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                                 posted daily at NOON               

September 25, 2000

Lincoln College Marks 135th Anniversary


[FEB. 14, 2000]  Lincoln College celebrated 135 years of existence at Charter Day observances Sunday, Feb. 13. The granting of the school's charter was marked by speeches and by giving special recognition to honored alumni and public figures. President Jack Nutt presided over the ceremonies in the Johnston Center on the Lincoln College campus. He reminded the audience of the college's commitment in 1865 to its namesake, President Abraham Lincoln, "to do justice to your name." Several speakers expressed their belief that the college's promise had been fulfilled.


                                                                    [complete story]

               MOVIE REVIEW

"The Astronaut's Wife"

Stars: Johnny Depp, Charlize Theron

[FEB. 14, 2000]  If I had read the box more closely, I probably would have put this video back on the shelf. But after watching the whole thing, drinking it down, dreading its final outcome and enduring it to the end, I found myself liking it. I might even recommend it to the mature viewer who enjoys the thrill of a well-written modern horror plot.


[complete story]


Children Write Poetry for Abe's Birthday

[FEB. 14, 2000]  On Saturday, Feb. 12, Lincoln celebrated the man who gave the city its name. Activities for Lincoln’s 191st Birthday began at 9:30 a.m. at the Logan County Courthouse in downtown Lincoln. Cake and ice cream were served and pennies were passed out by Lincoln’s own "Abe," Charlie Ott.

[complete story]

Announcements --

- Chamber of Commerce Mixer

- Jennifer Funk Will Speak at Lincoln Church of God

- Conservation District Sponsors Poster Contest

- Salvation Army Exceeds Goal


Other News --


- Happy Birthday Abe!

- In Honor of Abe

- A Lesson for Life





Readers' Poll

What should be done with Central School?

If you need more information on this issue see the comments on Where They Stand

Please select one of the options below:

Renovate it...
Replace it with a new building...
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