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top of second column]
on representation by districts or at large
vote can make a difference. The advisory referendum on the ballot
lets voters say whether the Logan County Board should be elected
by districts or remain at large.
believe that Logan County Board membership should be split into
districts. According to the Illinois County Board Association,
less than 5 percent of the counties in the state have at-large
elections. All the county boards surrounding Logan County are
elected by districts.
the present at-large system 10 out of the 13 board members are
from Lincoln. Mount Pulaski, Chestnut, Cornland and Latham are
currently not represented and have not been for years. Districts
would provide for a representative that is more in touch with the
concerns and issues of a certain area. Also, the at-large system
discourages worthy candidates from running.
exercise your right to vote April 3. Let the county board members
know your opinion.
the editor:
hearts too great for rivalry, with souls untouched by jealousy,
they lived to teach the world that it is time to abandon the path
of ambition when it becomes so narrow that two cannot walk it
remarkable words were written of President Abraham Lincoln and
Ulysses S. Grant by Horace Porter, aide-de-camp to General Grant.
Those words spoke of the unique character needed to preserve the
union, and they should speak to us today.
our local issue of county board members being asked to represent
every citizen (at large) or to represent a narrow geographical
population (by district) is not on a scale of civil war, it has,
regrettably, served to divide and alienate the board and to some
extent our community as well.
are those who would have you believe that good government depends
on where you live. If you believe that, then you should vote for
agree with General Porter that people called to positions of
leadership can "walk it abreast." The "narrow
path" of judging people by labels, be it urban or rural,
young or old, male or female, black, white, or other color,
Catholic, Protestant or other faith, rich or poor, educated
formally or by the school of hard knocks must be
"abandoned." Lincoln and Grant, a statesman and a
soldier, did and saved the nation.
many citizens of Logan County, we too are in crisis. Taxes are
still too high and good jobs are too few. Many young people cannot
remain on the family farm, while many older people struggle to
remain in their homes. The Logan County Board needs people willing
to serve who will consider the greater good of all, not just the
local concerns of a few. The at-large composition of the board has
served us well for three decades. It continues to call to service
those with "hearts too great for rivalry."
time has come to "abandon the path of ambition" and
affirm by remaining an at-large body that every voice will be
heard by every member and that the whole is truly more than the
sum of the parts.
R. Hepler
County Board member
They Stand for more discussion of representation by districts
or at large.)
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Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Letters must include the writer's name,
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address or phone number information).
Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors.
Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any
reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows.