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C-EL recognizes readers on Wall of Fame

[JAN. 30, 2002]  Last year Chester-East Lincoln School began a program called Accelerated Reader, a computer-based reading motivation system currently used by more than 40,000 schools nationwide. The program has three goals: to dramatically improve student reading performance, as measured by standardized tests; to improve students’ critical-thinking skills; and to instill in students a lifelong love of reading.

As part of the motivational component, students earn points for the books they read. Prizes such as stickers, pencils, and homework passes are awarded for points accumulated. In the primary grades a student’s picture is placed on the Wall of Fame when he or she has earned 20 points. As students continue to earn points, they achieve certification levels. Every 100 points designates a new level, and a star with the student’s name on it moves up on the "big" Accelerated Reader bulletin board.

On Jan. 24 Chester-East recognized all students who have reached the Wall of Fame, 100, 200 and 300 points. The students recognized were Kara Gehlbach, Alia Moon, Craig Rohlfs and Jessica Florey at 400 points; Ruth Ohmart, Erin Frick and Greg Harmon at 500; Cody Davison at 700; Troy Tholan at 900; and, at 1,000, Alison Kessinger and Melissa Cunningham, who are in the picture with Rich Brauer, a candidate for state representative.


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[Students Alison Kessinger and Melissa Cunningham with Rich Brauer; photo provided by C-EL]

In his remarks, Brauer stated that reading is a lifetime skill that should be practiced and encouraged. He congratulated Melissa and Alison for reading 77 books each and passing all their tests to earn their 1,000 points. The entire student body gave the girls a standing ovation.

[News release]

Students learn about careers in aviation

[JAN. 24, 2002]  Heritage in Flight Museum of Lincoln participated in Midwest Central High School’s Career Day on Jan. 11. This is an annual event at the high school in Manito.

Heritage in Flight Museum’s educational coordinator, Milt Underkoffler, was introduced as the presenter of "Careers in Aviation" to the 15 students who had expressed an interest in aviation careers.

Career opportunities at commercial service airports, general aviation airports, commercial airlines, in corporate aviation and with aircraft manufacturers were discussed. The aviation roles of the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration were also presented.

The students were particularly interested in the job descriptions, the salaries associated with the various jobs and the schools that prepare high school graduates for the positions. The aviation career that most of the students were interested in was that of an airline pilot. The students were particularly interested in ways of meeting the requirements for commercial airline pilots. Most of the students were aware that some pilots working for major airlines as captains on jumbo jets make up to $260,000 a year after 20 years of service.

Underkoffler pointed out that many colleges and universities have aviation programs that enable students to qualify for a job with major airlines when they receive their bachelor’s degree. The cost of the flight training is in addition to the regular tuition fees. This high cost is why the airlines have traditionally hired multi-engine military pilots when they have completed their military obligation.


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Underkoffler summed up the discussion by pointing out that the 30-minute presentation was just touching on the topics that will be covered in depth at the "Careers in Aviation" workshop hosted by Heritage in Flight Museum in Lincoln this summer. The workshop, made possible by a grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, will be June 3-7 at the Logan County Airport. Representatives of various aviation employing agencies will give presentations during that week.

Lincoln and area school counselors are recommending students for the summer program. Underkoffler suggested that interested students talk to their counselor about attending. The workshop is still open to new students.

Underkoffler also described a Sunday afternoon program that consists of two-hour discussions on selected aviation topics. The Sunday afternoon sessions emphasize the principles used to produce heavier-than-air vehicle flight. The technological developments that resulted in changing the number of wings, the shape of the wings, the number and type of engines, the introduction of jet and rocket power are also considered. The topics covered so far are "Fundamentals of Aviation," "Flight to the Moon," and "Space Station and Space Shuttle." The February topic on Sunday the 3rd is "Propulsion Systems." While the Sunday program does not include flight training, planners hope to schedule students for introductory flights during the weekends before June.

[Milt Underkoffler, educational coordinator,
Heritage in Flight Museum]

DARE relationships and
lessons not to be forgotten

[JAN. 21, 2002]  Students in Mrs. Boehme’s fifth-grade class at Northwest School recently had their last day of DARE.

To begin the class, Sgt. Ken Greenslate once again asked students to tell him about their week. They told him about their Christmas presents, how they had just finished reading to a kindergarten class, and how Mrs. Boehme had received roses for her birthday the day before.


Since it was the last day, Sgt. Greenslate led a review session to see how much the students remembered. They split up into three teams of four members each. The teams took turns answering questions about DARE, drugs, decision-making and conflict resolution. Questions ranged from "What does DARE stand for?" (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) to "Define ‘consequences’" (the result of an action) to "List the six steps to conflict resolution" (cool down, state the problem, talk it over, listen, find a solution through compromise, ask for help if needed).


For each question a student answered, he or she received a pencil, pen, eraser, key chain, or other small but useful prize. Team 1 won by 16 points to 14 points for Team 2 and 10 points for Team 3. Every member of Team 1 received a DARE pencil bag.


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The most exciting time for the students, however, came after the game. Sgt. Greenslate had a drawing to see who in the class would get to take Darren, the large stuffed DARE lion, home with him or her. The girl who won him was very happy, even though this Darren was fresh out of the plastic and not the one the students had each been able to hold during lessons.

Mrs. Boehme’s students may not have any more lessons with Sgt. Greenslate, but they will never forget the lessons they have already learned. And if all goes the same, neither will his next students, when he begins teaching DARE next week to classes at Zion Lutheran School

[Gina Sennett]



DARE students learn responsibility

[JAN. 9, 2002]  The DARE program, though sometimes overlooked, is alive and vibrant in Logan County schools. Students in DARE learn about being responsible and about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Through real-life stories and lessons, they learn that they do not have to give in to peer pressure.

Students in Mrs. Boehme’s fifth-grade class at Northwest Elementary learned how to make good choices during December’s presentations. Sergeant Ken Greenslate, their DARE officer, gave them a five-step plan for making good choices:

1. Ask if this is a risk situation. A risk situation is one in which you have to take a chance on something.


2. What are the possible choices? Usually you have two basic choices: Do something or don’t do something. Often, the option of “telling a grown-up” is included as well.

3. What are the possible consequences of my choices? Take each choice and list the positive and negative consequences.

4. Pick the choice with the best result. Sometimes, however, this is not easy to determine, especially when friends are involved.

5. Talk to someone. If you have trouble choosing, talk to a teacher, parent, officer or other adult who can help you make your decision.

Students then read stories from their DARE workbooks in which children were in different situations and had to make choices. For example, Subira was asked by some friends to bring her parents’ beer to a party. The students went through the steps and decided what Subira could do.


1. Ask if this is a risk situation. Subira would be taking a chance of getting caught if she stole her parents’ beer and brought it to the party.

2. What are the possible choices? Bring the beer or don’t.

3. What are the possible consequences of my choices? Positive consequence of bringing the beer: Friends would like her. Negative consequence of bringing the beer: Might get caught by her parents or another adult. Positive consequence of not bringing the beer: Not getting in trouble with her parents. Negative consequence of not bringing the beer: Friends might call her a scaredy-cat or worse.


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4. Pick the choice with the best result. The students decided that it would be best for Subira not to bring the beer. Then they thought up things she could say to her friends, such as, “My parents don’t drink beer,” “Their beer is locked up and I can’t get to it,” or the simple, “I don’t want to.”

5. Talk to someone. Subira could talk to her parents and tell them what her friends asked, or she could talk to her friends’ parents or a teacher.

Sgt. Greenslate then taught the students about courage. Courage, he told them, is a muscle that must be worked and practiced. Every week, he brings with him a large stuffed lion named Darren, who sits with one student through the lesson. Darren, as a lion, is the symbol of courage. To remind the students to work their courage muscles, Sgt. Greenslate handed out small Darrens to each member of the class. He also gave them each a DARE CD case, to remind them to do something positive (like listen to music) whenever they feel bored, since boredom can lead to trouble.


Students in Mrs. Boehme’s class enjoy their time with Sgt. Greenslate. He spends the beginning of each lesson letting all the students tell him about their weeks. Students are also encouraged to submit questions to the DARE box, which he answers at the end of each lesson. Even the new observer can tell that the students trust Sgt. Greenslate from their dialog with him. They feel able to ask questions freely, because they know he will not laugh at them (unless they are making a joke.) Although the students were a little bit wild, with the holidays so close, he controlled them and guided them, and they learned through having fun.

[Gina Sennett]

Honors & Awards

Mount Pulaski Grade School honor rolls

[FEB. 1, 2002]   

Second nine weeks

Sixth grade

All A’s — Paul Foley

High honors — Jennifer Allspach, Austin Maske, Alexandra Mathias, Rachel Robertson, Mindy Spear

Honors — Samantha Schahl

Honorable mention — Charity Call, Justin Couve, Amber Doty, Samuel Hageman, Kyle Hayden, Jill Park, Chelsea Stoll, Megan Volle

Seventh grade

All A’s — Britney Cowan, Chelsey Seitz, Abbie Southerlan

High honors — Timothy Davis, Allison Wilson

Honors — Joel Bailey, Taryn Durst, Joel Milner, Emily Toohill

Honorable mention — Carl Becker, Isaac Blue, Daniel Bray, Gilbert Dumire, Amy Meister, Noah Ramsey

Eighth grade

All A’s — Elizabeth Conaway, Chris McDonnough, Kim Oglesby, Cynthia Wilson

High honors — Brad Deibert, Andrew Meister

Honors — Erica Montgomery, Bethany Pehler-Johnson

Honorable mention — Brian Beecraft, Erin Caley, Allison Eades, Ashley Hartman, Michelle Haynes, Jenilee Jensen, Justin Milner, Kaitlyn Przykopanski, Frankie Ray, Tiffany Turner, Jordan Wilson


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First semester

Sixth grade

All A’s — Paul Foley, Rachel Robertson

High honors — Jennifer Allspach, Alexandra Mathias, Samantha Schahl, Mindy Spear

Honors — Austin Maske

Honorable mention — Charity Call, Justin Couve, Amber Doty, Samuel Hageman, Kyle Hayden, Adam Howe, Jill Park, Christopher Parrish, Karisa Russell, Josh Stewart, Chelsea Stoll, Megan Volle

Seventh grade

All A’s — Timothy Davis, Taryn Durst, Joel Milner, Abbie Southerlan

High honors — Isaac Blue, Britney Cowan, Chelsey Seitz, Allison Wilson

Honors — Joel Bailey, Emily Toohill

Honorable mention — Carl Becker, Daniel Bray, Gilbert Dumire, Kyle Heath, Amy Meister, Noah Ramsey, Emily Toohill

Eighth grade

All A’s — Elizabeth Conaway, Chris McDonnough, Kim Oglesby

High honors — Erin Caley, Brad Deibert, Andrew Meister, Erica Montgomery, Cynthia Wilson

Honors — Brian Beecraft, Bethany Pehler-Johnson

Honorable mention — Allison Eades, Ashley Hartman, Michelle Haynes, Nathaniel Huff, Jenilee Jensen, Lindsay Maus, Gregory May, Justin Milner, Kaitlyn Przykopanski, Frankie Ray, Andrew Schaffenacker, Tiffany Turner, Jordan Wilson

LCHS Invitational Speech Tournament results

[JAN. 28, 2002]  "This tournament was a good warm-up for the sectional tournament," said Ed Jodlowski, a coach for the Lincoln Community High School speech team. Many of the teams competing this weekend were some of the same teams that LCHS will see at the sectional level. "We really appreciate all of the community support that we received for this tournament," he said.

LCHS individual varsity placements

Ty Sank — First place, special occasion speaking

Abrigail Sasse — First place, radio speaking

Doug Rohrer and Julie Wood — Third place, dramatic duet acting

Eric Agostino — Third place, prose reading

Beau Hanger and Kasey Pepperell — Fourth place, humorous duet acting

Tim Fak — Fifth place, impromptu speaking

Erica Brickey — Fifth place, oratorical declamation

Carly McLean — Fifth place, original oratory

Eric Agostino — Sixth place, verse reading

Julie Wood — Sixth place, dramatic interpretation

Adam Voyles and Collin Voyles — Seventh place, humorous duet acting

Carly McLean — Seventh place, oratorical declamation

Team coaches Ed Jodlowski and Carrie Schreiber invite the public to an evening of speech performances on Thursday, Jan. 31, at 7 in the LCHS auditorium.

[News release]

New Holland-Middletown honor rolls

[JAN. 28, 2002]   

Second nine weeks

Fifth grade

High honors — Michelle Boyer, Zach Gasparini, Kayla Jenkins, Kelsey Jurgens, Katie Mason

Honors — Danielle Horn, Jessica Mehan, Josh Mehan, Diane Monday

Sixth grade

Honors — John Fink, Jacob Harnacke, Brandon Merriman, Andrew Uhlry

Seventh grade

High honors — Katie Conklen, Jennifer Dammerman, Kimber Davison, Justin Harnacke, Brandee Heidbreder, Jeremiah Kirby, Justin Mason, Lincoln Moore, Jill Patrick, Molly Tobias

Honors — Jenna Hutchison, Jonathon Kirby, Staci Otto, Michelle Tripplett

Eighth grade

High honors — Michael Bates, Jane Loveall, Laura Moehring, Serena Tripplett, Brook Wibben

Honors — Justin Jones



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First semester

Fifth grade

High honors — Michelle Boyer, Zach Gasparini, Kayla Jenkins, Kelsey Jurgens, Katie Mason, Josh Mehan, Diane Monday

Honors — Danielle Horn, Jessica Mehan

Sixth grade

Honors — John Fink, Jacob Harnacke, Brandon Merriman, Andrew Uhlry

Seventh grade

High honors — Katie Conklen, Jennifer Dammerman, Kimber Davison, Jason Dean, Justin Harnacke, Brandee Heidbreder, Jenna Hutchison, Jeremiah Kirby, Justin Mason, Lincoln Moore, Staci Otto, Jill Patrick, Molly Tobias

Honors — Nick Apke, Johnathon Kirby, Jay Tibbs

Eighth grade

High honors — Michael Bates, Laura Moehring, Serena Tripplett, Brook Wibben

Honors — Justin Jones, Janet Loveall, Dennis Robinson

LCHS speech team competes at Downers Grove South

[JAN. 24, 2002]  "The long trip to Downers Grove gives us an opportunity to see some competition that we will not see again until the state tournament," said Carrie Schreiber, a coach for the Lincoln Community High School speech team.

"It is obvious that the hard work and dedication that these students have put into this activity is really paying off. All of the team members did very well at this tournament, and we look forward to seeing continued success in the next few weeks," she said.

Ed Jodlowski is the other head coach for the LCHS speech team.

Lincoln varsity placers at Downers Grove

Beau Hanger and Kasey Pepperell — Humorous duet acting, fifth place


Doug Rohrer and Julie Wood — Dramatic duet acting

Erica Brickey — Prose reading

Tim Fak — Extemporaneous speaking

Everyone is encouraged to "come out and see what this team is all about" at the tournament at Lincoln High School on Jan. 26 or at the "Meet the Regional Speech Team" event at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31, at the LCHS auditorium.

[News release]

LCHS speech team takes second at Heyworth

[JAN. 15, 2002]  The Lincoln Community High School speech team placed second at the speech tournament in Heyworth on Saturday, Jan. 12. Carrie Schreiber and Ed Jodlowski coach the team.

"Our team leaders are getting themselves ready to gear up for the state series," said Jodlowski. "We are very pleased with this team’s progress and look for good things to come this weekend as we travel to the toughest tournament of the year, at Downers Grove South High School."

Individual varsity placement

Eric Agostino — First place, verse reading

Carly McLean — First place, oratorical declamation

Abrigail Sasse — First place, radio speaking

Eric Agostino — Second place, prose reading

Tim Fak — Second place, extemporaneous speaking

Brady Gerdts and Brandon Davis — Third place, dramatic duet acting

Beau Hanger — Third place, original comedy

Ty Sank — Third place, special occasion speaking

Callie Davison and Stanton Schumacher — Fourth place, dramatic duet acting 4th Place

Carly McLean — Fourth place, original oratory

Brian Welter — Fourth place, radio speaking

Abrigail Sasse — Fifth place, original oratory

Kathryn Muck — Sixth place, dramatic interpretation

Tim Fak — Sixth place, impromptu speaking

Amanda Perry — Eighth place, oratorical declamation


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Individual novice placement

Brady Gerdts and Brandon Davis — First place, humorous duet acting

Was Reynolds — First place, special occasion speaking

Tom Swanson — First place, verse reading

Kathryn Muck and Wes Reynolds — Second place, humorous duet acting

Tom Swanson — Second place, humorous interpretation

Matt Bean and Alex Gurga — Third place, humorous duet acting

Brian Walter — Third place, original oratory

Fay Allison — Third place, special occasion speaking

Ty Sank — Fourth place, original oratory

Jerrod Marten — Fourth place, impromptu speaking

Amanda Perry — Fourth place, prose reading

Alex Gurga — Fifth place, humorous interpretation

Lyndsey Robbins — Fifth place, oratorical declamation

Katie Gillen — Sixth place, verse reading

Eric Knutilla — Sixth place, humorous interpretation

Kasey Pepperell — Sixth place, impromptu speaking

Matt Bean — Sixth place, original comedy

Eric Knutilla — Seventh place, original comedy

[News release]


Health care career scholarship applications available

[JAN. 26, 2002]  Applications for the Dwight F. Zimmerman Scholarship, sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation, are currently available.

Applicants must be seniors graduating from Lincoln Community High School, Mount Pulaski High School, Olympia High School, Hartsburg-Emden High School, Delavan Community High School or Illini Central High School, or students currently attending Lincoln College.

All applicants who are chosen as finalists to interview with the scholarship selection committee will receive an award to be applied directly toward tuition, fees and books. The two top applicants will receive scholarships of $1,500. Other finalists will be awarded $500 scholarships.

  Applications are available in the guidance offices of the above-listed schools. Applications are to be submitted to the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation, 315 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656. The deadline to submit an application for the Zimmerman scholarship is April 5. For more information, call the foundation office at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 405.

People wishing to contribute to the scholarship fund may send their contributions to the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation, 315 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656.

[News release]

Autism and language specialist to talk on teen issues

[JAN. 17, 2002]  Eastern Illinois University Professor Gail Richard, a consultant and presenter in the areas of autism and language processing, will speak Feb. 5 at Springfield Lincoln Library on "Talking through Asperger’s disorder with your adolescent and other teen issues." Her presentation, from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m., will be at Carnegie Hall North, at the corner of Seventh and Capitol in Springfield. The event is sponsored by the Asperger Syndrome Support and Awareness of Central Illinois.

Those attending are asked to make reservations in advance by calling (217) 585-7276 or by e-mail to noble@family-net.net. Seating is limited. Donation is $7 at the door.

The speaker joined the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences at EIU in 1981. She received her doctorate from Southern Illinois University—Carbondale. She has taught Advanced Language Disorders (CDS 5250), Phonological Assessment and Remediation (CDS 3100), Introduction to Speech Pathology (CDS 2000), Autism, and Language Processing (CDS 5400). She also teaches a seminar in ethics.

In the past she has taught courses in voice and articulation and on stuttering. She previously worked as a speech language pathologist in school systems.


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She is currently on the Legislative Council for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and is an active member of the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

She and Mary Anne Hanner have published a popular evaluation instrument in their field, The Language Processing Test - Revised and a follow-up therapy program, The Language Processing Kit. Dr. Richard is also the author of "The Source for Processing Disorders," "The Source for Autism," "The Source for Treatment Methodologies in Autism," "The Source for Syndromes" (with D. Hoge) and "The Source for Syndromes 2."

[News release]


State Bank of Lincoln offers scholarship program

State Bank of Lincoln announces a scholarship competition that enables Illinois high school seniors to enter a statewide essay-writing contest. It is all part of a program sponsored by Illinois community banks and the CBAI Foundation for Community Banking to increase public awareness of locally owned banks and their contributions to the community.

State Bank of Lincoln is a member of the Community Bankers Association of Illinois, which formed the foundation in 1996. A scholarship in the amount of $1,000 a year for up to four years of higher education will be awarded to the author of the best essay submitted to the CBAI Foundation by participating Illinois high school seniors. Up to 12 additional $1,000 awards are available in each of the regions of the state. An additional $500 will be awarded to the high school of the overall winner.

The bank is working with Lincoln Community High School, Mount Pulaski High School, Hartsburg-Emden High School and Olympia High School to invite seniors to submit short essays on the theme: "What makes a community bank successful?"



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William M. Hull, executive vice president of the State Bank of Lincoln, stated, "Any high school senior student in the area served by the bank is encouraged to participate. Three past regional winners have been submitted to the CBAI by the bank. Winners were from Lincoln Community High School and Mount Pulaski High School."

Information on the contest is available at the bank through William Hull and at the area schools. Entries must be submitted to the bank by Feb. 12. The bank will then submit selected entries to the CBAI Foundation to be eligible for the statewide competition.

Based in Springfield, CBAI is a professional association that represents approximately 520 banks and thrifts throughout Illinois.

[News release]

Character's Cool Contest

[DEC. 28, 2001]  The MindOH! Foundation, in conjunction with Athletes for a Better World, Media Art Studio, Mothers Against Violence in America, Nickerson Design, Project Wisdom, and Students Against Violence Everywhere, are giving middle school kids nationwide a chance to win prizes for themselves and their schools. The first annual “Character's Cool Contest” is designed to encourage middle school students to think and talk openly about preventing school violence. The MindOH! Foundation’s goal is to empower children through education to practice ethical behavior. Students can win prizes in this contest for their school such as a new computer with a one-year license to MindOH!'s Middle School Series ($6,250 value) and Project Wisdom's character education series ($1,000 value). Kids can also win individual prizes such as a Nintendo Gamecube, a personal MP3 player, and gift certificates worth up to $500. The “Character’s Cool Contest” is detailed at the MindOH! website: http://www.minohfoundation.org/contest.

IMSA schedules statewide informational meetings

AURORA — The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy has scheduled informational meetings for students, parents and community members to learn more about IMSA’s academic, residential and admission programs. Admission counselors will have the meetings throughout Illinois.

Located in Aurora, IMSA is a learning enterprise which builds the capacity of students, teachers and policymakers to improve and transform mathematics and science teaching and learning. IMSA’s public residential educational program serves Illinois students (grades 10-12) talented in mathematics and science; its professional development center serves schools, educational systems, teachers and students in Illinois and beyond.

IMSA, which opened in 1986, has graduated more than 2,400 students, with college placement rates of more than 99 percent. Illinois students enrolled in the equivalent of a ninth-grade program are eligible to apply. Admission is highly competitive. Tuition and most room and board expenses are provided by state funds. The application deadline is March 1, 2002.

The academy offers advanced courses in mathematics, science, the arts and humanities with an emphasis on connections within and across the disciplines. Research is an important part of the academic program and enables students to work with faculty, scientists and scholars. The academy also offers many opportunities in fine and performing arts, 32 co-curricular activities and 18 interscholastic sports.

For more information about IMSA or the informational meetings, write or call the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Office of Admission, 1500 W. Sullivan Road, Aurora, IL 60506-1000, (630) 907-5027, or in Illinois, 1 (800) 500-IMSA. You may also visit tile IMSA admissions website: www.imsa.edu/team/admissions/


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Informational meeting schedule
for 2001-2002 admission

(City, location, address, date, time)

Carterville, John A. Logan College, 700 Logan College Road, 1-31-02, 7 p.m.

Champaign, University of Illinois, Carle Forum Bldg., Fritz Conference Room, 611 W. Park St., 12-13-01, 6 p.m. 

Chicago, DePaul University, 234 S. Wabash Ave., 1-15-02, 7 p.m.

Chicago, Beverly Branch Library, 2121 W. 95th St., 1-16-02, 7 p.m.

Chicago Heights, Prairie State College, 202 S. Halsted St., 2-13-02, 6:30 p.m.

Edwardsville, Edwardsville Middle School, 145 West St., 1-29-02, 7 p.m.

Effingham, Effingham Junior High, 600 S. Henrietta, 1-23-02, 7 p.m.

Grayslake College of Lake County, 19351 W. Washington St., 12-17-01, 6:30 p.m.

Normal, Chiddix Junior High School, 300 S. Walnut, 1-8-02, 7 p.m.

Oglesby, Illinois Valley Community College, 815 N. Orlando Smith Ave., 1-17-02, 7 p.m.

Palatine, Jane Addams Elementary School, 1020 Sayles Drive, 12-10-01, 7 p.m.

Peoria, Washington School, 3706 North Grand Blvd., 1-10-02, 6 p.m.

Rockford, U of I College of Medicine at Rockford, 1601 Parkview Ave., 1-24-02, 6:30 p.m.

Springfield, SIU School of Medicine, 801 N. Rutledge, 12-11-01, 6 p.m.

Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy hosting informal open houses for parents, potential students

AURORA — The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy will open its doors to prospective students and parents on the first Saturday of every month through May of 2002 to provide information about its programs.

During the sessions, called "Saturday Live at IMSA," admissions counselors will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to answer questions about the admissions process and provide information about IMSA’s academic and residential programs. Tours will also be available, as well as opportunities to speak with current IMSA students.

Space is limited and advance reservations are required for the Saturday visits. Please call the IMSA Office of Admission at (630) 907-5027 or 1 (800) 500-IMSA (4672) to schedule your visit.

Lunch tickets are available for $4 per person.

Located in Aurora, IMSA is a learning enterprise that builds the capacity of students, teachers and policymakers to improve and transform mathematics and science teaching and learning. IMSA’s public residential educational program serves Illinois students (grades 10-12) talented in mathematics and science; its professional development center serves schools, educational systems, teachers and students in Illinois and beyond.

Applications for the class of 2005, which will enroll next fall, are now being accepted. Talented Illinois students enrolled in the equivalent of a ninth-grade program are eligible for consideration. Tuition and most room and board expenses are provided by state funds. A written application must be completed and returned to IMSA, postmarked no later than March 1, 2002. Students should contact their high school guidance counselor or IMSA’s admission office at (630) 907-5027 or 1 (800) 500-IMSA to receive an application.

[IMSA news release]


Lincoln Elementary Schools

Breakfast menu

(Milk served with all meals)

Friday, Feb. 1 — Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Monday, Feb. 4 — Cereal, pop tart, juice

Tuesday, Feb. 5 — Cream of wheat, toast, fruit

Wednesday, Feb. 6 — Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Thursday, Feb. 7 — Trix yogurt, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, banana

Friday, Feb. 8 — Cereal, biscuit with jelly, juice




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Lunch menu

(Milk served with all meals)

Friday, Feb. 1 — Tomato soup with crackers, cheese croissants, celery sticks with peanut butter, jello with fruit

Monday, Feb. 4 — Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, peas and carrots

Tuesday, Feb. 5 — Mini corn dogs, green beans, carrot sticks, strawberry applesauce

Wednesday, Feb. 6 — Chicken and biscuit, lettuce salad, pudding, fruit cocktail

Thursday, Feb. 7 — Sloppy Joes, french fries, cole slaw, pears

Friday, Feb. 8 — Pancakes with syrup, hash brown, sausage patty, peaches

Mount Pulaski Grade School

Milk and condiments served with all meals.

Students in grades three through eight may choose hot dog and bun or peanut butter and jelly sandwich in place of main entrée.

Students in grades six through eight may choose salad bar in place of main entrée


Friday, Feb. 1 — Hot ham and cheese on bun, corn, potato chips, pineapple, cottage cheese

Monday, Feb. 4 — Chicken noodle soup, cheese, crackers, carrots, apple, bread, oleo

Tuesday, Feb. 5 — Spanish rice, lettuce, pears, green beans, bread, oleo

Wednesday, Feb. 6 — Breaded chicken patty, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, peaches, bread, oleo

Thursday, Feb. 7 — Cheese pizza, lettuce, carrots, cherry crisp, ice cream

Friday, Feb. 8 — Barbecued chicken on bun, tri tators, mixed vegetables, banana, raisin bar

Monday, Feb. 11 — Hot dog, bun, corn, pears, carrots, graham crackers

Tuesday, Feb. 12 — Hamburger, bun, cheese, pickle, mixed vegetables, apple, potato chips

Wednesday, Feb. 13 — Ravioli, lettuce, peas, fruit, peanut butter sandwich

Thursday, Feb. 14 — Chicken fingers, mixed vegetables, peaches, rice crispy treat, bread, oleo

Friday, Feb. 15 — Rib, bun, corn, banana, jello, animal crackers

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Monday, Feb. 18 — No school; Presidents Day

Tuesday, Feb. 19 — Cheese pizza, lettuce, carrots, pears, cake

Wednesday, Feb. 20 — Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, fruit, bread, oleo

Thursday, Feb. 21 — Spaghetti, meat sauce, lettuce, green beans, orange, bread, oleo

Friday, Feb. 22 — Breaded chicken patty, bun, pickle, lettuce, corn, apple

Monday, Feb. 25 — Cheese pizza, lettuce, corn, pineapple, cake

Tuesday, Feb. 26 — Chicken legs, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, pears, bread, oleo

Wednesday, Feb. 27 — Hot dog, bun, carrots, peas, potato chips, fruit

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Taco salad, green beans, banana, pudding pops, bread, oleo

Friday, March 1 — Breaded chicken patty, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy, orange, bread, oleo


New Holland-Middletown Elementary District 88

(Bread, butter, peanut butter, and 2 percent white or chocolate milk served daily)

Friday, Feb. 1 — Cheese pizza, corn, mandarin oranges, brownie cookie

Monday, Feb. 4 — Nachos, corn, lettuce salad, "go-gurt"

Tuesday, Feb. 5 — Hamburger-CB, bun, french fries, pineapple, carrot sticks, no-bake cookie

Wednesday, Feb. 6 — Sloppy Joe, bun, fries, apple slices, sugar cookie

Thursday, Feb. 7 — Hot dog, bun, corn, applesauce, chocolate chip cookie

Friday, Feb. 8 — Pepperoni pizza, lettuce salad, peaches, oatmeal cookie

Monday, Feb. 11 — Chicken noodle soup, carrot sticks, dip, fruit cocktail, O’Henry bars

Tuesday, Feb. 12 — No school

Wednesday, Feb. 13 — Corn dog, peas, strawberries, snickerdoodle cookie

Thursday, Feb. 14 — Spaghetti, lettuce salad, apple slices, pudding

Friday, Feb. 15 — No school


[to top of second column in this section]

Monday, Feb. 18 — Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, pears, oatmeal chocolate chip cookie

Tuesday, Feb. 19 — Hamburger-CB, bun, corn, pineapple, pumpkin bars

Wednesday, Feb. 20 — Chicken patty, mashed potatoes and gravy, mandarin oranges, Texas cake

Thursday, Feb. 21 — Chili, carrot sticks, dip, applesauce, peanut butter fingers

Friday, Feb. 22 — Cheese pizza, corn, pineapple, chocolate pudding

Monday, Feb. 25 — Ham and potato casserole, peas, fruit cocktail, sugar cookie

Tuesday, Feb. 26 — Ravioli, green beans, strawberries, Texas cake

Wednesday, Feb. 27 — Dismissal before lunch

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Soft shell taco, corn, pears, brownies



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