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To the editor:Lincoln AMVETS Post 71 would like to ask all Logan
County residents to fly their flags on Veterans Day, Nov. 11,
weather permitting, to honor the service of all Logan County
veterans, both living and deceased.
We would also like to invite the public to visit All Veterans
Park, located on the corner of Union and Pekin streets in Lincoln,
because we have continued to install new granite bricks, purchased
to honor our veterans' service, throughout the past year. We have a
directory that is very user-friendly and has directions inside the
notebook that is located at the brick display site. Check out our
latest names.
[to top of second column in this letter]

 This holiday season is an excellent time to purchase a new $35
granite brick for a veteran, living or deceased, in your family. All
veterans, male or female, are eligible, including those serving in
the Reserve, National Guard, Coast Guard or regular full-time
military service involving honorable service from the Civil War to
the present conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. This service can be
either peacetime or during war.
The bricks purchased will be laid in All Veterans Park as soon as
possible. There are blank order forms available in a display holder
located at the brick display site.
For more information, contact Ruth Haak at 217-732-8829.
Les Van Bibber
Brick honor roll founder
November 06, 2009]
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