Accident Impact spins car around nearly 360 degrees
Incident occurred at 10:24 p.m. Aug. 24 at the intersection of
South Jefferson and Fifth Street.
Ayers, Christina
E., 35-year-old female, Lincoln; 1996 Pontiac Grand Am GT
Stephenson, Amber N., 18-year-old
female, Lincoln; 2002 Pontiac Grand Am SE1
Stephenson was eastbound on Fifth Street at the intersection with
South Jefferson when Ayers pulled out into the intersection and hit
the Stephenson vehicle.
Ayers told police that Stephenson was speeding on Fifth Street
and not in the intersection when she began her pass through it.
The officer said that the Stephenson vehicle was hit with such
force that the car went into a nearly full 360-degree spin before
coming to a stop in the intersection.
No injuries were reported.
Ayers was ticketed for failure to yield or stop at an
Lincoln Police Department reports for Wednesday, Aug. 25
Anderson, Adam J.,
26-year-old male, of Lincoln, arrested Aug. 25 on Woodlawn and
North Madison on Class A charge of driving with a license
Godbey, Kenneth
R., 39-year-old male, of Lincoln, arrested Aug. 24 at his
residence on Class A charge of domestic battery.
Mattingly, Miranda K., 29-year-old
female, of Lincoln, arrested Aug. 24 at her residence on Class A
charge of domestic battery.
top of second column]

Logan County Sheriff's Department report for Wednesday, Aug. 25
- Davis, Norman, 41-year-old male, of Springfield, arrested
Aug. 24 in Petersburg on a Logan County warrant charging failure
to appear. Bond was set at $3,000.
Mount Pulaski Police Department report for Wednesday, Aug. 25
- Brady, Timothy, 31-year-old male, of Lincoln, arrested Aug.
24 on Vine Street at Delavan in Mount Pulaski on Class A charge
of driving with a license suspended.
___ The public is reminded that anyone is
presumed innocent until charges are proven in a court of law.
Other recent police