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Support state income tax increase

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InsuranceDear Editor:

Like the rest of the country, our state's economy is in trouble. As a result, families are hurting in these challenging times.

Tough times call for strong leadership, and Illinois' lawmakers have an opportunity to demonstrate that leadership during ongoing budget negotiations. That's why I urge Rep. Brauer and Sen. Bomke to stand up for children, families and seniors when they most need support. Specifically, lawmakers must actively support a moderate income tax increase to generate desperately needed new revenue.

There's no question that state government must undertake serious belt-tightening, but it is clear that those savings won't come close to closing its colossal shortfall. Generating new revenue is the only responsible way to balance the state's budget while preventing devastating cuts to services that are lifelines for Illinois residents. Without substantial new revenue, programs such as preschool, affordable child care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, home care for seniors, services for people with disabilities, and countless other priorities are going to be slashed.

Furthermore, boosting revenues will strengthen the state's economy and prevent job losses.

I urge Rep. Brauer and Sen. Bomke to do the right thing for the people of Illinois as they work toward a balanced budget resolution.


Lacey Buss

[Posted June 13, 2009]

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