County 4-H recently conducted its annual Oral Communications Contest. State fair
delegates selected were Kenyon Jodlowski, Atlanta, in formal speech; Molly
Schempp, Atlanta, with illustrated speech; and Hannah Crider, Lincoln, for oral
interpretation. State fair alternates are Cavit Schempp, Atlanta, illustrated
speech, and Sarah Starasta, Lincoln, formal speech. All were blue award winners.
Front row, from left: Dylan
Hembrough; Cavit Schempp, state fair alternate; Daniel Crider. Back row: Roy
Logan, judge; Livia Harmon; Molly Schempp, state fair delegate; Hannah Crider,
state fair delegate; Sarah Starasta, state fair alternate; and John Malone,
judge. Not pictured: Chloe Squaire, Caleb Squaire, Nathan Squaire, Samuel
Squaire and Kenyon Jodlowski.
Photo provided by Logan County 4-H
(Click on image for larger version.)