Hanson Family entertains and delights their young audience

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[June 18, 2019]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by Curtis Fox

Kids get into the show by learning from the Hanson family to spin plates.



Christa Faye helps a fan learn how to spin a plate.

Miss Tegan introduces the amazing Hanson Family to the summer reading crowd for this year’s theme “Showtime at the Library.”

Christa Hanson is a national champion on the unicycle. She can even jump rope while riding her one-wheeler.


Ashlyn spins three plates at once!


Mark Hanson holds the Guinness record for being the world’s fastest juggler. He did 520 juggling moves in one minute.


Stella and Grayson get to watch the juggling close up


Juggling on tall unicycles takes amazing skill


The amazing Hanson Family has a bunch of excited young readers at their Lincoln Public Library Summer Reading show


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