David R. Armbrust
Age 66
Home address: 922 Decatur St., Lincoln
Retired after 40 years service at Eaton.
I am an incumbent in my sixth year of
service on the Lincoln City Council. I was elected and served four
years from May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2005. I chose not to run for
re-election at that time and was later appointed in 2007 to fill the
unexpired term of Alderman Daron Whittaker. I am currently Chairman
of the Streets and Alleys and Vice Chair of Fire, Water and ESDA.
I feel my main qualification to
continue to hold the office of alderman for Ward 3 is my council
experience and my strong desire to serve the residents of the City
of Lincoln. During my years of employment with Eaton Electrical, 30
years were concentrated in the field of customer service. I believe
that gives me an ability to address the problems and concerns of the
residents of the City of Lincoln.
What I believe to be the three
major issues for the city council and the city of Lincoln are: the
2009/2010 Budget, Infrastructure and Economic Development.

Budget 2009/2010:
I believe the 2009/2010 budget will
be the biggest issue facing the council this year. We are witnessing
declining tax revenues and minimal returns on our investments. How
far these incoming revenues will continue to decline is unknown and
that fact demands stringent control of our spending. As a child you
were probably asked by your parents if you really needed an item or
just wanted it, and I as council member will have to view our
spending of city money in that same harsh light of reality. One of
the council's main objectives will be to determine the difference
between needs and wants.
top of second column] |
Inadequate staffing numbers and man
hours required to clean up storm damage have kept the City of
Lincoln from accomplishing some repair projects as planned. To get
back on track and to utilize the limited funding available in a
manner most beneficial to the entire community the Street
Superintendent, Tracy Jackson, has requested each alderman provide
him a list of improvements we want to see in our wards.
Superintendent Jackson will compare the alderman's requests to a
list of projects that he and City Engineer Mark Mathon have compiled
and recommendations will be presented to the Streets & Alleys
committee for consideration at budget time.
Economic Development:
Several organizations are involved
in economic development. Main Street Lincoln, Chamber of Commerce,
Lincoln & Logan County Development Partnership and the Mayor's
office. I believe that within these organizations and the Mayor's
office there are people with more expertise than I possess looking
into bringing new business to Lincoln and Logan County. With that
thought in mind, I promise you that I will listen with an open mind
and no prejudice to any proposals of new businesses brought before
the city council. Should I personally gain knowledge of a person or
company looking for a new business location, I will contact the
above groups to see if we as a community can make them feel welcome
in Lincoln, IL.
[Text copied from file received
from David R. Armbrust]