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Consider Bill of Rights, will of the people

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To the editor:

Citizens For Justice is making this public plea to Logan County Board members to vote "no" regarding the announced changes that we believe burden and restrict both free speech and the issue of background checks of "we the people."

The First Amendment demands that freedom of speech not be abridged, meaning it must not be restricted. The changes outlined by the Logan County Board violate this First Amendment of our Bill of Rights. The Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable searches; that includes privacy, per the U. S. Supreme Court.

Our Bill of Rights demands that government must not violate these rights, and government also has the responsibility to uphold these rights.

[to top of second column in this letter]

The will of the people is supposed to govern what is the law of the people. These two new county board rules fail this test also.

Citizens For Justice believes that in the cause of freedom we all must battle for the rights of people with whom we may not agree and whom, in many cases, we may not like, because if we do not defend their rights, we endanger our own.

We also believe that none of us has a corner on all of the good ideas. We believe it would be wise for the county board to encourage local residents' comments and ideas, because even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Citizens For Justice, Inc.
Lester C. Van Bibber III

[Posted January 29, 2010]

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