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at Lincoln festival
28, 2001] Each
August the skies in Lincoln are filled with a rainbow of color
during one of the largest area events featuring the hot-air balloon.
The 13th annual Lincoln Balloon Festival, sponsored by the Logan
County Chamber of Commerce, is a three-day event which also features
a fine arts fair, antiques market, car show, children’s activities
and entertainment, to give visitors plenty to do in between balloon
here for Part 1: Ballooning makes a family event]
here for Part 2: Ballooning history and how balloons fly]
from all over the country participate in the event, attended by an
average of 20,000 people. The festival displays 48 balloons, which
is the capacity for the event location at the fairgrounds, according
to event coordinator Pam White.
an expanded weekend schedule this year, with new offerings like a
soapbox derby and fireworks display, White said she hopes the
festival will continue to grow. "We’d like to do even more
out at the fairgrounds. Hopefully within the next few years we will
have shuttles running from the downtown area to the fairgrounds. We
have to take it one step at a time. We want the festival to grow so
it’s an entire weekend affair," she said.
says the attraction to the event is simple — "just the colors
and a little basket attached to a balloon going up in the air,"
she said. "Anything that flies attracts people."
events at the fairgrounds include a craft show, petting zoo,
carnival and free
grandstand entertainment. There is a $2 admission fee per person,
and children under age
5 get in free. There is free parking inside the fairgrounds and at
remote parking areas.
conjunction with the balloon festival, Lincoln’s 28th annual Art
Fair will be at Latham Park downtown from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 25
and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 26.
[to top of second column in
this section]
Art & Balloon Festival
Aug. 24, 25, 26
Logan County Fairgrounds
of events
Aug. 24
p.m. — Balloon launch
— Balloon night glow
Aug. 25
a.m. — Balloon launch
p.m. — Balloon launch
— Balloon night glow, fireworks display
Aug. 26
a.m. — Sunrise spectacle, balloon launch (fly in) |
flea market, antiques and collectibles fair will be from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Aug. 25 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 26 at downtown
Lincoln’s Scully Park, located one block south of the courthouse
on Kickapoo Street. This event is sponsored by the Oasis Senior
Citizens Center.
classic car show on the downtown square will also be from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. Aug. 26.
balloon launch information and weather reports, call the Logan
County Fair office, (217) 732-3311, during these times: 3 to 11 p.m.
Aug. 24; 5:30 to 11 p.m. Aug. 25; 6 to 7:30 a.m. Aug. 26.
more information about the festival, call the Lincoln/Logan County
Chamber of Commerce, (217) 735-2385, or check the website:
26, 2001]
here for Part 1: Ballooning makes a family event]
sheep, duck and rooster were the first lucky passengers to float
through the air in a hot-air balloon, launched by Joseph and
Ettienne Montgolfier in 1783. The first recorded manned flight, in a
hot-air balloon constructed from paper and silk, took place in Paris
that same year. According to,
local farmers were very suspicious of the fiery object descending
from the sky, so pilots offered champagne to appease them and
celebrate the first human flight — a tradition carried on even
first balloon flight in North America, piloted by Jean-Pierre
Blanchard, was in Philadelphia in 1793, but it wasn’t until 1960
when the modern hot-air balloon was born.
first man-carrying free flight took place in Nebraska in a Raven
prototype balloon constructed of a polyurethane-coated nylon and
powered by a propane burner.
1963, the growing sport was able to sustain the first U.S. national
championships. The
balloons used for passenger flights today were developed in this
country during the 1960s and have two main technological advances:
rip-stop nylon, which is a safe and reliable material for the
envelope, and a gas burner to heat the air in the envelope. Today
there are over 5,000 balloon pilots in the United States alone.
balloons fly
balloons consist of three major parts: the envelope, burner and
basket. The envelope is the colorful fabric bag that holds the hot
air. When the air inside the envelope is heated, the balloon rises.
The burner is positioned above the passengers’ heads and produces
a huge flame to heat the air inside the envelope. The basket is
where the
passengers ride and is usually made of lightweight, flexible wicker.
[to top of second column in
this section]
descend, the pilot allows the air to cool, and the balloon becomes
heavier than air. The pilot has complete control of up-and-down
movements by controlling the heat in the envelope. Once airborne,
balloons just float with the wind. A pilot checks wind conditions
before launching, so even though pilots can’t steer the balloon,
they can move up and down to find a layer of air that will allow the
balloon to change direction.
the flight, the balloon is followed by the chase crew, usually in
radio contact with the pilot. The crew help the pilot prepare the
equipment, hold open the envelope while it fills with cold air and
apply weight to the outside of the basket as needed before launch.
They also follow the balloon in a vehicle and help pack the balloon
up and take it back to the launch site.
terrain, the other main concern for a balloonist is weather,
especially wind conditions. Ideal weather for this sport consists of
high pressure, moderate temperature and wind speeds of less than 8
mph on the surface. Most balloons fly within two or three hours of
sunrise and sunset, when winds are calmest and conditions most
weather is very critical. We like to fly when winds are less than 10
miles an hour. You’ve got to watch that. When you’re flying, the
biggest concern is looking out for obstacles on the ground. You don’t
steer the balloon. You can go different directions by going
different altitudes, but you just go where the wind blows,"
Ireland said.
(To be continued)
here for Part 3]
watch and to fly
makes a family event
Part 1
21, 2001] A
hot-air balloon ride taken during a 1985 vacation to California
changed Jim and Nancy Ireland’s life. "We took our first
balloon ride that year in the Napa Valley and kind of got hooked on
it," Nancy said.
Up And Away
Jimmy Webb
you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?
you like to glide in my beautiful balloon?
We could flat among the
stars together, you and I.
we can fly.
can fly!
Up, up and away, my
beautiful, my beautiful balloon!
world’s a nicer place in my beautiful balloon.
wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon.
can sing a song and sail along the silver sky. |
returning to their home in Lincoln, the couple began working on a
crew for a hot-air balloonist in the area, but that wasn’t enough
to fulfill their passion for their newly discovered sport. They soon
purchased their first balloon, named Sunglow for its bright orange
color, and Jim earned both his private and commercial pilot’s
licenses. The couple now own their third balloon, which retains the
same name but is drenched in a rainbow of colors.
it’s not just the feeling of floating among the clouds or the
fantastic views from above that keep the couple involved in the
sport. "One of the greatest things about it is seeing people
that come out and watch the balloons and take a ride and see how
excited they are. Especially the children; they love it," she

just enjoy the flying part of it. I like to fly. It’s just fun to
be with the people and see the smile on the kids’ faces," her
husband added.
couple attend approximately 10 festivals a year, mostly in
surrounding states, but have also flown several times in the
Albuquerque Balloon Festival in New Mexico, which is one of the
country’s largest events, with more than 500 participating
60, who is soon to retire from his job with the Illinois Department
of Transportation, said he and his wife, who is already retired,
plan to do a lot more traveling with their balloon in the future
when time allows.
with many hot-air balloon enthusiasts, the Irelands’ hobby is
shared by their family. Their daughter Sherry, and her fiance are
both hot-air balloon pilots, while their other daughter works on the
41-year-old Aissa Frazier, the passion for the sport was sparked 13
years ago during her stint as chairman of the Logan County United
Way. The organization sponsored one of the balloons at the Logan
County Art and Balloon Festival, and her then 3-year-old son, Beau,
was fascinated with the large, inflatable object. Over the years,
they began
watching local events and assisting balloon crews.
wanted a balloon, and I told him when he was 16 he could get his
license. We bought a balloon last May, and now we are both student
pilots," she said. Her 14-year-old son, Luke, is already
studying for the day he can be a student pilot, and her 6-year-old
daughter lends a hand, while her two older children also join in the
fun when visiting.
really a big family affair. We fell in love with that aspect of it.
Groups of families crew together. For my family, it’s such a draw
for us to be together," she said. "It’s fun the whole
family can participate in together."
vice-president of the Balloon Association of Greater Illinois, has
named her balloon "Oh, Baby" because it signifies family
some pilots travel every weekend to some event across the country,
Frazier, a principal at Heyworth Elementary School, said having a
balloon has given her a way to help people. Although she does attend
festivals and events in the Midwest, she has focused on events close
to home and donated her skills to help raise money for a friend
suffering from cancer, among other causes.
[to top of second column in
this section]
pilots travel every weekend and compete. It takes a fair amount of
skill to make money competing, but some prize purses are much as
$10,000. If you’re competitive, you can support your habit,"
she said. "We have given charity rides, and we use it for its
amazing. I feel that God gives you some neat talents you can share
with people, and this is my way. When you see people get so excited
about something that’s positive and healthy, it’s such a good
despite the fact that weather in the Midwest can be unpredictable,
she says the view from above gives a new perspective to corn and
beans. "I love the solitude. In the morning, the flying is
unbelievably beautiful. In Illinois, to fly over a field of crops,
it gives you such a good perspective of the beauty even here in the
flatland. It gives you a different appreciation," she said.
also says the sport is something people of all ages can get involved
in. "A member of our crew is in her late 60s and she loves it.
Whether you’re 2 or 72, there’s something you can do, like drive
the car, give weather reports, move the basket and a lot of things
that allows everybody to feel like they are a part of it."
balloon facts
balloons cost about the same as a car or boat. The most
popular sport-size balloons cost between $18,000 and
are more than 3,500 balloons and 5,000 licensed pilots in
the United States.
balloons were used by both armies for airborne observations
during the Civil War.

major causes of accidents involving hot-air balloons are
landing in high winds and contact with power lines.
study all signs of air movement, such as flags, leaves and
smoke. During very hot weather, pilots can judge surface
wind direction by watching cows on the ground, who usually
stand facing the breeze.
communities of Champaign, Lincoln and Danville, which all host
balloon festivals, also seem to have the most hot-air balloonists
and balloon dealers. One reason for that, according to Frazier, is
that the tradition and love of the sport is being passed on to the
next generation. "We’re all grooming our children. Many
people who first got involved are now getting their children
involved," she said. "The Lincoln festival was small
enough at the start that people could get involved. Now, it’s the
second largest in central Illinois."
best time for flying in central Illinois is during the months of
August, September and October. "That’s prime ballooning
season. The weather is more stable, and we have less rain and
turbulence," Frazier said. "But flying in the winter is
beautiful. You just have to dress warmer."
be continued)
here for Part 2]
For Your Family Treasures’
[AUG. 8, 2001] “Caring
For Your Family Treasures." Text by Jane S. Long and Richard W.
Long, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2000, 164 pages.
rise in popularity of television programs such as "The Antiques
Roadshow" has fueled the public’s interest in collecting
objects of monetary, historical and sentimental value. One of the
greatest concerns for any collector is to adequately preserve the
physical condition of the item. In their book "Caring For Your
Family Treasures" authors Jane Long and Richard Long have
written an expertly detailed "guide to caring for your
cherished belongings."
on, the authors’ reveal the importance of such a topic: "As
we work today to preserve treasured family objects…the challenge
is finding the right information and the safest materials. And so
this book." The book is divided into seven broad categories
that reflect the principles of materials preservation.
Started" emphasizes the link that family treasures have to the
past. The different agents of deterioration are identified
(composition, environment and use) along with some guidelines for
safekeeping (avoid extreme temperature and humidity, inspect your
treasures regularly, etc.).

of Family Memory" contains information on the most common
formats of mementos and keepsakes. Books, papers, scrapbooks/albums,
photographs/film, and framed objects are discussed in the context of
preservation, restoration and repair. There is also a handy
"Caring for…" checklist for each format. These
checklists instruct the owner on the care, handling and storage of
the items. For example, books should always be protected from direct
contact with wooden shelves; photographic materials should be
handled on their edges (to avoid transferring the oils in human
skin); and framed objects should be protected with glass that
filters ultraviolet light.
Legacies" continues in the same vein as the previous chapter,
addressing in particular the preservation issues associated with
paintings, fabrics, furniture, clocks/watches, ceramics/glass and
decorative metals/jewelry. Again the emphasis is on the materials
used in the manufacture of the object, the vulnerable
characteristics of those materials, the recommended methods of
storage, and the proper handling and display of the objects.

[to top of second column in
this article]

all objects and heirlooms fall into such easy categories. In
"Special Collections" the authors consider some of the
more unusual, yet equally valuable, kinds of objects. Musical
instruments, treasures of nature (constructed of wood, plant fiber
or other organic materials), military mementos and "little
friends" (dolls, teddy bears, toy soldiers, etc.) all require
special attention to preserve their fragile physical state and
ensure their longevity. The "Caring for…" checklists in
this chapter are especially valuable.
concluding chapter, "Further Guidance," reminds the reader
of other important details of ownership: security; insurance;
finding professional help (known as a conservator); how to locate
the right materials and tools for cleaning, display and storage; and
books and resource materials that offer assistance. A glossary of
terms used in the book completes this chapter.

For Your Family Treasures" is an outstanding guide to the
conservation and restoration of antiques, collectibles and family
heirlooms. The book is beautifully illustrated, and the information
is easily accessible. The combination of the table of contents,
index and handy checklists make it a simple task to locate any kind
of collectible and review the guidelines for their care, repair and
authors tout the value of the book in the foreword: "‘Caring
For Your Family Treasures’ will be an indispensable tool in making
sure your treasures are on hand for future generations." This
book is highly recommended for anyone wishing to learn more about
the care, preservation and restoration of objects of beauty, history
and sentimental value.
more information visit the library at 725 Pekin St. or call (217)
Sumrall, Lincoln Public Library District]
here for Aug. 9 LDN posting: "Stuart Wyneken turns out the
lights after 30 years with LCT summer productions."
7 offers drama workshop
3, 2001] Theatre
7 in Decatur will host a drama workshop on Saturday morning, Aug.
18. The workshop will include sessions on auditioning and non-acting
opportunities in theater. All of the directors from Theatre 7’s
upcoming season’s productions will also be present to give
workshop participants information and insight into the shows.
workshop will be an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in
getting involved in community theater. People of all ages and
backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
workshop will be at the Theatre 7 headquarters, downtown Decatur,
131 N. Water St., from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.. There is a small fee
and lunch is provided. To register or for more information, call
423-2107 or send e-mail to
Theatre 7’s website is at
mystery and musical to be on Decatur stage
31, 2001] Season
tickets are now on sale for the 38th season of Theatre 7
— Decatur’s Community Theatre. Call the Decatur Civic Center box
office, 422-6161, for more information. All shows will be performed
at the Decatur Civic Center Theatre. The following shows will be
presented as part of the coming season.
"Moon Over Buffalo" (comedy)
by Ken Ludwig
2-3 and 9-10, 7:30 p.m.
4 and 11, 2 p.m.
backstage farce about an acting couple in the 1950s who have one
last shot at stardom as a famous movie director is on his way to
Buffalo, N.Y., to see them perform. Misunderstandings and mistaken
identities pile up for loads of laughs. Written by the author of
"Lend Me a Tenor."
by Bodine Electric, Miles Chevrolet, Romano Company and Skeff
by Ira Levin
8-9 and 15-16, 2002, 7:30 p.m.
10 and 17, 2002, 2 p.m.
successful writer of Broadway thrillers is struggling to overcome a
"dry" spell when he receives a script from a student.
Suspense mounts steadily as the plot begins to twist and turn with
devilish cleverness that will hold you enthralled until the final,
startling moment of the play.
by Behnke and Company
[to top of second column in
this article]
• "Anything
Goes" (musical)
and lyrics by Cole Porter
by Guy Bolton, P.G. Wodehouse, Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse
12-13 and 19-20, 2002, 7:30 p.m.
14 and 21, 2002, 2 p.m.
deliriously witty festival of songs and rollicking humor unfolds on
a luxury ship making the Atlantic crossing in 1934, with a society
girl caught between her finance and her boyfriend, a nightclub
queen, a bevy of Times Square sirens and a slightly nervous
gangster. Songs include "I Get A Kick Out of You";
"Blow, Gabriel, Blow"; and "You’re the Top."
by Doug and Peg Schmalz and ADM Foundation
7 news release]
Wiz' ticket winners
Wednesday winners: David Smith won a pair of tickets to the Lincoln Community Theatre production of
"The Wiz."
Saturday winners:
Congratulations to Howard and Patricia Rankin, winners of two tickets
to "The Wiz."
Wiz’ opens this Friday
30, 2001] Lincoln
Community Theatre’s production of the popular, upbeat musical
"The Wiz" is preparing to take the stage Aug. 3-11 at
Johnston Center for the Performing Arts on the Lincoln College
campus. The hip musical will feature a cast of 24, unique lighting
techniques and an evening of family entertainment sure to delight
all ages.
based on L. Frank Baum's "Wizard of Oz," in which a little
girl named Dorothy is abducted from her home by a tornado and
transported to the Land of Oz, "The Wiz" takes the classic
fairy tale in an all-new direction with an exciting rock score and a
decidedly modern libretto that reframes the story in such a way that
it seems somehow more relevant.
in the role of Dorothy is Allison Leonard of Lincoln. Brothers Nick
King and Alex King, also of Lincoln, play the Tinman and the
Cowardly Lion, with Greg Runyard of Minier rounding out the foursome
as the Scarecrow. Andy VanDeVoort of Springfield, who appeared last
summer as Daddy Warbucks in LCT’s sold-out production of
"Annie," returns to the Lincoln stage as the magnificent
"Wiz." The three witches are portrayed by Jodie Duncan of
Lincoln (Addaperle), Debbie Poynter of Greenview (Evillene) and Deb
VanDeVoort of Springfield (Glinda). Other Lincoln residents
appearing as cast members are Allen King as the Gatekeeper, Miranda
Stone as the Monkey, Donna Kessinger as Aunt Em and Tamera Turner as
the Soldier Messenger.
[to top of second column in
this article]
members include Betsy Buttell, Tina Mayer, Rachel Kasa, Amanda
Perry, Nathan Bottorff and Eric Agostino all of Lincoln; Carissa,
Heidi and Abby VanDeVoort of Springfield; Tony Crawford and Kyle O’Dea
of Clinton; and Alan DeLoria of Atlanta.
production of "The Wiz" is directed by Tracy Tiritilli of
Bloomington. The set is being designed and built by Max Levendel,
also of Bloomington.
ticket holders may make their reservations at any time. Ticket sales
will open to the general public on Saturday, July 28. The LCT box
office is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tickets are $9 for adults and $6 for children through eighth grade.
Ticket orders may be made by mail to LCT, Box 374, Lincoln 62656 or
by calling the box office, (217) 735-2614.
More information is
available at the LCT website:
news release]
artists, graphic designers, anyone with an interest in promoting
the arts in Logan County
25, 2001] The
newly formed Logan County Arts Association seeks to forge a bond
between the people of Logan County and the arts. The arts
association is in the process of determining how their logo should
appear. Local artists and other interested parties are asked to
submit their rendition of a new association logo.
following guidelines should be used in making the logo:
the name Logan County Arts Association.
unique identifiers of Abraham Lincoln. These could include his
signature or even his hat.
winner of this contest and results will be announced in Lincoln
Daily News. Entries should be submitted by Aug. 20.
can mail your submissions to:
Daily News
Art Association logo
IL 62656
submit your entry by e-mail to,
with "Art Association logo" on the subject line.
Marshall Jacobs, (217) 899-6243, with any questions you may have
about the association or logo.
Lincoln Community Theatre website
Community Theatre’s website is up and available. The
site serves a number of functions, from providing information on
becoming a season ticket holder to showing what new productions are
being planned. Pictures from last season's productions are also
you are interested in joining a performance or just going to see
one, visit LCT’s website at,
e-mail LCT at,
or write to Lincoln Community Theatre, P.O. Box 374, Lincoln,
IL 62656.
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