Completing its 27th year, the fair has become more popular than
ever. Its success can be attributed to the changes and additions its
planners make from one year to the next in accordance with the
community's needs, as well as to the many people in area agencies
who are willing to give of their time to prepare, set up and man a
booth for the weekend event.More than 60 organizations filled the
Lincoln Park District SportsCenter with informational displays or
offered health screenings this year. Also, various recyclables and
unused medications were collected.
The free community event offered something for everyone. At any
one time, hundreds of visitors meandered from one booth to the next,
with a steady flow coming and going all day.
The health fair takes place over a two-day period, with Friday
targeted at Logan County's fifth-grade students. Displays and
activities are customized to promote health, fitness and safety.
Approximately 70 area businesses support the fairs, which are
sponsored by the Logan County Department of Public Health and the
Lincoln Park District.
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posted Saturday