Obituary index

Dr. Dean Hauter
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20, 2011]
LINCOLN -- Dean Alden Hauter, M.D., 86,
died peacefully on Friday, June 17, 2011, at The Christian Village,
where he had lived since 2008.
A celebration of life will be scheduled later. |
Fricke-Calvert-Schrader Funeral Home in Lincoln is
in charge of arrangements. Dr. Hauter opened his
medical practice in San Jose in 1948. He moved his
practice to Lincoln in 1972 and was a founder and
board member of Family Medical Center. He retired in
He was born June 30, 1924, in Morton. His parents
were Ben S. and Matilda Kuntz Hauter. He married
Sara Doering on Halloween 1947.
He is survived by his wife; his daughter, Sally
Doering Hauter; his son, Dru Doering Hauter, M.D.,
and daughter-in-law Marcia Kay Hauter, M.D.; and two
grandchildren, Emily Ann Hauter and Ben Christian
He attended both grade and high school in Morton
and graduated as valedictorian in 1942. While in
Morton, he played piccolo and flute in the school
and village band.
He began pre-med, chemistry classes at the
University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana and
played in the Marching Illini band. He was in ROTC
and in 1943 joined the Navy. He received his medical
education at the U of I in Chicago while stationed
at Great Lakes Naval Base. He lived at Navy Pier
while attending medical school. He graduated in 1946
and interned at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria.
He met his future wife, from East Peoria, while
riding the interurban train as she was commuting to
Illinois State Normal University. They married and
settled in San Jose, where he opened his own medical
"Doc" was drafted into the Air Force and served
as head of outpatient services at Castle Air Force
Base in Atwater, Calif., in 1955. He returned home
from California in 1957 to his practice in San Jose.
He was proud of his honorable discharge from the
Army, Navy and Air Force.
Dr. Hauter made hospital rounds in Lincoln and
Pekin. He had morning, evening and afternoon office
hours in San Jose. |

He served on the school board in San Jose, was
active in the San Jose Methodist Church and Masons,
and was a member of American Legion Post 1269 in San
Jose. He sang at many weddings and funerals and
organized the San Jose Community Choir.
He was an avid bird hunter and raised many bird
dogs. He was a member of the Riverside Rod and Gun
Dr. Hauter served several terms as president of
the staff at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. He
was medical director of The Christian Village and
served as medical director of St. Clara's Manor. He
started a Parkinson's Disease Support Group at ALMH.
He introduced two new Dr. Hauters, as his son and
daughter-in-law joined the Family Medical Center in
1991. Parkinson's disease was making it hard for him
to write orders and he retired from active medical
practice that year.
He loved the outdoors: hunting, fishing and water
skiing. He continued to snow ski until his senior
years in Taos, N.M. His ashes will be scattered on
"good hunting ground" per his wishes.
Donations in his name may be made to help build
and maintain the Lincoln FC Soccer Complex in
Lincoln, c/o Dean Hauter, MD Memorial, 1275 2300th
Ave, Kenney, IL 61749.
Click here to send a note of condolence to the
Hauter family. |