Elkhart town meeting hears
results of community study

[MAY 12, 2001]  About 50 people attended an Elkhart town meeting Thursday night to hear the results of the MAPPING project that has identified goals and strategies for community development.

Four goals were determined and explored by task forces meeting since January under the direction of Steve Kline and Nancy Richman of the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University.

The largest community response was to the first goal, increasing population, presented by task force member Joe Olson in the absence of chairs Rick and Kathy Kaesebier. While the group hopes to attract new residents of all ages, it considers growth in the school-age population especially important. Those attending the meeting were generally favorable to the idea of population growth, saying it would increase the tax base and could be controlled through zoning and building permits. In response to a question of where growth might occur, Elkhart Mayor Dayle Eldredge said several lots are currently available and some property owners have expressed interest in working with a developer, but she was not free to identify specific locations. A housing fair with builders and lenders present to tell potential first-time home buyers what programs are available and what costs they might expect was one possibility presented.


The second goal, creating a task force to promote Elkhart Grade School and Mount Pulaski High School, was presented by Carol Gustafson, chair. In addition to defining strategies for involving citizens in the schools and students in the community, the group had surveyed teachers in the two schools to find areas of need. Gustafson’s report garnered applause but no further comments.

Providing a stable business environment, the third goal, was discussed by task force chair Angela Gleason. The group recommended working with existing and potential businesses, especially high-tech companies, and taking active steps to get the power plant running, finish setting up a Tax Increment Finance District, start a community-owned grocery store and set up a Route 66 development program. Her report generated one suggestion: that available downtown buildings be inventoried and possibly made more suitable for business use.

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[After the Elkhart town meeting, audience members discussed the issues raised.]

[Elkhart Mayor Dayle Eldredge and Steve Kline, director of the MAPPING project, led the town meeting called to present project results to the public.]

The final goal, creating a comprehensive plan for a sustainable community, was presented by Dayle Eldredge, the task force chair. The task force recommended seeking help in developing the plan from educational institutions, firms specializing in village planning and similar communities that have written successful plans. Again, Eldredge’s report was met with applause but no additional suggestions.

Kline, who led the discussion period following each presentation, emphasized the interrelatedness of the goals. Recurrent topics included maintaining excellent schools to attract new residents, increasing the tax base, supporting existing businesses as well as attracting others compatible with the community, maintaining and improving infrastructure in the form of water, sewer and power facilities, and creating and implementing a plan to direct growth. Another overall theme of the meeting was the call for community participation in both short-term and long-term projects.


Slides for the speakers were prepared by Roger Dennison. He emphasized the vision of Elkhart agreed on by MAPPING participants: "Elkhart is a small town dedicated to preserving its rich history and natural beauty, while cultivating an atmosphere in which modern technology, business, industry and agriculture can thrive. Promoting educational excellence, the arts, family values and environmental responsibility, Elkhart welcomes visitors and residents alike, with its hometown spirit."

[Lynn Spellman]


[click here for earlier LDN articles on Elkhart MAPPING project]

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Looking for Lincoln to open historic well

[MAY 12, 2001]  The Looking for Lincoln Committee of Logan County will open the historic well of Deskins Tavern on Monday, May 14, at approximately 1 p.m.  The well is located on city property just outside of the VFW Post at 915 Fifth St., across from the Postville Courthouse state historic site. The VFW occupies the ground where the Deskins Tavern was built in 1836.  It was the first building of any size in Postville and served the needs of the Logan County Judicial Circuit in June and November of 1839, as the Postville Courthouse was not ready for occupancy until June of 1840.  

Traveling lawyers Abraham Lincoln, John Stuart, Stephen Logan, David Davis and Judge Samuel H. Trent made the tavern their headquarters while traveling the 8th Judicial Circuit.  They routinely drank from the well, which still exists but has been closed for as long as anyone can remember; estimated at more than 75 years. 


[Deskins Tavern]

The Looking for Lincoln Committee is exploring the possibility of making the well usable again for visitors to Logan County.  Terry Werth, a Logan County Board member who initiated the project, feels "drinking from the same well Lincoln did" would be a big draw for tourists, especially with the building of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.

The first step is to open the well and measure it for a fiberglass sleeve.  This will be done on Monday by Reynolds Well Drilling from Springfield, with the assistance of the Lincoln’s street department. Other steps would include draining of the well, insertion of the sleeve, time for the well to fill again and a new, approved pump.  Various sources of funding for the project are being considered, including the idea of bottling the water and selling it.

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Stories about Abraham Lincoln's association with Deskins Tavern and Postville abound.  Lincoln was the dominant figure at every session of the Postville courts.  He stayed at the tavern when riding the circuit.  While he and his friends were there, jokes and quips were the order of the day.  Lawyers ate and drank together when not in court against each other.  Every man knew the other, and daily contests on the circuit and in the courtroom created a spirit of comradeship. 

During a trial at Postville in 1843, Lincoln discovered that his client had deceived him and was attempting to collect for the same note twice.  When all the evidence was in, Lincoln left the courthouse.  Judge Trent sent Sheriff Deskins to find him.  The sheriff found Lincoln in the old Postville Park playing town ball with the boys.  Lincoln said to the sheriff: "Tell the judge I can't come. My hands are dirty and I want to wash them."  When Trent was notified of Lincoln's remark, it was reported that he simply said, "Honest Abe."

The local Looking for Lincoln group is administered by Main Street Lincoln in cooperation with the Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau. It is part of a regional tourism program through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs meant to lengthen the stay and enhance the experiences of visitors to the area.

[News release]

Turner appointed to Appellate Court

[MAY 11, 2001]  The Supreme Court of Illinois announced Wednesday the appointment of John W. Turner of Atlanta as a judge on the Illinois Appellate Court for the 4th Judicial District. He will fill the vacancy created by the appointment of Justice Rita B. Garman to the Supreme Court in February 2000.

Turner, 45, currently is an Illinois state representative for the 90th House District in central Illinois and will bring to the appellate bench not only a knowledge of the legislative and governmental process but also a broad background in criminal and civil law.

In the General Assembly, Turner serves as the spokesperson for the Judiciary Civil Law Committee. His membership on other legal-related House committees includes the Judiciary Criminal Law Committee and the Prosecutorial Misconduct Committee.


As a practicing attorney, Turner has experience in both prosecuting and defending criminal cases. He was a Logan County public defender and served six years as Logan County state’s attorney.

He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from the University of Illinois in Urbana and received his law degree in 1981 from DePaul University College of Law. Since his election to the Illinois House in 1994, he has been engaged in the private practice of law, covering a broad range of civil matters.


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[John W. Turner]

Turner will serve by appointment on the Appellate Court until the next general election in November 2002, and it is expected that he will be a candidate for the same appellate judgeship.

His appointment becomes effective June 1.

"Mr. Turner’s experience as state’s attorney and public defender for Logan County and his years of private practice, as well as his most recent service as a state representative, will serve him well in meeting the needs of the Appellate Court," said Justice Garman, who recommended his appointment to the full court.


Turner resides in Atlanta with his wife, Kimberly, and a son.

Justice Garman, a judge at the Circuit Court and appellate levels for more than 26 years, was appointed to the Supreme Court in February to replace Justice Benjamin K. Miller, who retired.

The 4th Judicial District is composed of 30 counties across central Illinois.

[News release from the Supreme Court of Illinois]

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Logan County Board report

Board addresses airport management, auditor’s report, zoning request, Internet service for county offices

[MAY 11, 2001]  The Logan County Board moved a step closer to finding a person to act as a fixed-base operator for the airport by authorizing, through a straw vote, to advertise for bids in area newspapers and a trade journal.

The airport, which has been inoperative since the previous contract expired at the end of April, ran aground when the one previous bid for the position, by Lincoln businessman Lloyd Mason, was withdrawn when contract language could not be resolved.

The board also indicated they would hire Sam Evans, a previous manager, on a monthly basis at $600 per month and the use of the mechanics hanger, which is valued at $200 per month.

Evans would work four half-days a week, and the board would hire someone to be available on weekends to pump fuel, when it is estimated that 75 percent of sales occur.

Currently fuel is not being sold until details are worked out pertaining to sales tax, liability insurance, utilities and other requirements established by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Auditor Andy Lascody presented board members with a copy of the final audit for fiscal year 2000. He told the board that they were closing with a healthy balance of $3,071,187, which he attributed to several factors.


"Fines collected increased by $94,000," he said, "as well as some projects came in under budget, which also helped contribute to the balance."

The balance was also obtained even though personal property taxes decreased from $717,000 in 1999 to $621,000 in 2000.

Rod White, chairman of the finance committee, thanked board members and also all department heads for cooperating in watching their spending.


[to top of second column in this article]

Wayne Alberts, from Atlanta, also requested the board approve a parcel of land from agricultural to commercial so that he could expand his landscaping business and move from his current location, which has become a residential area.

After discussion of objections, the board indicated that they would not approve the zoning change but would approve a variance if Alberts would refile with the zoning office.

Carla Bender, circuit clerk and chairman of the Logan County Technical Committee, reported to the board their findings on establishing Internet services for five county buildings and City Hall, if the offices are interested in establishing that service for their operations.

Bender told the board that the entire system, including the running of fiber-optic cable and the components necessary to make the system operational, would cost approximately $98,000, with a $524 annual connection fee.

Dick Logan, chairman of the board and co-chairman of the building and grounds committee, said that this committee would look into it and report to the board as a whole when it meets Tuesday night.

Logan established the committee and appointed Bender chairman in order to study the growing need for Internet services by a number of county offices. He asked the committee to investigate the need and how the board can keep from duplicating services.

The current proposal would have fiber optics connecting all county departments, with the hub located in the courthouse.

[Fuzz Werth]

Update on fire at Manor

[MAY 11, 2001]  According to Lincoln Detective John Bunner there are suspicions about the start of the fire that took place at Friendship Manor, 925 Primm Road, on Tuesday afternoon. The body of an 87-year-old resident was found in his fourth-floor apartment when police and firefighters arrived.

Definitive conclusions about the cause of the fire will probably take a while. It will be at least a month before test results are returned.

The investigation was enhanced today with the following information provided by Logan County Coroner Chuck Fricke. Fricke said autopsy results indicate that the man who died, died of natural causes before the fire began.

[Jan Youngquist]

Fire claims life

[MAY 9, 2001]  Lincoln police and firefighters responded to an alarm sent out at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday afternoon at Friendship Manor, 925 Primm Road.

Officers arriving first tried to enter a room on the fourth floor and were unable to do so due to the heat and thick, dark brown smoke that came rolling out when they opened the door.

Firefighters arrived virtually on the heels of the officers and went in to extinguish the flames. As firefighters subdued the fire, Sgt. Thomas Roland and Officer Timothy Butterfield went door-to-door and floor-to-floor alerting residents. Off-duty officers Charles Gunning and Robert Rawlins also joined Roland and Butterfield in the evacuation efforts.

Areas of the building had heavy smoke filling the hallways, creating anxiety and stress for residents trying to navigate their way out. With the elevator out of use, they were forced to take the stairs. A number of residents were assisted and carried out by the policemen and firefighters.

The fire apparently began in the living room of an apartment occupied by 87-year-old Ray Money. He was found in the living room and did not survive.


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Logan County Paramedics and ESDA also responded to the incident. They were on hand as mutual aid assistance ready to treat residents or emergency personal as needed. They assisted two patients who were having breathing difficulties probably related to smoke inhalation.

ESDA manned the MC13 (mobile command center), organizing and ready to assist with other duties as deemed necessary.

Lincoln Fire Inspector Jim Davis and Lincoln Detective John Bunner were at the scene again this morning and will continue investigation into the cause of the fire.

[Jan Youngquist]


[Ray Money obituary]

County airport management, income
and golf course possibilities discussed

[MAY 9, 2001]  The lack of a manager for the Logan County Airport was the main topic of discussion at the county board’s Airport and Farm Committee meeting Monday night.

Initially, the committee planned to again advertise for bids for a fixed-base operator on a one-year contract, with a possible extension to a five-year contract, and would place notices in area newspapers as well as aeronautic trade publications for greater exposure.

Sam Evans, a former airport manager, told the committee that he would operate the airport on a monthly basis, taking care of mowing and pumping of fuel for $600 per month and the use of the mechanics hanger.

In light of this arrangement, which would give the committee more time to develop specific contract language, committee members asked Roger Bock, chairman, to delay putting the bids in this month and to meet with Tim Huyett, state’s attorney, to determine Evans’ status as a county employee or contractual employee and also to determine contract wording when bids are advertised.

The committee plans to meet in a special session at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 10, at the courthouse prior to a general working session scheduled for 7 p.m.

Committee members also learned from Rod White that there is a possibility the 3.75 acres of farm ground at the airport may qualify for a program from the federal government that would pay $175 to $200 an acre for 15 years to restore the ground to its original condition.

"The soil has to test out to a certain grade and any changes to the ground such as tile installation has to be restored in order to qualify," White said.

Without checking the area, it wasn’t certain if any changes had been made, but White didn’t feel that this was a problem.

The program is provided by the Farm Services Administration, formerly the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Act (ASCA), and is managed by the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP).



[to top of second column in this article]

If the acreage is accepted into the program, the payback will be nearly twice the amount as when the ground was cash rented for farming.

Past plans to build a golf course on county property again surfaced when Bock asked the committee how they wanted to proceed now that the information they requested on various feasibility studies has been received.

"We appropriated $9,000 to make a study, and we need to proceed," Bock said.

Board member Doug Dutz had a copy of the study Mount Pulaski made when they were exploring the possibility of a community golf course. The measure later failed voter approval in a referendum.

"Even though it was made in 1992," Dutz said, "it gives us some of the same guidelines we’ll have to follow if it’s decided that we explore this possibility."

Dutz said that one of the areas to consider is the management of a golf course if one would be built.

"We have to decide if the county would take over immediate management of the course," he said, "or lease it to a management firm for operation for a specified time, before we decide to manage it or continue a lease arrangement," he added.

Due to prior commitments, it was decided that both Bock and Dutz will meet the last week of the month to arrange the material and report back to the committee.

[Fuzz Werth]


Council OKs new city police, fire chiefs; other department heads stay

[MAY 8, 2001]  The city of Lincoln got a new police chief and a new fire chief Monday evening when the council approved Mayor Beth Davis’ appointments. Richard Montcalm, a 12-year police department member who has served as community police officer, and Robert "Bucky" Washam, a firefighter for 26 years, were named to the posts.

Staying on are Jonathan Wright as city attorney; Les Last, building and zoning officer; and Donnie Osborne, street superintendent. Stepping down after four-year terms are former fire chief Ken Ebelherr and former police chief Richard Ludolph.

Although the council approved Davis’ choice of fire chief unanimously, three "no" votes were cast for the change in police chief after a strong plea by Alderman George Mitchell to retain Ludolph.


[City Attorney Jonathan Wright swears in Juanita Josserand (right), returning city clerk, as the new mayor, Beth Davis (center), looks on.]

[New and returning department heads were sworn in at the May 7 regular meeting of the Lincoln City Council. Left to right, they are Richard Montcalm, new police chief; Robert "Bucky" Washam, new fire chief; Les Last, returning building and zoning officer; Donnie Osborne, returning street superintendent; and Jonathan Wright, returning city attorney.]

Citing Ludolph’s accomplishments during his four-year term, Mitchell urged the council to support "an outstanding chief who is deserving of another term." He pointed out that Ludolph had expanded the DARE anti-drug program from sixth grade to high school freshmen; assigned officers to become familiar with each city school; chaired the CAPSTONE project; saved the department $225,000 by remodeling the old safety complex instead of building a new one; and brought in $34,000 in drug forfeiture funds, which, along with a grant from the Department of Justice, paid for cell phones and for computers to be installed in squad cars.

"One thing really troubles me," Mitchell concluded, "the character besmirching of an unsigned vote of no confidence." This document he referred to, stating complaints against Ludolph, came from the police union and was sent to all aldermen and to Mayor Davis. No signatures were on the document. Mitchell said the no-confidence vote came "out of the blue," as no grievances had been filed against Ludolph regarding the charges in the document.

Mitchell also said he had had phone calls and letters from citizens supporting Ludolph for another term.

Voting "no" along with Mitchell for the appointment of a new police chief were Joseph Stone and newly seated alderman David Armbrust.

Before the vote, Wright announced to the council and the audience that he had researched an issue that had been raised, whether Alderman Michael Montcalm, brother of newly appointed police chief Richard Montcalm, could vote on that appointment. Wright said he could find no law that said the vote would be a conflict of interest.

Ebelherr, who came from the ranks of the fire department, told the Lincoln Daily News that he would stay with the fire department as a firefighter. In a short address to the council, he noted that his appointment had been "controversial four years ago," but thanked the council for their support and respect and the former mayor, Joan Ritter, for appointing him.

He said he was "proud to be a member of the Lincoln Fire Department" and urged the department to continue to work together. "No one person can accomplish what we can accomplish together," he said.

Ludolph, who had served 22 years with the probation office and the sheriff’s office before taking the appointment as police chief four years ago, is not a regular member of the city’s police department and will not stay on the force. He said he hoped to remain in Lincoln, but that will depend on what employment he finds.

Mayor Davis also released a revised list of city council committee assignments. Each committee has one alderman from each ward.



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Chairing the Finance, Policy and Procedures Committee is Steve Fuhrer, with William Melton vice chair and Benny Huskins Jr., Michael  Montcalm and George Mitchell members. This committee was formerly chaired by Joe Stone.

The Fire, Water and ESDA Committee has Huskins as chair, Verl Prather as vice chair, and Melton, Stone, and David Armbrust as members. Last term’s chairman was Gerald Dehner, retired alderman and judge.

Chairing the Grounds, Buildings and Local Improvements Committee for another term is Michael Madigan, with Glenn Shelton vice chair and Fuhrer, Prather and Stone members. Shelton is chairman of the Insurance Committee, with Stone vice chair and Montcalm, Armbrust and Fuhrer members. Chair last term was retired alderman Steve Mesner.

The Ordinance and Zoning Committee will be chaired by Montcalm, with Madigan vice chair and Fuhrer, Huskins and Armbrust as members. Shelton was the former chair.


[Verl Prather, new Ward 2 alderman.]

[David Armbrust, new Ward 3 alderman.]

Police Committee chair is Prather, with Armbrust vice chair, and Stone, Madigan and Mitchell as members. Montcalm was chair of this committee last term. Prather is also chairing the Sanitation Committee, with Fuhrer vice chair and Mitchell, Shelton and Montcalm members. Huskins chaired this committee last term. Stone had been appointed to chair the committee for the new term but has resigned.

Melton is again chair of the Sewerage Treatment Plant, Sewers and Drainage Committee, with Montcalm vice chair and Madigan, Prather and Huskins members. Sidewalks, Forestry and Lighting Committee will be chaired by Armbrust, with Mitchell vice chair and Prather, Stone and Shelton members. Fuhrer was the former chair. Mitchell remains chairman of the Streets and Alleys Committee, with Huskins vice chair and Shelton, Melton and Madigan on the committee.

Davis also named representatives to various city and county committees and commissions. As mayor she is a representative to all committees and commissions. In addition, she named Shelton representative to the Healthy Community Partnership committee; Armbrust to the Lincoln/Logan Chamber of Commerce; Prather to the Lincoln Planning Commission; Melton to the Looking for Lincoln program; Mitchell to Main Street Lincoln; Melton to Lincoln Historic Preservation Committee; Stone and Melton to the Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities, Seniors, Veterans and Youth; Huskins to the Logan County Board; and Fuhrer to the Logan County Tourism Board.

Huskins was named a voting member of the Joint Solid Waste Management Commission; Montcalm a voting member of the Logan County Planning and Zoning Commission; Mitchell a representative to the Abraham Lincoln Statue Committee, if such a committee is established; Prather to the Lincoln Historical Committee; and Fuhrer, Melton, Madigan and Prather to the City of Lincoln Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee.

[Joan Crabb]

Three-car accident west of
Lincoln claims two lives

[MAY 8, 2001]  State police are investigating an accident that occurred on Route 10 west of Lincoln at 1:50 p.m. Monday. 

William Robert Hazard, 71, of Mason City was driving a ’96 Buick Park Avenue, heading east into Lincoln. About one-fourth mile west of Interstate 55, his vehicle crossed the median, striking the front fender on the driver's side of a westbound 2000 Toyota Echo driven by Linda Rose Coffey, 54, of Bend, Ore. Hazard’s vehicle continued on along the driver’s side of Coffey’s vehicle. According to the state police report, Coffey’s vehicle then collided with the front driver’s side of the vehicle immediately in back of her, a ’94 Plymouth Voyager driven by M. Ann Hewitt, 49, of Broadwell.

Hazard was declared dead at the scene by Logan County Coroner Chuck Fricke.

Coffey also died from injuries in the accident and was declared dead at the scene. A passenger in Coffey’s vehicle, her daughter Julie L. Stotts, 28, of Sisters, Ore., was taken to Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, where she was treated and released.


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Hewitt was taken to St. John’s, Springfield, where she is listed in critical condition.

Coffey and Stotts were in Lincoln because of the funeral last week of Mrs. Coffey’s father.

All family members have been notified.

[Jan Youngquist]

Exchange of letters between MP city council, Regional Planning Commission

[MAY 7, 2001]  The Logan County Board Regional Planning Commission received the following letter from the Mount Pulaski City Council:

Dear Mr. Robert Menzies,

At the April 24th Mt. Pulaski City Council meeting it was decided not to renew our commitment to the Regional Planning Commission for 2001. The council does not perceive any benefit to our continued participation.

We may elect to renew our participation in future years; however, at this time we are respectfully withdrawing our support.


William C. Glaze


The letter was discussed at the next Logan County Regional Planning Commission meeting. It was noted that this was the first indication of this action. It was noted that under current county board ordinance, Mayor Glaze remains a voting member of the RPC even if Mount Pulaski withdraws its support. The commission did not object to the withdrawal and decided to send a response letter to the Mount Pulaski City Council encouraging their continued participation. It is as follows:

[to top of second column in this article]

Dear Mayor Glaze,

Your letter of 4/26/01 electing "not to renew our commitment to the Regional Planning Commission for 2001" was received and read at the meeting of the RPC last night. At the request of that body I am respectfully asking the Mount Pulaski City Council to reconsider this step.

Your letter provides as the reason for this action that the council does not perceive any benefit to our continued participation." This statement concerns me because as a result of action by and through the RPC the South part of Logan County is enjoying an unprecedented level of new growth.

Those of us serving on the RPC have as our overriding objective the economic and quality of life improvement for every person in Logan County. I believe this can best be achieved by the various elected and appointed officials working together to secure a collective good unobtainable by singular activity.

Please accept our invitation to express your concerns, thoughts and suggestions at our scheduled meetings. We value your input and the participation of Mt. Pulaski and encourage you to continue to provide representation for your constituents on and through the Regional Planning Commission.


David R. Helper

Chairman, Regional Planning Commission

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