor:Recently, comments have been expressed in a letter
to a newspaper editor concerning
The Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign workers who ring the bell
outside in the cold. Many Logan County residents have brought this
letter to my attention in person and by telephone.
I would like to focus upon a different perspective entirely,
which is that of the many, many bell ringers who stand at our red
kettles each year, selflessly devoting their time to raising money
for the work of The Salvation Army for the following year. I was one
of those bell ringers last year and stood at a kettle at various
locations around Lincoln during the entire 2008 Red Kettle campaign.
I logged many hours and saw many people as I rang the bell, some of
whom stopped by to share how The Salvation Army had helped them
directly or helped a family member or neighbor. As they shared, they
gave money and each helped to fill the red kettle in my care. I was
honored to hear the stories and to be the caretaker of those
Each day, I heard the history of the red kettle as it directly
affected everyday folks who were shopping at my red kettle location.

I heard stories
from veterans of WWII and the Korean War, as well as veterans of
Vietnam, who had been encouraged, supported and welcomed by
Salvation Army field workers and support teams overseas and back
here on American soil.
I heard personal
accounts from families who had lost their homes in house fires
or in floods or in tornadoes and been helped after those
tragedies by Salvation Army emergency disaster teams.
I heard from
single parents who had struggled to put food on the table and
who had been helped with Salvation Army food pantry assistance.
I heard from a father who had been on
the streets and homeless, addicted to alcohol and hopeless until
he entered the Adult Rehabilitation Center operated by The
Salvation Army. As he shared about his restored and rebuilt life
now, his three little daughters each lined up to put their coins
into the red kettle.
I wasn't thinking about the cold in those moments. I was often
moved to tears by the obvious needs of many people who passed by me:
the handicapped, the frail and elderly, parents of young children,
folks with serious illnesses, and people who had lost all their
worldly possessions. People often stopped to apologize for not
giving more, telling of their circumstances and their hardships.
I wasn't thinking
about the cold as I stood the kettle for the many emergency
workers and firefighters from several counties who fought the
huge blaze of Dec. 19, 2008, served by The Salvation Army
canteen from the Decatur Corps.
[to top of second column in this letter]

I wasn't thinking
about the cold as I heard the next morning from EMTs, paramedics
and firefighters who had stood the bitter cold in downtown
Lincoln, putting out that fire in the dark and in subzero
temperatures. As these wonderful public servants came by my red
kettle, they gave and helped to fill the kettle.
I wasn't thinking
about the cold as I rang the bell for the families displaced by
that fire and by the tornado of Aug. 19, 2009 -- families who
received disaster assistance from The Salvation Army here in
Logan County.
I wasn't thinking
about the cold as I rang the bell for the needy families who
were saved from eviction and homelessness or utility shutoffs
with Salvation Army assistance.
I wasn't thinking
about the cold as I rang the bell for the families of soldiers
who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, struggling with the
loss of income from those deployments.
I wasn't thinking
about the cold as I rang the bell for the families who would
receive Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance during one of the
hardest economic years of the last several decades.
I wasn't thinking about the cold as I
rang the bell for more than 100 emergency workers who worked
countless hours in support of the Beason murders investigation
in September 2009, supported again by The Salvation Army canteen
in the field.
The bell ringers who choose to stand a red kettle for The
Salvation Army, whether inside or out, are not thinking about their
own comfort or pleasure. They are laying down hours of their time to
support the work of The Salvation Army, in a precious annual
sacrifice that has continued for over 100 years here in Logan

I salute them, one and all. Their dedication, generosity and
support makes my current job of director here in Logan County so
much easier and so rewarding.
I salute all of the retailers and businesses who have allowed us
to stand our kettles, whether inside or out, bringing our Red Kettle
campaign close to the hearts of Logan County residents each year.
The Salvation Army of Logan County could not serve each year without
this invaluable support and commitment.
Blessed to serve,
Rebecca Van Nydeggen
Director, The Salvation Army of Logan County
December 09, 2009]
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