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Thanks to citizens and leaders for support to keep prison jobs

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To the editor:

I'd like to take this opportunity on behalf of AFSCME Council 31 and AFSCME Local 2073 and its members to thank the citizens of Lincoln and Logan County for engaging in the fight to keep Logan Correctional Center open.

I'd especially like to thank Mayor Keith Synder and the city council; Bob Farmer, Jan Schumacher, Patrick O'Neill and the Logan County Board; Andi Hake of the chamber of commerce; and Mike Maniscalco from the office of economic development. Without your hard work and wisdom, the task of saving the prison and all the associated jobs would not have been possible.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Hopefully, because of the efforts put forth in this fight, Lincoln and Logan County will not be a target in the future. However, if that's not the case, I'm sure everyone will once again rise to the task of fighting to save jobs and the economic future of the community.

Roger Griffith
Staff representative, AFSCME Council 31

[Posted December 17, 2011]

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