COVID - 19
Archives |
Coronavirus Stats, Prevention and Control
What every American and community can do now to decrease the spread of the
coronavirus - CDC |
Saturday, August 8
Saturday, August
8, 2020
County Department of Public Health reports first COVID-19 death
in the county
Pritzker Announces Efforts to Protect Illinois Communities and
Frontline Workers in Response to Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
Announces New IDPH Rules to Provide Local Law Enforcement More
Flexibility and a Measured Process to Enforce Public Health
- Signs SB471 to Provide Additional Protections for Frontline
Workers, Expand Paid Disability Leave
Friday, August
7, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
tested - 6,069 negative - 110
positive - 75 recovered - zero fatalities
August 7, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 2,084 New
Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State reports more than
46,000 tests in one day
Friday, August 7
Thursday, August 6
Wednesday, August 5
August 4, 2020
One new case of coronavirus in Logan
County on Tuesday - Pdf
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,840 tested -
5,751 negative -
positive - 69 recovered - zero fatalities
Christmas on Vinegar Hill canceled for 2020
Board looking
forward to a great event in 2021
August 4, 2020
Health Officials Announce 1,471 New Confirmed Cases of
Coronavirus Disease
State reports more than
42,000 tests in one day
General Raoul urges Federal Government action to increase access
and affordability for drug to treat COVID-19
Remdesivir is an
Anti-Viral Drug Showing Promising Results for Those Hospitalized
Due to COVID-19
Tuesday, August 4
Monday, August 3
Saturday, August 1
July 31, 2020
Two-month old infant among the seven new
cases of COVID-19 in Logan County - Pdf
Friday, July
31, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,52 tested -
5,418 negative - 84
positive - 62 recovered - zero fatalities
Friday, July 31,
Public Health Officials Announce
1,941 New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State hits more than 49,000 tests in one day
Eleven Illinois Counties at Warning
Level for Coronavirus Disease
Illinois GOP Demand Transparency from Pritzker Regarding Federal
COVID-19 Relief Funding
Friday, July 31
Logan County Department of Public Health offers drive-thru
coronavirus testing
July 30, 2020
Two new cases of coronavirus reported
in Logan County - Pdf
July 30, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,353 tested - 5,276
negative - 77
positive - 61 recovered - zero fatalities
Thursday, July
30, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,772 New Confirmed Cases
of Coronavirus Disease
State hits more than 40,000 tests in one day
Thursday, July 30
July 29, 2020
Six new cases of COVID-19 brings Logan
County total to 75 - Pdf
Wednesday, July
29, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,145 tested -
5,070 negative - 75
positive - 54 recovered - zero fatalities
Pritzker Announces Safety Guidelines for Recreational Sports
Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic Guidance for All Youth and Adult Recreational Sports Takes
Effect August 15th
Wednesday, July
29, 2020
Health Officials Announce 1,393 New Confirmed Cases of
Coronavirus Disease
State wide
1,491 people hospital with COVID-19 - 355 ICU - 152 on
Wednesday, July 29
Tuesday, July 28
Monday, July 27
Saturday, July 25
Friday, July 24
Thursday, July 23
Tuesday, July
21, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
4,541 tested -
4.483 negative -
positive - 27 recovered - zero fatalities
July 22, 2020
COVID-19 cases increased by two on
Wednesday - Pdf
Wednesday, July 22,
Health Officials Announce 1,598 New Confirmed Cases of
Coronavirus Disease
Humane Society of Logan County once again
requests visits by appointment only through the end of the month
Fraud Penetrating All State Unemployment Systems, IDES Taking
Steps to Detect, Mitigate, and Pursue Fraudsters
Guidelines Make Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program
Susceptible to Fraud
Pritzker Announces Notice of Funding
Opportunity for Community Organizations to Expand COVID-19
Contact Tracing Efforts
Local Health Departments to Receive $50 Million to Hire
Additional Contact Tracers, 1,600 Tracers Now Online
Wednesday, July 22
Tuesday, July 21
Monday, July 20
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
3,810 tested - 3,765 negative -
one waiting results - 44
positive - 19 recovered - zero fatalities
Saturday, July 18
Saturday, July 18,
NINE new cases bring Logan County total to
44 - Pdf
July 17, 2020
Week ends with three new cases of COVID-19
in Logan County - Pdf
Friday, July 17, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
3,801 tested - 3,745 negative - 35
positive - 19 recovered - zero fatalities
Friday, July 17,
Health Officials Announce 1,384 New Confirmed Cases of
Coronavirus Disease
Consecutive Day of over 40,000 Tests Reported in Illinois
Friday, July 17
Thursday, July 16
Wednesday, July 15
Tuesday, July 14
Monday, July 13
Saturday, July 11
Friday, July 10
Thursday, July 9
Wednesday, July 8
Tuesday, July 7
Monday, July 6
July 5, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
2,421 tested - 2,402 negative -
19 positive - 12 recovered - zero fatalities
Friday, July 3
Thursday, July 2
Wednesday, July 1
Tuesday, June 30
Monday, June 29
Saturday, June 27
Friday, June 26
Thursday, June 25
Wednesday, June 24
Tuesday, June 23
Monday, June 22
June 21, 2020
Logan County Dashboard 1,837 tested - 1,824 negative - 13 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
June 21, 2020
Logan County Dashboard 1,837 tested - 1,824 negative - 13 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
Saturday, June
20, 2020
Health Officials Announce 634 New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus
Saturday, June 20
Friday, June 19
Thursday, June 18
Wednesday, June 17
Tuesday, June 16
Monday, June 15
Saturday, June 13
Friday, June 12
Thursday, June 11
Wednesday, June 10
Tuesday, June 9
Monday, June 8
Saturday, June 6
Friday, June 5
Thursday, June 4
Wednesday, June 3
Tuesday, June 2
Monday, June 1
Saturday, May 30
Friday, May 29
Thursday, May 28
Wednesday, May 27
Tuesday, May 26
Saturday, May 23
Friday, May 22
Thursday, May 21
Wednesday, May 20
Tuesday, May 19
Monday, May 18
Saturday, May 16
Friday, May 15
Thursday, May 14
Wednesday, May 13
Tuesday, May 12
Monday, May 11
Saturday, May 9
Cancellation Notices
Due to COVID-19 the
Middletown Alumni Association has cancelled the July 11,
2020 banquet. Share this information with others who have
attended Middletown High School.
Lincoln Area Music
Society has canceled its summer concert schedule normally
held in June and July
Tuesday, March 31
Monday, March 30
Saturday, March 28
Saturday evening updates
Friday, March 27
Thursday, March 26
Wednesday, March 25
Are you
an essential business chart can help you decide
 Click to enlarge |
Tuesday, March 24
Monday, March 23
Saturday, March 21
Friday, March 20
Thursday, March 19
Wednesday, March 18
Tuesday, March 17
Public Health Officials Announce 12 New Cases
of Coronavirus Disease in Illinois
As families and medical providers focus on
responding to COVID-19, YouthCare transition to be postponed
Launch of enhanced healthcare
program delayed at least 30 days
Illinois Department of Labor Cancels All
Scheduled Hearings Until Further Notice Due to Coronavirus
ISVMA Urges Hygiene, Patience in
Understanding Coronavirus’ Potential Effects on Pets
Illinois State Museum, Branches to Close Until
Further Notice
Department of Natural Resources Closes All State Sites
Logan County
Department of Public Health postpones walk in services
WIC will be via curb-side service
Memorial Health System to Open Respiratory
Screening Clinic at South Sixth ExpressCare Site
Emergency Order - COVID-19 - PDF
Lincoln Park District announces closure until further notice
Access to outdoor amenities still available
Immanuel Lutheran Church in Lincoln will suspend Saturday,
Sunday, and Wednesday worship gatherings through the end of March
The Atlanta Public Library will be closed until further notice, and
all March programs have been canceled. We expect to reschedule them
on a future date.
The Lincoln Downtown Express will postpone its Lincoln's Lucky
Leprechauns drawing scheduled for St. Patrick's day to a later date.
The Lincoln Park District has canceled the annual Easter Egg Hunt
scheduled for April 11, 2020.
The Lincoln Area Music Society Spring Concerts scheduled for March
28th and 29th have been canceled.
The Mount Pulaski Public Library will be closed until further
notice. E-book is still available. If you need your
patron number - email
publiclibrary@gmail.com or call 217-792-5919.
The meetings
of the Heartland Community College Board of Trustees for Tuesday,
March 17, 2020 have been cancelled due to the Coronavirus. The Board
of Trustees will hold a special meeting, currently scheduled for
March 31 at 5:00pm, to take action from items on the March 17 agenda
and to discuss the Heartland Community College Facilities Master
Monday, March 16
Chester-East Lincoln students to
pick up learning packets on Monday, continuing Tuesday.
Watch for information on meal coordination starting on
Tuesday. |
State Wrestling Finals
scheduled for this Friday-Saturday, March 13-14 at the
Convocation Center on the campus of NIU in DeKalb, IL
have been canceled
Volleyball - IESA state
The 7th grade state
finals scheduled for March 13-14 will NOT be played
as scheduled this weekend
All 8th grade state
series are now suspended – this includes 8th grade
regional championships scheduled for tonight, 8th
grade sectional championships scheduled for Monday,
March 16 and the state finals scheduled for March
Music events to the
discretion of local health authorities and schools
NCAA - March Madness, all men's
and women's winter and spring championships canceled
National sports leagues modify
and cancel remaining season:
National Basketball Association
have suspended all games
National Hockey League - suspends
season until prudent to resume
Major League Baseball - canceled
spring training and pushed back season opening by at least two
U.S. Soccer suspended for March and
Broadway Theaters closing to Apr 13
Disneyland closed for remainder of month
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