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Thank you to community from emergency management

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Citizens of Logan County:

Few dates bring out so much emotion as Sept. 11, 2001. Each of us has a personal memory that has become a part of the collective history of that day.

Sept. 11, 2011, was also a day of emotion. This time, however, amid the memorials was a sense of celebration and sharing. Celebrated were the lives well-lived and sharing with those who continue to serve.

Throughout Logan County, individuals, families and organizations honored both the sacrifice of 10 years ago and the continued service by the responders and military of our county.

To the Heritage Museum at Lincoln College, Carroll Catholic School, Park Meadows Baptist Church, Kroger's of Lincoln, Bonanza, the Mount Pulaski Fall Festival, countless individuals who took the time to honor our responders and their families, and other organizations we have missed, we extend our most humble thank you.

[to top of second column in this letter]

The United States of America is a great nation with many challenges. On Sept. 11, 2011, we joined hands in remembrance. That same unity will allow us to prevail over the threats of today and tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone.

Dan Fulscher
Director, Logan County 911 and Emergency Management Agency

Terry Storer
Deputy Director, Logan County 911 and Emergency Management Agency

[Posted September 21, 2011]

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