New Holland-Middletown and Olympia South
students spend the day in Lincoln with Lincoln
Students spend the day in Lincoln with
Lincoln - slideshow
April 15, 2019
Which is better, a big bag of toys or
a KitKat bar? Well, it might depend on who you ask. Both of these
youngsters were delighted with the prizes they won at the Open Arms
Christian Fellowship Church Easter Egg Hunt in Lincoln on Saturday,
though it would appear that maybe the candy bar might have been the
more desirable gift.
Kids waste no time collection 10,000 eggs
at OACF Easter Egg Hunt - Album
OACF Easter Egg Hunt
2-4 yr. olds - slideshow
K - 2nd Grade - slideshow
3rd - 5th Grade - slideshow
Plenty of fun before and after - slideshow
April 22
Had golfers been out on the driving range at the
Lincoln Park District on Saturday morning, they would have struggled
for sure with the high winds. While winds were not clocking storm
speeds, it was tough. Luckily, the dozens of children lined up for
the annual Easter egg hunt at the park district didn’t seem to care.
They also didn’t seem to care that it was a very chilly April
morning that required hoodies and even for some of them winter
Wind and chill don’t hinder children on
the hunt at the Lincoln Park District
0-2 Yr. olds - slideshow
3-4 Yr. olds - slideshow
5-6 Yr. olds - slideshow
7-8 Yr. olds - slideshow
Easter Bunny gets lots of attention before
and after the hunt - slideshow
May 15, 2019
On Friday, May 10, approximately 280 women attended
the sixth annual Ladies’ Night Out held at the Knights of Columbus
and sponsored by the ALMH Community Health Collaborative.
Ladies' Night Out 2019 focuses on physical
and emotional health
Ladies Night Out - Love Yourself Enough -

May 16, 2019
This Year on Mother’s day a lost tradition in Lincoln returned in a
new version. The annual Mother’s Day Buffet was hosted by the United
Way of Logan County at the Oasis Senior Center. The buffet for
several years was held at Lincoln College as a fundraiser for the
Lincoln Rotary. A few years ago, the Rotary gave up the fundraiser.
This year, United Way Administrator Patty Becker took advantage of
that favorite past event and revamped it into a fundraiser for
United Way of Logan County.
Mother’s Day Buffet returns to Lincoln and
benefits United Way of Logan County
Guests enjoy a good meal for a good cause
on Mother's Day - slideshow
May 29, 2019
Day is a hard day. Observed the last Monday of May, Memorial Day is
set aside to honor the men and women who have died while serving in
the military.
Atlanta Memorial Day Observance
Services begin with musical tributes -
Guest speakers honor our fallen soldiers -
May 29, 2019
On Sunday afternoon members of the Hartsburg
community came together on Hartsburg Hill, the name commonly known
for the Hartsburg Union Cemetery just west of town, for a Memorial
Day observance.
Hartsburg Memorial Day Service message:
“Greater love hath no person than this, that they lay down their
life for their friends”
Guests gather before and after for
fellowship and a walk-about at the cemetery - slideshow
Retired Naval Officer Pastor Jim Cravens
delivers a heart-felt Memorial Day message - slideshow
May 29, 2019
The Mount Pulaski American Legion Post
#447 kicked off Memorial Day services at the Mount Pulaski Cemetery
on Monday morning at 10 a.m. with opening remarks from Mayor Matt
Bobell. Casey McCormick, Associate Minister of the Mount Pulaski
Christian Church, led the community in prayer and he said a few
brief words as well.
Mount Pulaski observes Memorial Day
Ceremony at Mount Pulaski Cemetery -
Local children honor our fallen soldiers -
Memorial Day services move on to
Vonderlieth Living Center and Steenbergen Cemetery - slideshow
June 25, 2019
The rainy
weather did not dampen spirits on Sunday, June 23rd as the Odd
Fellows and Christian Child Care hosted an anniversary celebration
for both places. It is the 200th anniversary of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows in the United States and the 30th anniversary
of Christian Child Care.
Christian Child Care’s 30th and the Odd
Fellows 200th anniversaries celebrated together
A peek inside CCC and the Odd Fellows
Museum - slideshow
Good food, good friends and great
entertainment - slideshow
Fun activities outside -slideshow
5, 2019
Lincoln Park District
Fourth of July Celebration
Children's Walking Parade
Children's Walking Parade begins with
registration at Scully Park - slideshow
Happy faces line up for the parade -
The group departs from Scully Park -
Parade participants enjoy the journey to
the Park District - slideshow
Snacks, cold drinks and parade prizes
await at the Park District - slideshow
Lincoln Fire Department treats kids to a
cooling shower - slideshow
A cold shower brings out the best in
everyone - slideshow

July 6, 2019
This year, the Lincoln Park District went all out to provide a day
of fun family friendly activities for the Fourth of July starting
with the traditional Children’s Walking Parade and ending with a
wonderful fireworks display.
Lincoln Park District
Fourth of July Celebration
Lincoln Park District offers day-long
celebration for the Fourth of July
Balloon figures and face paint very
popular on Thursday afternoon - slideshow
Fun and games on the Fourth of July -
Good music great food at the LPD -
Friends and family gather for the start of
the fireworks - slideshow
Mid part of the show offers color and
variety - slideshow
A grand show ends with a Grand Finale'
July 17, 2019
On Saturday afternoon it was standing room only at the Mill on Route
66 Museum in Lincoln. A large number of guests from near and far
gathered for the introduction of the Mill’s newest feature, the
David G Clark Route 66 Library.
Mill on Route 66 offers an Al Capone
New David G Clark Route 66 Library dedicated
David Clark offers insights to Al Capone
history - slideshow
Caravan style tour through Lincoln spiced
with Capone stories explores Route 66
Motor tour brings Route 66 to life in
Lincoln - slideshow
[to top of second column] |

August 27, 2019
Saturday night was a spectacular evening for dining outside at the
Beason Town Park and getting a taste of some delicious homemade food
items made by local residents.
Taste of Beason serves up delicious food
made by locals
Taste of Beason serves up delicious food
made by locals - slideshow
September 18, 2019
Lincoln Community High School Marching Band, Directed by Nigel
Range, traveled to Morton Saturday afternoon, September 14, 2019 to
compete in the Morton Invitational. Helping Range is Drumline
Instructor, Joe Papesch.
Lincoln Community High School Marching
Band takes Thoughtcrime into competition, brings home second
Marching Railers take second at Morton
Invitational - slideshow
September 18, 2019
Saturday marked the end of a long
standing tradition as Harnacke Building in New Holland with the
Harnacke family hosting, held the final antique tractor show along
the main street of the town.
New Holland Tractor Show ends its run with
a great event on a beautiful Saturday
Tractors line the main street of town -
Tractor owners and show visitors enjoy a
pleasant day - slideshow
A tractor parade rounds out the day -
September 24, 2019
On Saturday afternoon, even though the town did not break the world
record for the most Abraham Lincoln look-alike’s gathered in one
spot, it was still a fun and awesome event in its own way.
Abe Lincolns gather in
downtown Lincoln
Not 76 trombones – 76 Lincolns
Look out Guinness, we’ll be coming for you next year!
Lincolns gather at the Lincoln Art
Institute - slideshow
An Abe here - An Abe there - Abes are
everywhere - slideshow
No record this year but 2020 is coming! -
Lighter crowds enjoy Homecoming Third
Friday Downtown
Community enjoys the final Third Friday of
2019 - slideshow
October 2, 2019
On Friday, September 20th, students at Northwest School spent a
portion of their morning being “schooled” inside a hot air balloon.
Pilot Donna Carlton Vish of Danville brought one of her hot air
balloons that has been retired from the sky and did a cold air
inflation for the students.
Northwest students get “schooled” in
Northwest students get a rare experience
in ballooning - slideshow
October 21, 2019
Saturday was a perfect day for kids to get out and take part in
Trick or Treat with Mayor Seth Goodman in downtown Lincoln. Once
again this year a large number of children accompanied by parents or
other family members made their way around the downtown area calling
on local businesses for sweet treats and no tricks.
Ghosts and ghouls 'and your little dog
too’ invade downtown Lincoln for Trick or Treat with the Mayor
Trick or Treat event themed for the Wizard
of Oz - Album
Children enjoy the parade around town -
Shopkeepers get in on the costumed fun -
The Tin Man awaits at the Logan County
Courthouse - album
OH! Those beautiful faces! - slideshow
October 26, 2019
As darkness fell upon the city, the ghosts and ghoulies came out to
play on Thursday evening. And where better to gather than the
Lincoln Park District, a place where play is the name of the game
for young and old alike?
Lincoln Park District Halloween FunFest
serves a twisted trick or treat for area children
Kids perform tricks for treats - slideshow
OH! Ghosts and Ghoulies rule the night -
More to see and do at the Halloween
FunFest - slideshow

October 30, 2019
On the fourth Saturday of October every year, Lincoln Christian
Church is transformed into a Harvest of Talents to fight world
hunger. This year the 36th annual event took place on Saturday,
October 26th.
Harvest of Talents put into Jesus hands to
reach a world of people
Cozy comfort inside brings friends
together for the harvest - slideshow
Thirty-sixth annual event ends with an
amazing contribution for fighting world hunger - slideshow
November 26, 2019
On Saturday morning it was over hill and dale..., ok, maybe here in
the prairie flatlands it is more like over the river and through the
woods we go. It was the one day of the year that Mount Pulaski
flings open its doors inviting out-of-town visitors and local folk
to the Christmas on Vinegar Hill shopping extravaganza.
Vinegar Hill offers a great day of friends and family shopping
Christmas on Vinegar Hill offered a day of shopping and eating and
fellowship - slideshow
Lots of history at the center of Christmas on Vinegar Hill
Mount Pulaski Courthouse crowd experiences nearly two centuries
Christmas past - slideshow
December 7, 2019
Thursday evening saw some of the best weather in years for the
annual Christmas Parade in Lincoln. The calm winds and above
freezing temperatures were reflected in the large crowds that lined
the streets around the Logan County Courthouse Square.
Cheery Lincoln Christmas Parade brings music to the heart of the
Crowds gather for the annual affair -
Lots of fire trucks in the Christmas
parade - slideshow
Local candidates take part in the
parade - slideshow
Heritage in Flight Museum brings
something special to the parade - slideshow
Santa Claus comes to town in the
Lincoln Christmas parade - slideshow
Children gather for a chance to see
Santa - slideshow
Lots of love for Santa, and some
special wishes too! - slideshow
Grown up kids love Santa too -
Santa arrives in a fire truck at the
Mount Pulaski Christmas Parade - slideshow
Children enjoy Santa and holiday crafts at the Lincoln Park District
- slideshow
December 17, 2019
On Saturday morning, the Cronin Brothers VFW post 1756 and Marine
Corps League Detachment 1336 hosted a free breakfast with Santa at
Freedom Hall in Lincoln.
Breakfast with Santa is a big hit at the Cronin Brother’s VFW
Families enjoy breakfast together;
Santa gets plenty of attention too! - slideshow
Kids get excited about sitting on
Santa's lap - slideshow