Board to vote on proposed
$5 million county budget

[OCT. 15, 2001]  As the Finance Committee continues to review the proposal for a new county budget, brought forth to the board Thursday night, the question of necessity takes center stage. Although it has been almost nine years since Logan County has actually experienced a deficit in the budget, board members all agreed that, realistically, it appears that revenues are in the beginning stages of a serious decline. At a time when, on the federal level, earnings are doing the same, the board is looking to not only maintain an even financial state and avoid a coming reduction, but also to give Logan County a positive future fiscally. So a proposal of $5 million it is.

In a structured, spend-money-to-make-money standpoint, a deficit of $583,105 for the year ending 2002 could not be avoided as a part of the proposed budget increase. The highly publicized statue of Abraham Lincoln, along with a nine-hole golf course to be located within the limits of the Logan County Airport, were given a cursory reference in regard to bringing in revenue through this particular budget.

Board member and Finance Chairman Rod White presented the board with the budget address, which also included the matter of salary increases for the offices of probation, public defense and for the state’s attorney, who was on hand, often fielding questions and providing input upon request. The proposed budget will be re-examined in final discourse among the board members and will then be voted on Tuesday night at 7, with final adoption in 30 days. The new fiscal year begins Dec. 1.


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An exchange on another issue, which brought on an impromptu straw vote, was the rezoning of a local 7-acre agricultural property. The vote went through on a tight 6-5 passage, splitting the board, but in doing so, allowing two separate country homes to be built on rural Lincoln land.

The issue had already seen a recent rejection in an earlier vote, due to incompatibilities within the county’s ordinance in regard to rural homes. But the board’s Planning and Zoning Committee, led by David Hepler, claims the request to rezone does in fact comply with the statutory requirements of the ordinance, citing that those requirements were established in the first place so that smaller lots could be used for residential properties.

A motion from board member Dale Voyles, declaring that by denying the request, the Zoning Board of Appeals Committee was out of order, helped the proposal to pass this time around.

The property under dispute is located on Old Illinois 121 and is owned by Carol Litwiller, who reverentially presented his case to the board.

[Colin Bird]

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Task force holds area hearings
on funding for nursing homes

Rep. Wright hears testimony from state officials, local providers

[OCT. 15, 2001]  The House Republican Long-Term Care Funding Task Force held its first two public hearings Oct. 3, taking testimony in Springfield and Bloomington. State Rep. Jonathan Wright, R-Hartsburg, said he was pleased with the input task force members received today from state agency officials as well as a number of local long-term care providers.

"There are currently about 85,000 seniors and disabled people living in Illinois nursing homes. The majority of those, 64 percent, rely on public assistance to help pay for their nursing home stays. But in many cases, Illinois has failed to provide adequate reimbursement for Medicaid residents. Today, we heard firsthand from the care providers in our area the extent of the financial hardship this state funding shortfall has created for them," Wright said.

According to Wright, the mission of the task force is to research possible solutions to a looming funding crisis in the state’s long-term care industry. He said testimony Oct. 3 included presentations from representatives of the Jackson Heights facility in Farmer City, the Apostolic Christian Timber Ridge facility in Morton and LeRoy Manor in LeRoy.

"These providers’ comments are invaluable to helping us find a solution, and every member of the task force took them to heart,"' Wright said. "I’m looking forward to hearing directly from other providers throughout the state as we continue our hearings."

Locations for future scheduled hearings of the task force include Carbondale, Chicago, Decatur, Mattoon, Danville, Carol Stream and Palos Hills.

[News release]

City won’t lower fines for alcohol use

[OCT. 11, 2001]  Even though many aren’t paying them, the ordinance committee of the Lincoln City Council doesn’t plan to recommend lowering the fines for minors caught consuming alcohol.

The present ordinance calls for a minimum fine of $400 plus court costs, about $135, for a first offense, with a maximum fine of $750 possible. City Attorney Bill Bates said he thought the total $535 minimum fine was so far out of reach of most young people that they continue to put off paying it, reappearing in court time after time to tell the judge they don’t have the money.

Bates suggested a minimum fine of $200 plus costs, which would be somewhat less than $135, with a $300 fine for a second offense and a $400 to $750 fine for further offenses. He said he thought the city would be able to collect these fines more effectively than the present ones.

"The tendency is if they can’t pay it all, they won’t pay any," he said. "If they look at something achievable, they will make more effort to pay it." Lowering the fines would also lessen the congestion of the court system, he noted.

Fines for the same offense in the rest of Logan County are only $200, the amount set by state law, he told the council.

"It’s a little tough when you’ve got the $200 fine every place but the city," he said.

The city has no recourse against those who don’t pay, because once the fine is imposed it is in the hands of the judiciary. After a number of returns to court, a judge may order an offender to pay the fine in installments. The offender can’t be sent to jail for not paying, Bates said, only for violating a court order. If the judge orders the offender to pay and he or she does not, then that person may be sent to jail.

Alderman Steve Fuhrer said he was opposed to lowering the fine because it is "sending the wrong message."


Alderman David Armbrust, however, said he thought it might be easier for a young person to pay the $200 fine than to keep going to court to put it off..

Bates said the city ordinance has a pr ovision for a public service alternative to the fine but has no public service officer. Any such work would have to be supervised, and that would be an additional cost to the city.

Although the committee will not recommend changing the ordinance to lower the fine, they plan to give Bates some leeway. The fines are imposed upon conviction, and Bates may ask that an offender be given court supervision for 60 to 90 days, which is not a conviction, and he can then impose a lower fine. He can also impose a higher fine if he believes it is warranted.

The policy will be reviewed in six months to see if lower fines result in more payments.




[to top of second column in this article]

Proposal on drug fines

The "stay tough" policy for underage drinking became "get even tougher" in a proposed new ordinance for possession of drug paraphernalia.

That ordinance originally called for fines of $200 plus court costs for a first offense, $300 for a second and a minimum of $400 to $750 for further offenses, the same level of fines proposed for underage drinking. On learning that the city’s ordinance was less restrictive than the state law, Michael Montcalm suggested that the city ordinance follow state law, which requires a fine of $750 plus costs for any possession of drug paraphernalia.

Several other council members agreed. "What message are we sending if our drug fines are lower than our alcohol fines?" Glenn Shelton asked.

The new ordinance on drug paraphernalia, with a fine of $750 for the first offense, will be on the agenda at the next voting session of the council, on Oct. 15.

Rezoning at 2018 N. Kickapoo

Also on the agenda Oct. 15 will be a recommendation from the Lincoln Planning Commission to rezone property at 2018 N. Kickapoo from R-2 to C-2. The rezoning, requested by the Mental Health Center of Illinois, will allow Logan-Mason Mental Health to operate an adult day treatment center at the facility from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. five days a week.

The adult treatment program has been in the community for the past 25 years, according to Logan-Mason Director Marcia Stoll. "The people who use the facility already live in our community, shop in our community, and some even work in our community," she said.

Bates reported that the commission recommended approval of the change 7-0 and that no home or property owners in the neighborhood objected to the change.

Covers of videos

On the subject of a possible obscenity ordinance that would restrict suggestive pictures on covers of videos, Bates said if the council’s goal was to take boxes containing R-rated movies off the wall, that would be called censorship and would be a touchy subject.

Alderman Pat Madigan reported that the city’s two video stores had done a "pretty good job" of self-policing, and the more suggestive video covers were now partly concealed.

[Joan Crabb]

You can do something

LDC support letters urged

[OCT. 11, 2001]  In light of the recently revealed difficulties at the Lincoln Developmental Center, many members of the community are concerned about the impact that would be deeply felt if the facility should be closed. LDC is at risk of losing its federal certification.

Gov. George Ryan declared on Friday that they have 30 days to move 90 residents to other facilities and make patient care reforms. Gov. Ryan is quoted as saying, "Any decisions we make about the future direction of the facility will be made with the best interests of the residents in mind."

Not only would the closing of LDC be a devastating economic loss, but also, having been here a hundred years, this facility has been a significant part of our history.

If you would like to respond to this situation, you are urged to write a simple support letter to the governor and state representatives. You should state that as a member of this community you believe in keeping this important facility in operation here.

You can send your signed letters to:

Honorable George H. Ryan

Governor of Illinois

207 State House

Springfield, IL  62706


Claude "Bud" Stone

Illinois State Senator

618 N. Chicago St.

Lincoln, IL  62656


119 Capitol Building

Springfield, IL  62706


Jonathan C. Wright

Illinois State Representative

407 Keokuk St.

Lincoln, IL  62656

U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood

3050 Montvale Drive

Springfield, IL  62704


[to top of second column in this article]

Model letter

Dear Governor Ryan,

I am writing in reference to the recent difficulties at Lincoln Developmental Center. As a member of the community I would like to express my great concern for keeping the facility operating in Lincoln...

I am not only concerned for the residents, but for the economic impact and potential loss of a historically valued institution.

I am in favor of remedying the patient care problems at the LDC facility, preserving the existing facility and jobs for Lincoln and Logan County.

Please make your decisions to make this a win-win situation for everyone concerned: the patients and the people of Logan County.




Your Name


Phone Number


Electric rates going down

[OCT. 11, 2001]  At their Sept. 28 meeting, the board of directors of Corn Belt Energy Corporation approved new rate schedules for central region members. Corn Belt’s new rate structure has been calculated following an extensive cost-of-service study. Each rate class was reviewed and evaluated as it relates to the cost to provide electric service. The last adjustment to Corn Belt’s central region rates was on Jan. 1, 1991.

Residential members on Rate 1 with average monthly usage of 784 kilowatt hours would experience an average annual savings of 19 percent. Approximately 19,000 Rate 1 members will be affected by this rate change.

Another popular residential program is Rate 11. This special rate is interruptible during peak use periods in the summer. Rate 11 members will continue to have a 12.5 percent advantage over Rate 1. In fact, Rate 11 has a 21 percent advantage for the average customer during the summer billing periods. Rate 11 continues to be the lowest residential rate, because it allows the cooperative to interrupt members’ electric service during peak summer periods. Corn Belt Energy Corporation has 3,300 members on Rate 11.


Rates 1 and 11 savings will depend on a number of factors, primarily the usage by the member as dictated by the weather. Farms and businesses also will see a rate reduction for those on Rates 2, 3, 5 and 6. The large commercial members, Rates 5 and 6, will have an average 14 percent reduction, depending upon use and power factor.

Only one commercial rate will not decline. Rate 9 members will have a slight increase. There are only four customers on this interruptible rate.



[to top of second column in this article]

Corn Belt President-CEO Jeff Reeves said, "The cooperative is very fortunate at this time to provide lower rates, due to obtaining lower-cost wholesale power contracts. The cooperative currently has an all-requirements contract for fixed power prices for four more years."

Cooperative residential members will notice rate reductions for their October usage that is billed in November, and business accounts will see a change on their December billing statement.

Northern region members are scheduled for a rate change Jan. 1, 2003, barring any unforeseen expenses such as a major storm.

Corn Belt Energy is a 26,000-member cooperative, which has provided electricity for over 60 years. The cooperative also supplies natural gas and propane to specific service areas.

[News release]

Two-step plan suggested
for sewer rate increase

[OCT. 10, 2001]  The sewer rate increase that Lincoln needs in order to get a loan to upgrade its wastewater plant could be put in place in two steps, according to Joseph Miller, general manager of the Environmental Management Corporation, which operates Lincoln’s sewer facility.

Miller spoke to the City Council Tuesday evening, reminding them again that unless they move quickly to approve the increase, they will not be eligible to get funding for the project in January.

The upgrade is necessary, officials say, because the existing plant has reached capacity, and violations would mean the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency could refuse to approve any new sewer hookups, thus stopping growth in the city.

To emphasize how much the upgrade is needed, Grant Eaton, sewer plant manager, said the plant had its first ammonia violation last week.

"If we had a new plant, I would have been able to handle that extra load (of ammonia)," he said. "Now we have a violation on the books, and we are on a tightrope to make sure we don’t violate again."

However, he said, the IEPA said the Lincoln plant "responded well" to the ammonia overload.

The rate increase is the same as the one presented to the council in September except that is in two tiers, Miller said. The interim increase would go into effect in January of 2002, and the "worst case scenario" final increase would become effective 18 months later.

This would allow users a little more time to prepare for the rate increases, he said, and if the city did get additional funding, might lower the worst-case projected increases.

The "worst case scenario" means that the city has no other sources of funding and must foot the entire $9.8 million bill for the sewer upgrade. However, Eaton said he is still trying to get a $400,000 state grant and he is also hoping for funding help through an Illinois FIRST grant. He urged council members and citizens to contact state officials to push for an Illinois FIRST grant.

Under the two-step plan, rates for Lincoln residents would be raised from $11 monthly to $14 monthly for the first step and then to $16.39 monthly under the worst-case scenario 18 months later.

Residential rates for those living outside the city limits would go from $12 to $17.52 a month, then up to $22.31.

Rates for commercial, industrial and institutional users would also rise, under a complicated formula which lowers the fixed monthly charge but increases fees for actual use.

For example, fixed rates for commercial users inside the city limits would drop from $5.45 to a final or a worst-case $2.22 per month, but the volume charge would increase from $0.86 per 100 cubic feet to a final $1.55 per cubic foot. Surcharges would also go up, from $.13 per pound for BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) to a final $.51 per pound, and the present $.12 per pound TSS (total suspended solids) to a final $.30 per pound. Commercial users outside the city limits would pay even higher rates.


[to top of second column in this article]

Charges for industrial and institutional users such as the Lincoln and Logan Correctional Centers would also rise according to volume and to BOD and TSS readings.

According to a chart presented to the council in September which gave examples of increases in the various categories, fees for Logan Correctional Center, an institutional user, would rise from $11,550.37 per month to a final $26,772.74. Fees for Eaton Corporation/Cutler Hammer, an industrial user, would rise from $3,060.25 to $6,955.09 monthly, and fees for McDonald’s, a commercial user, would go from $123.90 to $216.21 per month.

The substantial fee increases are necessary, Alderman Bill Melton pointed out, because the city didn’t raise rates regularly as time went along.

Eaton said there was a slight increase in rates four years ago because of the west-side sewer project, but before that there had been no raise for about 12 years.

The rate increase ordinance will be on the agenda at the next regular council meeting on Oct. 15.

City won’t pursue purchasing
water company

The council also decided not to pursue any plan to purchase the Illinois American Water Company, which is being sold to a German firm.

Bill Bates, the city attorney, said a 1970 agreement gives the city the right of first refusal in case the company is sold. However, Illinois American has informed the city they believe the city waived that right back in the early ’70s when Commonwealth Edison sold the company.

Bates said that to try to pursue the city’s right to buy the company, he would have to lodge a complaint with the Illinois Commerce Commission and attend hearings in Springfield, which would be an extra cost to the city. Alderman Michael Montcalm said that regardless of the amount it would cost to find out if the city does have a right to purchase the water franchise, the city doesn’t have the money to buy it.

The consensus of the council was not to pursue the matter any further.

[Joan Crabb]


Clinton nuclear power plant
safety measures in place

[OCT. 10, 2001]  Rep. Jonathan Wright, R-Hartsburg, and Sen. Claude Stone, R-Morton, met today with officials from Exelon Generation and AmerGen regarding the Clinton nuclear power plant. Rep. Wright and Sen. Stone were assured that the nuclear power facility is taking appropriate security measures in response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"Obviously, the facility will not and should not disclose all the specific details regarding security measures at the facility," Wright said. "But Senator Stone and I were given adequate information to indicate that measures are in place to safeguard the facility."

All nuclear power plants are heavily regulated as to all aspects of the facility — including safety. Even before Sept. 11, these types of facilities have had significant security measures in place. The Clinton plant is simply adding to those measures.

[News release]

Understanding Muslims

Authority on Islam speaks at local forum

[OCT. 9, 2001]  Monday evening, Oct. 8, in the chapel on campus, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary hosted a forum on Islam. The forum presentation by Dr. Robert Douglas was entitled "Islam, Muslims, and America: A Christian Missionary’s Perspective." Douglas is the professor of intercultural studies at Lincoln Christian Seminary and an internationally recognized authority on Islam.

Dr. Keith Ray, president of the college and seminary, welcomed the audience and gave a brief introduction of the speaker and topic. Speaking for the school, he said, "It is our hope that through this conversation that Dr. Douglas will be able to inform you about the basic tenants of [the Islamic] religion, some aspects of that world view and bring you to a greater understanding about what is happening in our world." It was his wish that the forum would do three things in the audience’s lives: "To help you think more clearly about the world in which we live … [To help] all of us to engage a greater zeal for the truth of God … That you would sense in your own lives a greater calling in the affairs of God’s mission on this earth."

The outline of the evening was simple. After the introduction, Douglas gave a short speech introducing the audience to the religion of Islam and the varying beliefs among Muslims. Then there was about an hour of question and answer, followed by a closing prayer by the LCCS president.

Douglas began his speech by breaking through some misconceptions and prejudices held by many Americans. He said that in many people’s minds, all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. This, however, is incorrect. He said that one-fifth of the world’s people are Muslims, and that this one-fifth is comprised of over 700 different ethnic and language groups. In fact, only one-fifth of all Muslims are Arabic.

But even beyond that, he said, many people think that not only do people believe that Muslim=Arab, but they believe that Muslim=Arab=Terrorist. He cited the television show "West Wing" in comparing this equation to Christian=White=Ku Klux Klan, a shockingly effective analogy.

From there, he explained how there are great differences, not only in the ethnic background of Muslims, but in the beliefs and practices. The spectrum ranges from orthodox or fundamental to progressive, and even within each label there are wide differences. His main point, which was driven home by the end of his speech, was that we, as people and as a nation, cannot allow ourselves to fall into bigotry or prejudice. Not every Muslim believes that Islam condones acts such as the ones committed on Sept. 11.


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After this, the floor was opened for questions. Eleven questions were posed by various people, from LDN’s own photographer Bob Frank to Pastor Mark Carnahan of Zion Lutheran Church. Some of these questions and answers are below.

Is there anything in the Qur’an that would support the terrorists’ actions?

Douglas answered, "From the terrorists’ perspective, yes." He then went on to explain the term Jihad, which essentially means "struggle." There are two forms, "Greater Jihad" and "Lesser Jihad." Greater Jihad is both the striving within yourself to be what God wants you to be and the struggle in action and speech to spread Islam. Lesser Jihad is striving in terms of warfare.

Is there an order in the Qur’an to kill all Christians?

Again, Douglas answered that some would say yes. He cited some verses in the Qur’an that say not to befriend a Jew or Christian, or say that Muslims must "fight against polytheists and destroy them." According to the Muslim view of polytheism, which is that you associate any "partner" with God, Christians are polytheistic, because of the belief of Jesus as God’s son.

Is there a reward, such as immediately going to paradise, for dying in the Jihad the way the terrorists did?

Douglas said that the reason the terrorists did what they did was because they were people "who believed that they were doing the will of God." The specific will of God was that they were attacking the nation that they saw to be corrupting the world and keeping society from being how God wants it.

Where did the Qur’an come from and what is the Muslim view of the Bible?

The Qur’an was compiled of the speeches given to Mohammed by God. It is the unquestionable truth to the Muslims. The Bible is true only "to the extent that the Bible and the Qur’an match."

Do Muslims know that they are saved the way Christians do when they’re born again?

"No." Douglas quoted a Muslim acquaintance as saying, "You cannot know until the time. We cannot know how God will judge." God could always change his mind.

[Gina Sennett]

America strikes back

[OCT. 8, 2001]  As promised, the United States led an attack on Afghanistan. The attack began Sunday. American and British military forces made 30 hits on air defenses, military airfields and terrorist training camps, destroying aircraft and radar systems. The strike was made targeting only terrorists.

More than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have pledged their cooperation and support the U.S. initiative.

Online news links

Other countries









Saudi Arabia 


[to top of second column in this section]


United States


New York

Stars and Stripes
(serving the U.S. military community) 

Washington, D.C.


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Recalling the ashes of New York

A Lincoln family views the terror

[OCT. 8, 2001]  Pastor Mark Carnahan is the minister of Zion Lutheran Church in Lincoln. Preston Carnahan, his son, has been the subject of previous LDN news articles and is now attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy, located in Long Island, N.Y. Pastor Carnahan and his wife, Maggy, visited Preston for the annual Parents Weekend at the academy. They arrived on Thursday, Sept. 6, five days before the attack.

"We looked the part of the tourists," said Carnahan, smiling at his wife sitting next to him in a sizable church office offset to his own. The room itself was lit somewhat low, giving it a sullen atmosphere at almost 8 o’clock at night, which would not only set the tone for the conversation, but also match it, in regard to the difficult subject matter.

"On Saturday, Sept. 8, we took the subway into the basement of the Trade Center," he said, also noting the many men and women they rode alongside of that day and on Monday who undoubtedly worked there — none of them the wiser as to what was on its way.

"You just took it for granted," Maggy began, in describing the twin towers before the tragic fall. "Just these beautiful, fantastic buildings that dwarfed the city. They were just so imposing, and yet you just took for granted that they were even there."

The Carnahans had visited New York on previous occasions and describe the misconception most have toward the city as humorous. "I love New York," Maggy continued. "The people there are so friendly, I always look forward to going." Surprisingly her attitude remains so optimistic, considering the events of this past trip.

Ready to return home after a successful visit, Carnahan recalls Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, in LaGuardia Airport:

"I was waiting in line to check my luggage before boarding (on American Airlines), when an employee came out and said there weren’t going to be any more flights that day," Carnahan began. "I looked at the airline employee, looked outside, then back at him and said, ‘Looks like a nice day to fly to me.’"

Eventually everyone in the airport was told to vacate the premises. "They told us we had to go," he continued. "I looked around and said, ‘Go where?’ And then he just told us, "Go!"

Once outside, the Carnahans and all the other airport evacuees began to grasp the severity of the situation, as they gathered to watch a massive fire in the sky.

Hearts pounding and fears rising with the smoke, Maggy recalls that leaden moment when she realized and said, "Wait a minute... One of the towers is gone."

Pastor Carnahan explained how another employee then came outside shouting, "You need to go! Everybody! The FBI is evacuating the area, everybody needs to go!"

Perhaps more shocked than confused, Carnahan asked yet again, "Go where?" There they were met with an answer of the inevitable... "Just go!"

With that, Pastor Carnahan, his wife and all other would-be travelers of the air became wanderers on foot. With literally nowhere to go but the interstate and no sight to focus on but a "giant in flames," they began walking. "We were like refugees," said Carnahan. "For awhile, that’s what we were."

Maggy noted how amazingly calm everybody seemed to be. As they walked, a small rental van pulled alongside, which they were the first to board. They described the van ride as quiet, nobody really saying anything, just watching. Watching as a city before them was falling apart and as the lone tower left standing was beginning to fall.

The van pulled over. Quiet. No words. Jaws and hearts alike instantly dropped. Carnahan and his wife looked out over the city toward the giant cloud pounding out of the crumbling shrine.


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"Thirty seconds to a minute passed after it fell before anyone made a sound," said Carnahan quietly.

Then the driver, a native New Yorker, stood by the door and asked aloud the very thing that each and every one who witnessed it was thinking: "Did I just see what I thought I saw?"

Delayed a few days in the city

"I paddled until I was paddled out," Carnahan said reflectively, recalling his need to clear his mind later that night. Out in the water, kayaking with God, he tried not to think about the terror. He tried not to think about what he was forced to see that day, or what, within the course of retaliation, he may be forced to see in the coming months. He tried not to think about the cots he and his wife had slept on just a few nights before, for an event as innocent as Parents Weekend, that were now being shipped across the harbor, being used to hold dead bodies as part of a makeshift morgue, if need be.

Sitting back home

Safe here in the office, recalling those moments and the days that followed, Carnahan tried not to think and he tried not to cry.

He battled a new set of tears while relaying the trip home, where they encountered an all-but-abandoned truck stop in Pennsylvania. Abandoned because of the owner’s skin color… brown. Sadly he recalled how they witnessed the truck stop owner being harassed.

Rubbing the sleeping head of his young son on his wife’s lap steadied his emotions as he continued, explaining his family’s rocky mental state. "I just zone out. It’s like slow motion. I’ll be driving, and it’s like I’m in another zone, like I’m not a part of normal things," says Carnahan.

"I don’t think I’ve ever had nightmares before," added Maggy, adjusting her son, "but I’m having them now."

Arriving safely back in Lincoln — by car, not plane — the Carnahans say they are struck with a deep sense of guilt for leaving that world behind, for returning to normalcy while others maintain the horror.

Though while still there they stood in line to give blood and stood aside the city to pray, back here they fight to scatter the ashes of terror — the pictures their minds have brought back with them. Fighting, however, with undoubtedly the best weapon Carnahan knows to arm himself with: a resounding faith. "God is in control," the pastor said firmly. "God is good, and He is in control. I just trust God. He is the only answer for my fears."

It’s a faith that will serve the Carnahan family well as they continue to seek out a life as they knew it, a life that may not return, given Carnahans’ stolid summary about this ordeal and each vivid memory therein: "It’s not a matter of reliving it... because we’re still living in it."

The Carnahans have a daughter and son-in-law stationed in Hawaii. As of now they are uncertain where they will be assigned or what that assignment will be. They are parents to a young toddler girl. ... Her power of attorney papers are currently en route to Lincoln.

[Colin Bird]



Landfill to be open seven days a week for leaf and brush disposal

[OCT. 12, 2001]  The city landfill on Broadwell Drive will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for leaf and brush disposal, beginning on Oct. 15, according to Donnie Osborne, street superintendent. Plans are to keep the new schedule in place until Dec. 15, he said. 

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